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  • hamelin/jscoq-light
  • rousselin/jscoq-light
2 results
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Showing with 804 additions and 41 deletions
; This determines the -R flag
(name Teach)
(package teach)
(synopsis "Teach math using coq")
(modules :standard \ IdDec NoCycle))
(include_subdirs no)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ type Block_type =
| ['Pp_hvbox', number]
| ['Pp_hovbox', number];
export type Pp =
export type Pp =
| ['Pp_string', string]
| ['Pp_glue', Pp[]]
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export class CoqWorkerConfig {
* from which this script is loaded.
static determineWorkerPath(basePath: string | URL, backend: backend): URL {
return new URL({'js': "backend/jsoo/jscoq_worker.bc.cjs",
return new URL({'js': "backend/jsoo/jscoq_worker.bc.js",
'wa': "dist/wacoq_worker.js"
}[backend], basePath);
......@@ -14,11 +14,6 @@
; The old makefile set: -noautolink -no-check-prims
(libraries num zarith_stubs_js jscoq_core js_of_ocaml-lwt))
(target jscoq_worker.bc.cjs)
(mode promote)
(action (copy jscoq_worker.bc.js jscoq_worker.bc.cjs)))
(targets marshal-arch.js)
......@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@ function coq_set_drawinstr() { vm_ll('coq_set_drawinstr', arguments); }
// Provides: coq_tcode_array
// Requires: vm_ll
function coq_tcode_array() { vm_ll('coq_tcode_array', arguments); }
// Provides: coq_obj_set_tag
// Requires: vm_ll
function coq_obj_set_tag() { vm_ll('coq_obj_set_tag', arguments); }
// Provides: coq_fadd_byte
function coq_fadd_byte(r1, r2) {
......@@ -72,3 +72,4 @@ CAMLprim value coq_set_bytecode_field(value v, value i, value code) STUB
CAMLprim value coq_offset_tcode(value code, value offset) STUB
CAMLprim value coq_int_tcode(value pc, value offset) STUB
CAMLprim value coq_tcode_array(value tcodes) STUB
CAMLprim value coq_obj_set_tag (value arg, value new_tag) STUB
This diff is collapsed.
(** **** Example coq source file using coqdoc *)
(** [[coqdoc]] is a tool to convert Coq source files into html or LaTeX documents.
We include in this repository an alternative implementation of coqdoc, [[]].
It does not generate LaTeX files, but it is able to generate interactive html documents using JsCoq.
This script requires no dependencies other than Python 3, and supports most coqdoc features:
- Titles (using leadings [[ * ]])
- Lists (using leadings [[ - ]])
-- Including nested lists
- _Emphasis_
- #<marquee>Custom html tags</marquee>#
- Hiding code (see below for a more concrete example)
- Hiding code, allowing the user to reveal it (see (* begin details *) below)
- Inline coq code, for example: [forall Q : Prop, Q -> Q]
- Inline preformatted code, using (* [[ *) and (* ]] *)
- Verbatim using leadings [[<<]] and [[>>]]
- Horizontal rules to separates content
This is a horizontal rule
(** The only features [[]] does not support is pretty-printing certain tokens;
It is normally registered using the special coqdoc comment:
(** printing *token* %...LATEX...% #...html...# *)
But it will be ignored by [[]]
(* begin read-only *)
Definition x := 3.
Goal forall (x:nat), x = x.
intro x. reflexivity.
(* end read-only *)
(* begin hide *)
(* This code is not shown in the document, but it is still ran *)
Definition universe_solution := 42.
(* end hide *)
(** [universe_solution] is defined in a hidden code block. *)
Check universe_solution.
(** We can also hide code, but still let the user reveal it if needed.
Notice that when the widget is in hidden state, all the code is ran at once, however if we open it,
we can go step by step
(* begin details *)
Goal forall (x y z : nat), x = y -> y = z -> x = z.
intros x y z h1 h2.
rewrite h1.
rewrite h2.
(* end details *)
We can also add a summary describing the snippet
(* begin details : Proof that 42 is the solution to the universe *)
Goal 42 = universe_solution.
(* end details *)
......@@ -6,10 +6,19 @@ on a Unix-like system. The required packages can be obtained using
## Prerequisites
* OPAM 2 (you can get the installer from
We recommend looking at our [Dockerfile](../etc/Docker/Dockerfile)
which contains detailed package lists for Debian (and please feel free
to contribute a OSX CI job).
To build jsCoq you will need a modern Unix system (Linux or macOS), and:
* OPAM 2.1 (you can get the installer from
- `bubblewrap` is a dependency of OPAM, you can either install it (`apt install bubblewrap`),
or skip it by running `opam init --disable-sandboxing`
* m4 (`apt install m4`)
* Coq dependencies system dependencies, currently `libgmp`
+ `apt install libgmp-dev`
+ or `apt install libgmp-dev:i386` if you are using the 32 bit
OCaml version (see below)
* Node.js 16.x or above + NPM
- Default versions from `apt` are typically too old; follow the
[Node.js installation instructions]( to get a newer version.
......@@ -57,7 +66,7 @@ make jscoq
This will create a working distribution under `_build/jscoq+32bit/` (or `_build/jscoq+64bit`).
Now serve the files from the distribution directory via HTTP (`make server`), and
Now serve the files from the distribution directory via HTTP (`make serve`), and
navigate your browser to `http://localhost/index.html`, or run them locally:
google-chrome --allow-file-access-from-files --js-flags="--harmony-tailcalls" --js-flags="--stack-size=65536" _build/jscoq+32bit
......@@ -98,7 +98,26 @@
Open file (prompts for local file name from list, supports tab completion).
<td class="has-kbd nowrap">
Search in current editor.<br/>Use <kbd>Enter</kbd>/<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Enter</kbd>
to jump to next/previous match.
<td class="has-kbd nowrap">
Jump to line or line:column.
On Mac, replace <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> with <kbd></kbd> (command) and <kbd>Alt</kbd> with
<kbd></kbd> (option), as is traditional.
......@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
(run npm install --no-save)))
(run npm install --no-progress --no-save)))
(name jscoq)
(alias shared)
(name wacoq)
......@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
(source_tree examples)
(source_tree docs) ; for `quick-help.html`
......@@ -69,7 +71,7 @@
(targets (dir dist-cli))
(mode (promote (until-clean)))
(source_tree backend)
(source_tree frontend)
......@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@
(name jscoq_worker)
(name wacoq_worker)
......@@ -30,9 +30,6 @@ var nodecli = esbuild
bundle: true,
platform: "node",
format: "cjs",
loader: {
'.bc.cjs': 'copy'
outfile: "dist-cli/cli.cjs",
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ var frontend = esbuild
format: "esm",
loader: {
'.png': 'binary',
'.svg': 'binary'
'.svg': 'dataurl'
outdir: "dist/frontend",
File moved
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ RUN eval $(opam env) && make jscoq
RUN eval $(opam env) && make wacoq
# - dist tarballs
RUN eval $(opam env) && make dist \
RUN eval $(opam env) && make dist && make dist-npm \
&& mkdir -p dist && mv _build/dist/*.tgz dist
# --------------
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ RUN git clone --recursive -b ${ADDONS_BRANCH} ${ADDONS_REPO} jscoq-addons
WORKDIR jscoq-addons
RUN make set-ver VER=`jscoq --version`
RUN eval $(opam env) && make CONTEXT=${SWITCH}
RUN eval $(opam env) && git pull && git submodule update && make CONTEXT=${SWITCH}
# Private repos: re-enable SSH
COPY Dockerfile _ssh* /root/_ssh/
ARGS = $(addprefix --platform , $(firstword ${ARCH})) \
$(addprefix --build-arg , $(BUILD_ARGS))
$(addprefix --build-arg , $(BUILD_ARGS) BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1)
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ wa-build-core:
wa-build-addons: wa-build-core
docker build . --target wacoq-addons $(ARGS) -t wacoq:addons
dist: js-dist wa-dist
dist: js-dist
rm -rf ./dist
......@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ clean-dist:
js-dist: clean-dist
docker run --name jscoq-get-dist jscoq:addons \
sh -c 'mkdir -p dist && cp _build/jscoq+*/*.tgz dist'
docker cp jscoq-get-dist:/root/jscoq/dist .
docker cp jscoq-get-dist:/root/jscoq-addons/dist .
docker cp --quiet jscoq-get-dist:/root/jscoq/dist .
docker cp --quiet jscoq-get-dist:/root/jscoq-addons/dist .
docker rm jscoq-get-dist
wa-dist: clean-dist
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ wa-dist: clean-dist
# For getting just the jsCoq package, w/o addons
js-dist-core: clean-dist
docker run --name jscoq-get-dist jscoq
docker cp jscoq-get-dist:/root/jscoq/dist .
docker cp --quiet jscoq-get-dist:/root/jscoq/dist .
docker rm jscoq-get-dist
# For updating the dist with the result of incremental build
......@@ -128,15 +128,19 @@ wa-clean-slate:
docker system prune $(CLEAN_FLAGS)
docker tag jscoq:sdk jscoq/jscoq:sdk-${M}
docker push jscoq/jscoq:sdk-${M}
docker tag jscoq:sdk jscoq/jscoq:$(BRANCH)-sdk-${M}
docker push jscoq/jscoq:$(BRANCH)-sdk-${M}
rsync -a ../../.git/ _work-git
# Update the multi-arch manifest
MANIFEST_ARCHS = x86_64 arm64
docker manifest create --amend jscoq/jscoq:sdk \
$(addprefix jscoq/jscoq:sdk-, ${MANIFEST_ARCHS})
docker manifest push jscoq/jscoq:sdk
docker manifest create --amend jscoq/jscoq:$(MANIFEST_TAG) \
$(addprefix jscoq/jscoq:$(BRANCH)-sdk-, ${MANIFEST_ARCHS})
docker manifest push jscoq/jscoq:$(MANIFEST_TAG)
docker run --publish 8080:8080 --rm -it jscoq \
......@@ -146,4 +150,4 @@ dist-serve:
npx http-server -p 8080 dist
make clean && make js-build wa-build && make dist
make clean && make js-build && make dist
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ index 43ee8f7..ac82c4e 100644
+ (foreign_stubs
+ (language c)
+ (names jscoq_extern)
+ (flags (:include %{project_root}/config/dune.c_flags)))
+ (flags :standard (:include %{project_root}/config/dune.c_flags)))
(libraries coq-core.boot coq-core.clib coq-core.config))
diff --git a/lib/jscoq_extern.c b/lib/jscoq_extern.c
new file mode 100644
"name": "wacoq-deps",
"description": "meta-package for waCoq binary dependencies",
"version": "0.1.1",
"dependencies": {
"@ocaml-wasm/4.12--janestreet-base": "^0.16.0-0",
"@ocaml-wasm/4.12--num": "^1.4.0-0",
"@ocaml-wasm/4.12--zarith": "^1.13.0-0",
"ocaml-wasm": "^4.12.0-0",
"wasi-kernel": "^0.1.6"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"files": []
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ WORD_SIZE ?= 32
CONTEXT = jscoq+$(WORD_SIZE)bit
COQC = ../_build/install/$(CONTEXT)/bin/coqc
JSCOQ_CLI = ../_build/$(CONTEXT)/dist/cli/cli.cjs
JSCOQ_CLI = ../_build/$(CONTEXT)/dist-cli/cli.cjs
all: examples.coq-pkg examples.symb.json sqrt_2.html nahas_tutorial.html
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
(async () => {
await JsCoq.load();
coq = new CoqWorker(new URL('../coq-js/jscoq_worker.bc.cjs', window.location));
coq = new CoqWorker(new URL('../coq-js/jscoq_worker.bc.js', window.location));
pm = new PackageManager(document.createElement('div'), /* need a div, sry */
{'../coq-pkgs/': ['coq']}, {}, coq);
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
<link rel="icon" href="../frontend/classic/images/favicon.png">
<title>jsCoq – The Coq Theorem Prover Online IDE</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../dist/frontend/index.css">
/* Allow some extra scroll space at the bottom & to the right */
.CodeMirror-lines {
......@@ -24,13 +25,15 @@
import { JsCoq } from "../jscoq.js";
var sp = new URLSearchParams(,
panel_theme = sp.has('dark') ? 'dark' : sp.get('theme') || 'light',
editor_theme = sp.get('editor_theme') || (panel_theme == 'dark' ? 'blackboard' : 'default');
ifHas = x => sp.has(x) ? x : undefined,
panel_theme = ifHas('dark') ?? sp.get('theme') ?? 'light',
editor_theme = sp.get('editor_theme') ?? (panel_theme == 'dark' ? 'blackboard' : 'default');
var jscoq_opts = {
backend: sp.get('backend'),
subproc: sp.has('app'),
backend: sp.get('backend') ?? ifHas('wa'),
subproc: sp.has('app'),
node_modules_path: '../node_modules/',
file_dialog: true,
implicit_libs: true,
editor: { mode: { 'company-coq': true }, theme: editor_theme },
......@@ -42,15 +45,15 @@
set_filename = fn => document.getElementById('ide-wrapper')
.setAttribute('data-filename', fn);
if (sp.has('code')) set_filename('');
else if (last_filename) set_filename(last_filename);
JsCoq.start(jscoq_opts).then(res => {
coq = res;
window.coq = coq;
if (sp.has('project')) coq.openProject(sp.get('project'));
if (sp.has('share')) coq.openCollab({hastebin: sp.get('share')});
if (sp.has('p2p')) coq.openCollab({p2p: sp.get('p2p')});
if (sp.has('gist')) coq.openCollab({gist: sp.get('gist')});
if (sp.has('code')) coq.provider.load(sp.get('code'), sp.get('fn') || 'playground');