Ghofrane Amaimi authoredGhofrane Amaimi authored
main.cpp 21.40 KiB
#include <ctime>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <CLI11.hpp>
#include "LDDGraph.h"
#include <spot/kripke/kripke.hh>
#include "MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerCPPThread.h"
#include "MCMultiCore/ModelCheckerTh.h"
#include "MCMultiCore/ModelCheckThReq.h"
#include "MCMultiCore/MCCPPThPor.h"
#include "threadSOG.h"
#include "HybridSOG.h"
#include "Hybrid/MCHybrid/MCHybridSOG.h"
#include <spot/misc/version.hh>
#include <spot/twaalgos/dot.hh>
#include <spot/tl/parse.hh>
#include <spot/tl/print.hh>
#include <spot/twaalgos/translate.hh>
#include <spot/twaalgos/emptiness.hh>
#include <spot/tl/apcollect.hh>
#include <spot/ta/taproduct.hh>
#include <spot/twa/twaproduct.hh>
#include <spot/twaalgos/gtec/gtec.hh>
#include "NewNet.h"
#include "SogTwa.h"
#include "SogKripke.h"
#include "SogKripkeTh.h"
#include "Hybrid/HybridKripke.h"
#include "Hybrid/MCHybridReq/MCHybridSOGReq.h"
#include "SylvanWrapper.h"
#include "PMCSOGConfig.h"
#include "Hybrid/MCHybridReqPOR/MCHybridSOGReqPOR.h"
#include "Hybrid/MCHybridPOR/MCHybridSOGPOR.h"
#include "algorithm/CNDFS.h"
#include <typeinfo>
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int n_tasks, task_id;
unsigned int nb_th = 1; // used by the distributed model checker
struct Formula
spot::formula f;
set<string> propositions;
* Save a graph in a dot file
* @param graph Graph to be saved
* @param filename Output filename
* @param options Options to customized the print
void saveGraph(spot::twa_graph_ptr graph, const string &filename, const char *options = nullptr)
fstream file;
file.open(filename.c_str(), fstream::out);
spot::print_dot(file, graph, options);
* Parse a file containing a LTL formula and return its negation
* @param fileName Path to LTL formula
* @return Formula
Formula negateFormula(const string &fileName)
string input;
set<string> transitionSet;
ifstream file(fileName);
cout << "______________________________________" << endl;
cout << "Fetching formula ... " << endl;
if (!file.is_open())
cout << "Cannot open formula file" << endl;
getline(file, input);
cout << " Loaded formula: " << input << endl;
spot::parsed_formula pf = spot::parse_infix_psl(input);
if (pf.format_errors(std::cerr))
spot::formula fo = pf.f;
if (!fo.is_ltl_formula())
std::cerr << "Only LTL formulas are supported.\n";
spot::atomic_prop_set *p_list = spot::atomic_prop_collect(fo, nullptr);
for (const auto &i : *p_list)
cout << "Formula in SPIN format: ";
print_spin_ltl(std::cout, fo) << endl;
cout << "Building negation of the formula ... ";
spot::formula not_f = spot::formula::Not(pf.f);
cout << "done\n"
<< endl;
return {not_f, transitionSet};
* Convert a formula inton an automaton
* @param f Formula to be converted
* @param bdd BDD structure
* @param save_dot Save the automaton of the negated formula in a dot file
* @return spot::twa_graph_ptr
spot::twa_graph_ptr formula2Automaton(const spot::formula &f, spot::bdd_dict_ptr bdd, bool save_dot = false)
cout << "\nBuilding automata for not(formula)\n";
spot::twa_graph_ptr af = spot::translator(bdd).run(f);
cout << "Formula automata built." << endl;
// save the generated automaton in a dot file
if (save_dot)
saveGraph(af, "negated_formula.dot");
return af;
* Print the result of the verification
* @param res flag indicating if the property is true or false
void displayCheckResult(bool res)
if (res)
cout << "\nProperty is verified..." << endl;
cout << "\nProperty is violated..." << endl;
* Display the elapsed time between two times
* @param startTime initial time
* @param finalTime final time
void displayTime(auto startTime, auto finalTime)
cout << "Verification duration : " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(finalTime - startTime).count() << " milliseconds\n";
* Print information of the execution
* @param net Net to be verified
* @param formula Formula to be verified
* @param algorithm Emptiness check algorithm to be used
* @param nb_th Number of threads of the execution
void displayToolInformation(const string &net, const string &formula, const string &algorithm, int nb_th)
// computes the current year
time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
tm *const pTInfo = std::localtime(&t);
int year = 1900 + pTInfo->tm_year;
cout << "PMC-SOG: Parallel Model Checking tool based on Symbolic Observation Graphs" << endl;
cout << "Version " << PMCSOG_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << PMCSOG_VERSION_MINOR << "." << PMCSOG_VERSION_PATCH << endl;
cout << "(c) 2018 - " << year << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " Net file: " << net << endl;
cout << " Formula file: " << formula << endl;
cout << "Checking algorithm: " << algorithm << endl;
cout << " # threads: " << nb_th << endl;
* Get the multi-core model-checker
* @param net Net to be verified
* @param nb_th Number of threads
* @param thread_library Thread library
* @param progressive Flag for a progressive construction of the SOG
* @param por Flag for partial order reduction
* @return ModelCheckBaseMT*
ModelCheckBaseMT *
getMultiCoreMC(NewNet &net, int nb_th, const string &thread_library, bool progressive, bool por)
ModelCheckBaseMT *mcl = nullptr;
// select the right model-checking algorithm
if (thread_library == "posix")
{ if (progressive)
cout << "Multi-threaded algorithm (progressive) based on PThread!" << endl;
mcl = new ModelCheckThReq(net, nb_th);
cout << "Multi-threaded algorithm based on Pthread library!" << endl;
mcl = new ModelCheckerTh(net, nb_th);
else if (thread_library == "c++")
if (por)
cout << "Multi-threaded algorithm based on C++ Thread library with POR!" << endl;
mcl = new MCCPPThPor(net, nb_th);
cout << "Multi-threaded algorithm based on C++ Thread library!" << endl;
mcl = new ModelCheckerCPPThread(net, nb_th);
cout << thread_library << " is not a valid thread library for the multi-core version" << endl;
return mcl;
* Get the multi-core construction option of the SOG
* @param thread_library Thread library
* @param canonization Flag to apply canonization
* @param por Flag for partial order reduction
* @return int
int getMultiCoreBuildOption(const string &thread_library, bool canonization, bool por)
if (thread_library == "posix")
if (canonization)
cout << "Canonized construction with pthread library." << endl;
return 1;
if (por)
cout << "Partial Order Reduction with pthread library." << endl;
return 2;
cout << "Construction with pthread library." << endl;
return 0;
cout << thread_library << " is not a valid threads library for the multi-core version" << endl;
* Get the Hybrid model-checker
* @param net Net to be verified
* @param method Hybrid implementation
* @param progressive Flag for a progressive construction of the SOG
* @param por Flag for partial order reduction
* @param communicator MPI communicator
* @return CommonSOG*
CommonSOG *getHybridMC(NewNet &net, const string &thread_library, bool progressive, bool por, MPI_Comm &communicator)
CommonSOG *DR;
if (thread_library == "c++")
if (progressive)
if (por)
cout << " Progressive construction with POR..." << endl;
DR = new MCHybridSOGReqPOR(net, communicator, false);
cout << " Progressive construction..." << endl;
DR = new MCHybridSOGReq(net, communicator, false);
if (por)
cout << " Normal construction with POR" << endl;
DR = new MCHybridSOGPOR(net, communicator, false);
cout << " Normal construction..." << endl;
DR = new MCHybridSOG(net, communicator, false);
cout << thread_library << " is not a valid thread library for the hybrid version" << endl;
return DR;
* Run the on-the-fly model-checking algorithm
* @param algorithm Sequential emptiness-check algorithm
* @param k Kripke structure of the SOG
* @param af Automata of the negated formula
* @return bool
bool runOnTheFlyMC(const string &algorithm, auto k, spot::twa_graph_ptr af)
bool res = false;
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point startTime, finalTime;
cout << "\nPerforming on the fly Model-Checking..." << endl;
if (algorithm != "")
// set the synchronized product of the SOG and the negated formula
shared_ptr<spot::twa_product> product = make_shared<spot::twa_product>(k, af);
// set the emptiness check
const char *err;
spot::emptiness_check_instantiator_ptr echeck_inst = spot::make_emptiness_check_instantiator(algorithm.c_str(), &err);
if (!echeck_inst)
cerr << "Failed to parse argument near '" << err << "'" << endl;
cerr << "Spot unknown emptiness algorithm" << endl;
cout << "Spot emptiness check algorithm: " << algorithm << endl;
// computes the on-the-fly emptiness check of the synchronized product
startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
spot::emptiness_check_ptr echptr = echeck_inst->instantiate(product);
res = (echptr->check() == nullptr);
finalTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// computes the intersection between the SOG and the negated formula
startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
res = (k->intersecting_run(af) == nullptr);
finalTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
// display results
displayTime(startTime, finalTime);
return res;
* Run the on-the-fly parallel model-checking algorithm
* @param algorithm Parallel emptiness-check algorithm
* TODO: implement this
//bool runOnTheFlyParallelMC(const string &algorithm) {}
* Main function
int main(int argc, char **argv)
CLI::App app{"PMC-SOG : Parallel Model Checking tool based on Symbolic Observation Graphs"};
app.add_option("--n", nb_th, "Number of threads to be created (default: 1)")
string net = "";
app.add_option("--net", net, "Petri net file")
string formula = "";
app.add_option("--ltl", formula, "LTL property file")
string thread_library = "c++";
app.add_option("--thread", thread_library, "Thread library (default: c++)")->check(CLI::IsMember({"posix", "c++"}));
bool por{false};
app.add_flag("--por,!--no-por", por, "Apply partial order reductions (default: false)");
bool explicit_mc{false};
CLI::Option *exp_opt = app.add_flag("--explicit", explicit_mc, "Run explicit model-checking")->group("Explicit MC");
// progressive construction can be used only when using on-the-fly model-checking
bool progressive{false};
app.add_flag("--progressive,!--no-progressive", progressive, "Use a progressive construction of the SOG (default: false)")->excludes(exp_opt)->group("On-the-fly MC");
// emptiness check algorithm is only needed when using on-the-fly model-checking
string algorithm = "";
app.add_option("--emptiness-check", algorithm, "Spot emptiness-check algorithm")->excludes(exp_opt)->group("On-the-fly MC");
// lace is only available when using explicit multi-core model-checking
bool uselace{false};
app.add_flag("--lace,!--no-lace", uselace, "Use the work-stealing framework Lace. Available only in multi-core (default: false)")->needs(exp_opt)->group("Explicit MC");
// canonization is only available in the explicit multi-core version. In the hybrid is always true
bool canonization{false};
app.add_flag("--canonization,!--no-canonization", canonization, "Apply canonization to the SOG. Available only in multi-core (default: false)")->needs(exp_opt)->group("Explicit MC");
// build only the SOG is possible only in explicit model-checking
bool only_sog{false};
app.add_flag("--only-sog", only_sog, "Only builds the SOG. Available only in multi-core")->needs(exp_opt)->group("Explicit MC");
bool dot_sog{false};
app.add_flag("--dot-sog", dot_sog, "Save the SOG in a dot file")->needs(exp_opt)->group("Print");
bool dot_formula{false};
app.add_flag("--dot-formula", dot_formula, "Save the automata of the negated formula in a dot file")->group("Print");
bool counter_example{false};
app.add_flag("--counter-example", counter_example, "Save the counter example in a dot file")->needs(exp_opt)->group("Print");
CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
// MPI arguments
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &n_tasks);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &task_id);
// Display information of the tool
if (!task_id)
displayToolInformation(net, formula, algorithm, nb_th);
// Check the number of processes
if (n_tasks <= 0)
cout << "Number of tasks <= 0 " << endl;
// Check the number of threads
if (nb_th <= 0)
cout << "Number of thread <= 0 " << endl;
// hybrid version requires two or more threads
if (n_tasks > 1 && nb_th < 2)
if (task_id == 0)
cout << "The hybrid version requires more than 1 threads\n"
<< endl;
// Get the negation of the LTL formula
Formula negate_formula = negateFormula(formula);
NewNet Rnewnet(net.c_str(), negate_formula.propositions);
cout << endl;
* Multi-core version
if (n_tasks == 1)
cout<< "Hello Multi-core version" <<endl;
// On-the-fly multi-core model checking
if (!explicit_mc)
// get the corresponding multi-core model-checker
// exit(0);
ModelCheckBaseMT *mcl = getMultiCoreMC(Rnewnet, nb_th, thread_library, progressive, por);
// build automata of the negation of the formula
auto d = spot::make_bdd_dict();
spot::twa_graph_ptr af = formula2Automaton(negate_formula.f, d, dot_formula);
// create the SOG
// run on the fly parallel model-checking
// TODO: Implement here Ghofrane's algorithms
if (algorithm == "UFSCC" || algorithm == "CNDFS")
// auto k = std::make_shared<SogKripkeTh>(d, mcl, Rnewnet.getListTransitionAP(), Rnewnet.getListPlaceAP());
// CNDFS cndfs(k,af,1);
CNDFS cndfs(mcl,af,1);
else // run on the fly sequential model-checking
auto k = std::make_shared<SogKripkeTh>(d, mcl, Rnewnet.getListTransitionAP(), Rnewnet.getListPlaceAP());
runOnTheFlyMC(algorithm, k, af);
// stop model checker process
// print SOG information
delete mcl;
else // build only SOG
threadSOG DR(Rnewnet, nb_th, uselace);
LDDGraph g(&DR);
// Sequential construction of the SOG
// TODO: There is no way to run Model-checking when the SOG is built sequentially?
if (nb_th == 1)
cout << "\n****************** Sequential version ******************* \n"<< endl;
// build sequential SOG
// print SOG information
else // Multi-thread construction of the SOG
cout << "\n******************* Multi-thread version ****************** \n"
<< endl;
cout << "# of threads to be created: " << nb_th << endl;
// select a method to construct the SOG
int constructionOption = getMultiCoreBuildOption(thread_library, canonization, por);
// build the distributed SOG
DR.computeDSOG(g, constructionOption);
// print SOG information
// run model checking process
if (!only_sog)
auto d = spot::make_bdd_dict();
// build the negation of the formula
spot::twa_graph_ptr af = formula2Automaton(negate_formula.f, d, dot_formula);
// build a twa graph of the SOG
cout << "\nTranslating SOG to SPOT ..." << endl;
spot::twa_graph_ptr k = spot::make_twa_graph(
std::make_shared<SogKripke>(d, DR.getGraph(), Rnewnet.getListTransitionAP(), Rnewnet.getListPlaceAP()),
spot::twa::prop_set::all(), true);
if (dot_sog)
saveGraph(af, "SOG.dot", "ka");
cout << endl;
// computes the explicit synchronization product
auto run = k->intersecting_run(af);
displayCheckResult(run == nullptr);
// display a counter-example if it exists
if (run && counter_example)
saveGraph(k, "counter-example.dot", ".kA");
cout << "Check the dot file to get a counter-example" << endl;
* Hybrid version
cout << "hello hybrid version" <<endl;
if (task_id == 0)
cout << "\n************** Hybrid version ****************\n"
<< endl;
// On-the-fly hybrid model checking
if (!explicit_mc)
// ID of the task performing the model checking
int mc_task = n_tasks;
// creates model-checking process
MPI_Comm gprocess;
MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, task_id == mc_task ? 0 : 1, task_id, &gprocess);
// computes the SOG in processes different to the model-checker one
if (task_id != mc_task)
CommonSOG *DR = getHybridMC(Rnewnet, thread_library, progressive, por, gprocess);
cout << "# tasks: " << n_tasks << endl;
// compute the distributed SOG
LDDGraph g(DR);
else // computes the on-the-fly model-checking in the mc process
cout << "Model checking on the fly..." << endl;
cout << " 1 process will perform Model checking: process " << task_id << endl;
cout << " " << n_tasks << " process(es) will build the Distributed SOG" << endl;
// build the negation of the formula
auto d = spot::make_bdd_dict();
spot::twa_graph_ptr af = formula2Automaton(negate_formula.f, d, dot_formula);
// build the SOG
auto k = std::make_shared<HybridKripke>(d, Rnewnet.getListTransitionAP(), Rnewnet.getListPlaceAP(), Rnewnet);
// runOnTheFlyMC(algorithm, k, af);
else // build only the SOG
HybridSOG DR(Rnewnet);
LDDGraph g(&DR);
cout << endl;
if (task_id == 0)
cout << "Building the Distributed SOG by " << n_tasks << " processes..." << endl;
// computes the distributed SOG
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);