From 6c0a6f73ae920e688268bbfcd7e047e8d665cff7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ghofrane Amaimi <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 17:19:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] use of SafeDequeue

 src/CMakeLists.txt       |  53 ++++++-------
 src/algorithm/CNDFS.cpp  | 158 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 src/algorithm/CNDFS.h    |  19 +++--
 src/main.cpp             |   2 +-
 src/misc/SafeDequeue.cpp |  34 +++++++++
 src/misc/SafeDequeue.h   |   7 ++
 6 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 3a31882..2bdab4d 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -73,32 +73,33 @@ add_executable(pmc-sog main.cpp
-        misc/stacksafe.cpp
-        misc/stacksafe.h
-        misc/SafeDequeue.cpp
-        misc/SafeDequeue.h
-        Hybrid/HybridKripke.cpp
-        Hybrid/HybridKripke.h
-        Hybrid/HybridKripkeIterator.cpp
-        Hybrid/HybridKripkeIterator.h
-        Hybrid/HybridKripkeState.cpp
-        Hybrid/HybridKripkeState.h
-        SylvanWrapper.cpp
-        SylvanWrapper.h
-        SylvanCacheWrapper.cpp SylvanCacheWrapper.h
-        MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerCPPThread.cpp MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerCPPThread.h
-        MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerTh.cpp MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerTh.h
-        MCMultiCore/MCThReqPor.cpp MCMultiCore/MCThReqPor.h
-        MCMultiCore/MCCPPThPor.cpp MCMultiCore/MCCPPThPor.h
-        threadSOG.cpp threadSOG.h
-        HybridSOG.cpp HybridSOG.h
-        Hybrid/MCHybrid/MCHybridSOG.cpp Hybrid/MCHybrid/MCHybridSOG.h
-        MCMultiCore/ModelCheckThReq.cpp MCMultiCore/ModelCheckThReq.h
-        Hybrid/MCHybridReq/MCHybridSOGReq.cpp
-        Hybrid/MCHybridReq/MCHybridSOGReq.h
-        Hybrid/MCHybridReqPOR/MCHybridSOGReqPOR.cpp
-        Hybrid/MCHybridReqPOR/MCHybridSOGReqPOR.h
-        misc/md5_hash.h Hybrid/MCHybridPOR/MCHybridSOGPOR.cpp Hybrid/MCHybridPOR/MCHybridSOGPOR.h)
+    Hybrid/HybridKripke.cpp
+    Hybrid/HybridKripke.h
+    Hybrid/HybridKripkeIterator.cpp
+    Hybrid/HybridKripkeIterator.h
+    Hybrid/HybridKripkeState.cpp
+    Hybrid/HybridKripkeState.h
+    misc/SafeDequeue.cpp
+    misc/SafeDequeue.h
+    misc/stacksafe.cpp
+    misc/stacksafe.h
+    SylvanWrapper.cpp
+    SylvanWrapper.h
+    SylvanCacheWrapper.cpp SylvanCacheWrapper.h
+    MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerCPPThread.cpp MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerCPPThread.h
+    MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerTh.cpp MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerTh.h
+    MCMultiCore/MCThReqPor.cpp MCMultiCore/MCThReqPor.h
+    MCMultiCore/MCCPPThPor.cpp MCMultiCore/MCCPPThPor.h
+    threadSOG.cpp threadSOG.h
+    HybridSOG.cpp HybridSOG.h
+    Hybrid/MCHybrid/MCHybridSOG.cpp Hybrid/MCHybrid/MCHybridSOG.h
+    MCMultiCore/ModelCheckThReq.cpp MCMultiCore/ModelCheckThReq.h
+    Hybrid/MCHybridReq/MCHybridSOGReq.cpp
+    Hybrid/MCHybridReq/MCHybridSOGReq.h
+    Hybrid/MCHybridReqPOR/MCHybridSOGReqPOR.cpp
+    Hybrid/MCHybridReqPOR/MCHybridSOGReqPOR.h
+    misc/md5_hash.h Hybrid/MCHybridPOR/MCHybridSOGPOR.cpp Hybrid/MCHybridPOR/MCHybridSOGPOR.h)
 target_include_directories(pmc-sog PUBLIC  "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src")
diff --git a/src/algorithm/CNDFS.cpp b/src/algorithm/CNDFS.cpp
index e610b32..69c1844 100644
--- a/src/algorithm/CNDFS.cpp
+++ b/src/algorithm/CNDFS.cpp
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
 #include <deque>
 #include <atomic>
 #include <condition_variable>
-using namespace std;
+#include "misc/SafeDequeue.h"
+#include "misc/stacksafe.h"
-thread_local bool _cyan{false};
-thread_local deque<CNDFS::_state*> mydeque;
-thread_local list<bool> mytempList ;
-vector<pair<LDDState*,const spot::twa_graph_state*>> sharedPool;
+using namespace std;
+deque <int> mm;
+//vector<pair<LDDState*,const spot::twa_graph_state*>> sharedPool;
 //vector<CNDFS::_state*> sharedPool;
 CNDFS::CNDFS(ModelCheckBaseMT *mcl, const spot::twa_graph_ptr &af, const uint16_t &nbTh) : mMcl(mcl), mAa(af), mNbTh(nbTh)
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ CNDFS::_state* CNDFS::getInitialState(){
 //this function is to build a state with list of successor initially null
 CNDFS::_state* CNDFS::buildState(LDDState* left, spot::state* right, vector<pair<_state *, int>> succ, bool acc, bool constructed, bool cyan){
+    bool _cyan{false};
     _state * buildStatePtr  = static_cast<_state *>(malloc(sizeof(_state)));
     _cyan = cyan;
     buildStatePtr->left = left;
@@ -81,40 +82,39 @@ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & Str, CNDFS::_state* state) {
      int i = 0;
      for (auto ii : state->new_successors)
-         cout << "succ num " << i << ii.first << endl;
+         cout << "succ num " << i << ii.first << " with transition " << ii.second<<  endl;
     return Str;
 //all visited accepting nodes (non seed, non red) should be red
-atomic_bool CNDFS::awaitCondition(_state* state)
+atomic_bool CNDFS::awaitCondition(_state* state,deque<CNDFS::_state*> localDeque)
-    for (auto qu: mydeque)
+    vector<bool> localList ;
+    for (auto qu: localDeque)
         if ((qu->isAcceptance) && (qu!=state))
-            mytempList.push_back(qu->red); // add all the red values
+            localList.push_back(qu->red); // add all the red values
 //            return(qu->red == true);
     //test if all elements are true
-    if (all_of(mytempList.begin(),mytempList.end(),[] (bool cond) {return cond ==true; }))
+    if (all_of(localList.begin(),localList.end(),[] (bool cond) {return cond ==true; }))
         return true;
     return  false;
 //block all threads while awaitCondition is false
-void  CNDFS::WaitForTestCompleted(_state* state) {
-    while ( awaitCondition(state) == false) ;
+//void  CNDFS::WaitForTestCompleted(_state* state) {
+//    while ( awaitCondition(state) == false) ;
-void CNDFS::dfsRed(_state* state)
+void CNDFS::dfsRed(_state* state,deque<CNDFS::_state*> localDeque)
     cout << "dfsRed" << endl;
-    mydeque.push_back(state);
+    localDeque.push_back(state);
     for (auto p:state->new_successors) {
       if (p.first->cyan)
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ void CNDFS::dfsRed(_state* state)
       // unvisited and not red state
-      if ((find(mydeque.begin(), mydeque.end(), state) != mydeque.end()) && ! p.first->red )
-          dfsRed(p.first);
+      if ((find(localDeque.begin(), localDeque.end(), state) != localDeque.end()) && ! p.first->red )
+          dfsRed(p.first, localDeque);
@@ -135,93 +135,99 @@ void CNDFS::computeSuccessors(_state *state)
     const spot::twa_graph_state* ba_current_state = state->right;
     while (!sog_current_state);
     while (!sog_current_state->isCompletedSucc());
+    auto p = mAa->get_dict(); //avoir le dictionnaire bdd,proposition atomique
     //fetch the state's atomic proposition
     for (auto vv: sog_current_state->getMarkedPlaces(mMcl->getPlaceProposition()))
         string name = string(mMcl->getPlace(vv));
         auto f = spot::formula::ap(name);
-        transitionNames.push_back(f);
+        transitionNames.push(f);
+        cv.notify_one();
-//    for (auto tn: transitionNames)
-//    {
-//        cout << " \n AP in state " << tn << endl;
-//    }
     //iterate over the successors of an aggregate
     for (int i = 0; i < sog_current_state->Successors.size(); i++)
-//        cout <<"------"<< " SOG's successor " << i << " ------" << endl;
         int transition = sog_current_state->; // je récupère le numéro du transition
         auto name = string(mMcl->getTransition(transition)); // récuprer le nom de la transition
         auto f = spot::formula::ap(name);// récuperer la proposition atomique qui correspond à la transition
-        transitionNames.push_back(f); // push state'S AP to edge'S AP
-        auto p = mAa->get_dict(); //avoir le dictionnaire bdd,proposition atomique
-        //cout << p->bdd_map.size() << endl;
-//        for (auto v: p->var_map)
-//        {
-//            cout << v.first << "-----" << v.second << endl;
+        transitionNames.push(f); // push state'S AP to edge'S AP
+        cv.notify_one();
+//        cout << " AP in state ";
+//        for (auto tn: transitionNames) {
+//            cout << tn << " ";
 //        }
-        for (auto it = transitionNames.begin(); it != transitionNames.end(); ++it)
+        //make a copy that we can iterate
+        SafeDequeue<spot::formula> tempTransitionNames = transitionNames;
+        while (!tempTransitionNames.empty())
-            if (p->var_map.find(*it) != p->var_map.end())
-            { //fetch the transition of BA that have the same AP as the SOG transition
-                const bdd  result=bdd_ithvar((p->var_map.find(*it))->second);
-//                cout << "dbb result " << result << endl;
-                //iterate over the successors of a BA state
-                spot::twa_succ_iterator* ii = mAa->succ_iter(ba_current_state);
-                if (ii->first())
-                    do
-                    {
-                        bdd matched = ii->cond()&result;
-                        if (matched!=bddfalse)
-                        {
-//                            cout << "matched bdd " << matched << endl;
-                            //new terminal state without successors
-//                            state_is_accepting() should only be called on automata with state-based acceptance
-                            _state* nd = buildState(sog_current_state->,
-                                                    const_cast<spot::state *>(ii->dst()), static_cast<vector<pair<_state *, int>>>(NULL), mAa->state_is_accepting(ii->dst()), true, false);
-                                for (auto pool:sharedPool)
+            //iterate over the successors of a BA state
+            spot::twa_succ_iterator *ii = mAa->succ_iter(ba_current_state);
+            if (ii->first())
+                do {
+                    if (p->var_map.find(tempTransitionNames.front()) !=p->var_map.end())
+                        { //fetch the transition of BA that have the same AP as the SOG transition
+                            const bdd result = bdd_ithvar((p->var_map.find(tempTransitionNames.front()))->second);
+                            if ((ii->cond() & result) != bddfalse)
+                            {
+                                //                            cout << "matched bdd " << matched << endl;
+                                //new terminal state without successors
+                                //                            state_is_accepting() should only be called on automata with state-based acceptance
+                                _state *nd = buildState(sog_current_state->,
+                                                        const_cast<spot::state *>(ii->dst()),
+                                                        static_cast<vector<pair<_state *, int>>>(NULL),
+                                                        mAa->state_is_accepting(ii->dst()), true, false);
+                                //make a copy that we can iterate
+                                SafeDequeue<myCouple> tempSharedPool = sharedPool;
+                                while (!tempSharedPool.empty())
-                                  if ((pool.first == sog_current_state-> && (pool.second ==  const_cast<spot::state *>(ii->dst())) )
-                                  {
-                                      nd->cyan=true;
-                                      state->new_successors.push_back(make_pair(nd,transition));
-//                                      state->new_successors.push_back(make_pair(pool,transition));
-                                  } else
-                                  {
-                                      state->new_successors.push_back(make_pair(nd,transition));
-                                  }
+//                                    mMutex.lock();
+                                    if ((tempSharedPool.front().first == sog_current_state-> &&
+                                      (tempSharedPool.front().second == const_cast<spot::state *>(ii->dst())))
+                                    {
+                                        nd->cyan = true;
+                                        state->new_successors.push_back(make_pair(nd, transition));
+                                        //                                      state->new_successors.push_back(make_pair(pool,transition));
+                                    } else
+                                    {
+                                        state->new_successors.push_back(make_pair(nd, transition));
+                                    }
+//                                    mMutex.unlock();
+                                    tempSharedPool.try_pop(tempSharedPool.front());
+                            }
-                    while (ii->next());
-                mAa->release_iter(ii);
-//                cout << *it << " is a common transaction!" << endl;
-            }
-//            else cout << *it << " isn't a common transaction" << endl;
+                while (ii->next());
+            mAa->release_iter(ii);
+            tempTransitionNames.try_pop(tempTransitionNames.front());
-        transitionNames.pop_back();
+    transitionNames.try_pop(transitionNames.front());
 int i = 1;
 //Perform the dfsBlue
 void CNDFS::dfsBlue(_state *state) {
+//    myStack.push(2);
+    thread_local deque<CNDFS::_state*> localDeque;
     uint16_t idThread = mIdThread++;
-    cout<< "appel recursif " << i  << endl ;
+    cout<< "appel recursif " << i  << endl;
     state->cyan = true;
-//    sharedPool.push_back(state);
-    sharedPool.push_back(make_pair(state->left,state->right));
+    sharedPool.push(myCouple (state->left,state->right));
+    cv.notify_one();
-    cout << "current state " << state << endl;
-    cout << "nbr of successors of the current state "<<  state->new_successors.size() << " with thread "<< idThread<< endl;
+    cout << " \n current state " << state << endl;
+//    cout << "nbr of successors of the current state "<<  state->new_successors.size() << " with thread "<< idThread<< endl;
     for (auto p:state->new_successors)
 //        cout << "state " << p.first << endl;
         while ((!p.first->cyan) && (!p.first->blue))
+              transitionNames.try_pop(transitionNames.front());
@@ -235,16 +241,16 @@ void CNDFS::dfsBlue(_state *state) {
         } else
-            dfsRed(state); //looking for an accepting cycle
+            dfsRed(state, localDeque); //looking for an accepting cycle
     //        the thread processed the current state waits for all visited accepting nodes (non seed, non red) to turn red
     //        the late red coloring forces the other acceptance states to be processed in post-order by the other threads
-            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(*mMutex);
+            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mMutex);
     //        WaitForTestCompleted(state);
-            while (!awaitCondition(state)) cv.wait(lk);
+            while (!awaitCondition(state, localDeque)) cv.wait(lk);
     //        notify once we have unlocked - this is important to avoid a pessimization.
-            awaitCondition(state)=true;
+            awaitCondition(state,localDeque)=true;
-            for (auto qu: mydeque) // prune other dfsRed
+            for (auto qu: localDeque) // prune other dfsRed
                 qu->red = true;
diff --git a/src/algorithm/CNDFS.h b/src/algorithm/CNDFS.h
index f9bbbaa..6030e4c 100644
--- a/src/algorithm/CNDFS.h
+++ b/src/algorithm/CNDFS.h
@@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
 #include "../ModelCheckBaseMT.h"
 #include <spot/tl/apcollect.hh>
 #include <cstdint>
-#include <thread>
+#include <spot/twa/twagraph.hh>
 #include <atomic>
+#include <thread>
+#include <mutex>
 #include <condition_variable>
-#include <spot/twa/twagraph.hh>
+#include "misc/SafeDequeue.h"
 class CNDFS {
@@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ private:
     atomic<uint8_t> mIdThread;
     static void threadHandler(void *context);
     std::thread* mlThread[MAX_THREADS];
-    mutex *mMutex;
+    mutex mMutex;
     condition_variable cv;
     void spawnThreads();
@@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ public:
         LDDState *left;
         const spot::twa_graph_state* right;
         vector<pair<_state*, int>> new_successors ;
+//        SafeDequeue<coupleSucc> new_successors ;
         atomic_bool isAcceptance {false};
         atomic_bool isConstructed {false};
         bool cyan {false};
@@ -37,17 +41,16 @@ public:
         atomic_bool red {false};
     } _state;
-    list<spot::formula> transitionNames;
+    SafeDequeue<myCouple> sharedPool;
+    SafeDequeue<spot::formula> transitionNames;
     CNDFS(ModelCheckBaseMT *mcl,const spot::twa_graph_ptr &af,const uint16_t& nbTh);
     virtual ~CNDFS();
     void computeSuccessors(_state *state);
     void dfsBlue(_state *state);
     _state* getInitialState();
-    void dfsRed(_state* state);
+    void dfsRed(_state* state, deque<CNDFS::_state*> mydeque);
     void WaitForTestCompleted(_state* state);
-    atomic_bool awaitCondition(_state* state);
+    atomic_bool awaitCondition(_state* state,deque<CNDFS::_state*> mydeque);
     _state* buildState(LDDState* left, spot::state* right, vector<pair<_state *, int>> succ, bool acc, bool constructed,bool cyan);
     static spot::bdd_dict_ptr* m_dict_ptr;
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index f2447b0..685f2a6 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
             if (algorithm == "UFSCC" || algorithm == "CNDFS")
-                CNDFS cndfs(mcl,af,1); // If I increase the number of threads, a segmentation fault appears.
+                CNDFS cndfs(mcl,af,2); // If I increase the number of threads, a segmentation fault appears.
             else // run on the fly sequential model-checking
diff --git a/src/misc/SafeDequeue.cpp b/src/misc/SafeDequeue.cpp
index fdcb465..559f76b 100644
--- a/src/misc/SafeDequeue.cpp
+++ b/src/misc/SafeDequeue.cpp
@@ -69,8 +69,42 @@ bool SafeDequeue<T>::empty() const
     return data_queue.empty();
+template <typename T>
+T& SafeDequeue<T>::front()
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
+    while (data_queue.empty())
+    {
+        data_cond.wait(lk);
+    }
+    return data_queue.front();
+template <typename T>
+T& SafeDequeue<T>::back()
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
+    while (data_queue.empty())
+    {
+        data_cond.wait(lk);
+    }
+    return data_queue.back();
+template <typename T>
+int SafeDequeue<T>::size()
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mut);
+    int size = data_queue.size();
+    lk.unlock();
+    return size;
 template class SafeDequeue<Pair>;
 typedef pair<string *, unsigned int> MSG;
 template class SafeDequeue<MSG>;
 template class SafeDequeue<couple_th>;
+template class SafeDequeue<myCouple>;
+template class SafeDequeue<coupleSucc>;
+template class SafeDequeue<spot::formula>;
diff --git a/src/misc/SafeDequeue.h b/src/misc/SafeDequeue.h
index d2ffdd4..10d3e5f 100644
--- a/src/misc/SafeDequeue.h
+++ b/src/misc/SafeDequeue.h
@@ -24,10 +24,14 @@
 #include <mutex>
 #include <functional>
 #include <condition_variable>
+#include <spot/twa/twagraph.hh>
+#include "algorithm/CNDFS.h";
 typedef pair<LDDState *, MDD> couple;
+typedef pair<LDDState*,const spot::twa_graph_state*> myCouple;
 typedef pair<couple, Set> Pair;
 typedef pair<LDDState *, int> couple_th;
+typedef pair<_state*, int> coupleSucc;
 struct empty_queue: std::exception {
     ~empty_queue() {};
     const char* what() const noexcept {return "";}
@@ -64,6 +68,9 @@ class SafeDequeue {
         void push ( T new_value );
         bool try_pop ( T& value );
         bool empty() const;
+        T& front();
+        T& back();
+        int size();
 #endif // SAFEDEQUEUE_H