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  • hamelin/jscoq-light
  • rousselin/jscoq-light
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Section AB.
Lemma a: True. Proof. idtac. fail. auto. Qed.
Lemma b: True. Proof. pose proof a as H. auto. Qed.
End AB.
Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Ltac break_match_hyp :=
match goal with
| [ H : context [ match ?X with _ => _ end ] |- _] =>
match type of X with
| sumbool _ _ => destruct X
| _ => destruct X eqn:?
Ltac break_match_goal :=
match goal with
| [ |- context [ match ?X with _ => _ end ] ] =>
match type of X with
| sumbool _ _ => destruct X
| _ => destruct X eqn:?
Ltac break_match := break_match_goal || break_match_hyp.
Section assoc.
Variable K V : Type.
Variable K_eq_dec : forall k k' : K, {k = k'} + {k <> k'}.
Fixpoint assoc (l : list (K * V)) (k : K) : option V :=
match l with
| [] => None
| (k', v) :: l' =>
if K_eq_dec k k' then
Some v
assoc l' k
Definition assoc_default (l : list (K * V)) (k : K) (default : V) : V :=
match (assoc l k) with
| Some x => x
| None => default
Fixpoint assoc_set (l : list (K * V)) (k : K) (v : V) : list (K * V) :=
match l with
| [] => [(k, v)]
| (k', v') :: l' =>
if K_eq_dec k k' then
(k, v) :: l'
(k', v') :: (assoc_set l' k v)
Fixpoint assoc_del (l : list (K * V)) (k : K) : list (K * V) :=
match l with
| [] => []
| (k', v') :: l' =>
if K_eq_dec k k' then
assoc_del l' k
(assoc_del l' k)
Lemma get_set_diff :
forall k k' v l,
k <> k' ->
assoc (assoc_set l k v) k' = assoc l k'.
Proof using.
induction l; intros; simpl; repeat (break_match; simpl); subst; try congruence; auto.
Lemma get_del_same :
forall k l,
assoc (assoc_del l k) k = None.
Proof using.
induction l; intros; simpl in *.
- auto.
- repeat break_match; subst; simpl in *; auto.
break_if; try congruence.
Lemma get_set_diff_default :
forall (k k' : K) (v : V) l d,
k <> k' ->
assoc_default (assoc_set l k v) k' d = assoc_default l k' d.
Proof using.
unfold assoc_default.
repeat break_match; auto;
rewrite get_set_diff in * by auto; congruence.
End assoc.
(alias runtest)
(deps (:input ab.v))
(action (ignore-outputs
(bash "%{bin:sercomp} --quick %{input}"))))
(alias runtest)
(deps (:input assoc.v))
(action (ignore-outputs
(bash "%{bin:sercomp} --quick %{input}"))))
(alias runtest)
(deps (:input ordered.v))
(action (ignore-outputs
(bash "%{bin:sercomp} --quick %{input}"))))
(alias runtest)
(deps (:input reserved.v))
(action (ignore-outputs
(bash "%{bin:sercomp} --quick %{input}"))))
Require Import List.
Require Import NArith.
Module Type OrderedTypeAlt.
Parameter t : Type.
Parameter compare : t -> t -> comparison.
Infix "?=" := compare (at level 70, no associativity).
Parameter compare_sym : forall x y, (y?=x) = CompOpp (x?=y).
Parameter compare_trans : forall c x y z, (x?=y) = c -> (y?=z) = c -> (x?=z) = c.
Parameter reflect : forall x y, x ?= y = Eq -> x = y.
End OrderedTypeAlt.
Module Nat_as_OTA <: OrderedTypeAlt.
Definition t := nat.
Fixpoint compare x y :=
match x,y with
| O,O => Eq
| O,_ => Lt
| _,O => Gt
| S x, S y => compare x y
Lemma compare_sym: forall x y, compare y x = CompOpp (compare x y).
Proof using. induction x; intros y; destruct y; simpl; auto. Qed.
Lemma compare_trans: forall c x y z, compare x y = c -> compare y z = c -> compare x z = c.
Proof using.
intros c x. revert c.
induction x; intros c y z; destruct y; simpl; intro H; auto; subst; try discriminate H;
destruct z; simpl; intro H'; eauto; try discriminate H'.
Lemma reflect: forall x y, compare x y = Eq -> x = y.
Proof using. induction x; intros y; destruct y; simpl; intro H; auto; discriminate. Qed.
End Nat_as_OTA.
Require Import List String Ascii.
Import ListNotations.
Local Open Scope char.
Module chars.
Notation lparen := "("%char.
Notation rparen := ")"%char.
Notation space := " "%char.
Notation newline := "010"%char.
Definition reserved (a : ascii) : Prop :=
In a [lparen; rparen; newline; space].
Definition reserved_dec (a : ascii) : {reserved a} + {~ reserved a}.
unfold reserved.
apply in_dec.
apply ascii_dec.
Lemma lparen_reserved : reserved lparen.
Proof using. red. intuition. Qed.
End chars.
(with-stdout-to nat_add.log
(run sername --de-bruijn --str-pp %{dep:nat_add.sername}))))
(alias runtest)
(action (diff nat_add.out nat_add.log)))
Nat.add: "nat -> nat -> nat" (Prod((binder_name(Name(Id n)))(binder_relevance Relevant))(Ind(((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0)(Instance())))(Prod((binder_name(Name(Id m)))(binder_relevance Relevant))(Ind(((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0)(Instance())))(Ind(((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0)(Instance()))))) ((v(GProd Anonymous Explicit((v(GRef(IndRef((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0))()))(loc()))((v(GProd Anonymous Explicit((v(GRef(IndRef((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0))()))(loc()))((v(GRef(IndRef((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0))()))(loc()))))(loc()))))(loc()))
Nat.mul: "nat -> nat -> nat" (Prod((binder_name(Name(Id n)))(binder_relevance Relevant))(Ind(((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0)(Instance())))(Prod((binder_name(Name(Id m)))(binder_relevance Relevant))(Ind(((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0)(Instance())))(Ind(((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0)(Instance()))))) ((v(GProd Anonymous Explicit((v(GRef(IndRef((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0))()))(loc()))((v(GProd Anonymous Explicit((v(GRef(IndRef((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0))()))(loc()))((v(GRef(IndRef((MutInd(KerName(MPfile(DirPath((Id Datatypes)(Id Init)(Id Coq))))(Id nat))())0))()))(loc()))))(loc()))))(loc()))
; Segfault in envs; thanks to Clément Pit-Claudel
(with-stdout-to full_env.log
(with-stdin-from (run sertop)))))
(targets full_env.out)
(mode promote)
(action (run gunzip %{dep:full_env.out.gz})))
; Disabled as it is not reliable on different machines, moreover the
; test size is huge, we should find a better way to test
(alias runtest-fragile)
(action (diff full_env.out full_env.log)))
("query0"("Add"()"Require Coq.Vectors.Vector.\nRequire Import Coq.Strings.String Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.\nImport EqNotations Vector.VectorNotations."))
("query7"("Add"()"Lemma map_snoc_1234 :\n (fun x => 2 * x) (cons 1 [2; 3; 4]) = [2; 4; 6; 8].\nProof.\n cbv -[ Nat.mul].\n Fail destruct (Nat.add_1_r 3). (* .messages *)\nAbort."))
......@@ -128,16 +128,6 @@ export default (env, argv) => [
rules: [ts, css, imgs, vuesfc],
unknownContextCritical: false /* for `randombytes` */
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
cacheGroups: {
roninVendor: {
/* assume all async-import'ed modules are Ronin; there are too many to list */
name: 'ronin-p2p'
plugins: shims.plugins
//[new webpack.ProvidePlugin({process: 'process/browser.js',
// Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer']})]