(P)arallel (M)odel (C)hecking using the (S)ymbolic (O)bservation (G)raph.
A [Symbolic Observation Graph](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kais_Klai/publication/48445044_Design_and_Evaluation_of_a_Symbolic_and_Abstraction-Based_Model_Checker/links/00463514319a181966000000.pdf) software tool has been implemented in C/C++.
The user can choose between sequential or parallel construction.
The [BuDDy](http://buddy.sourceforge.net/manual/main.html) BDD package and [Sylvan](https://trolando.github.io/sylvan/) package are exploited in order to represent aggregates compactly.
BuDDy used for sequential version and Sylvan for both sequential and parallel construction.
It is necessary to install [Spot](https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/install.html).
A [Symbolic Observation Graph](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kais_Klai/publication/48445044_Design_and_Evaluation_of_a_Symbolic_and_Abstraction-Based_Model_Checker/links/00463514319a181966000000.pdf)
(SOG) software tool has been implemented in C/C++. The user can choose between
sequential or parallel construction.
## Description
This repository hosts the experiments and results for the Hybrid (MPI/pthreads) approach for the SOG construction and provides a short guide on how to install the tools and reproduce the results.
This repository hosts the code source for the Hybrid (MPI/pthreads) approach for
the SOG construction and its use for model-checking.
***MPI:** The Message Passing Interface ([OpenMPI](https://www.open-mpi.org/) implementation). The goal of the MPI is to establish a portable, efficient, and flexible standard for message passing between processess (nodes).
***MPI:** The Message Passing Interface ([OpenMPI](https://www.open-mpi.org/)
implementation). The goal of the MPI is to establish a portable, efficient, and
flexible standard for message passing between processess (nodes).
***Pthread:** POSIX thread library. Mutexes (Pthread lock functionality) are used to prevent data inconsistencies due to race conditions.
***Pthread:** POSIX thread library. Mutexes (Pthread lock functionality) are
used to prevent data inconsistencies due to race conditions.
## Dependencies
The following dependencies are necessary to build the tool.
-[OpenMPI](https://www.open-mpi.org/) development libraries
-[OpenSSL](https://www.openssl.org/) development libraries
--dot-sog Needs: --explicit Save the SOG in a dot file
--dot-formula Save the automata of the negated formula in a dot file
--counter-example Needs: --explicit
Save the counter example in a dot file
The emptiness-check algorithms are provided by spot. For more information,
please see https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/doxygen/group__emptiness__check.html.
Here, some of examples:
-`cmake ..`
* Cou99
+ shy
+ poprem
+ group
* GC04
* CVWY90
+ bsh : set the size of a hash-table
* SE05
+ bsh : set the size of a hash-table
* Tau03
* Tau03_opt
-`cmake --build .`
## Examples
### Multi-Core Model-Checking
## Testing
SOG building from an LTL formula (philo3.net example)
In the following example, the model `train12.net` is verified using the
multi-core on-the-fly model-checking (progressive) with 4 posix threads and no
partial order reduction (POR). The emptiness-check algorithm used is the
Couvreur's algorithm.
Multi-threading execution
mpirun -n 1 hybrid-sog arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 [arg5]
arg1: specifies method of creating threads or/and specifies if modelchecking should be performed on the fly. It can be set with one of the following values:
* p : using pthread library
* pc : using pthread library and applying canonization on nodes
* otfP : perform modelchecking on the fly using pthread
* otfC : perform modelchecking on the fly using c++17 algorithms and a work-stealing approach for the construction of aggregates
* otfCPOR : same as otfC with POR
* otfPR : progressive construction of the SOG during model checking (c++17 posix threads)
arg2: specify the number of threads/workers to be created
arg3: specify the net to build its SOG
arg4: specify the LTL formula file
arg5: (Optional) select an algorithm for the emptiness check provided by spot, see https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/doxygen/group__emptiness__check.html
* Cou99
+ shy
+ poprem
+ group
* GC04
* CVWY90
+ bsh : set the size of a hash-table
* SE05
+ bsh : set the size of a hash-table
* Tau03
* Tau03_opt
Distributed execution
mpirun -n arg0 hybrid-sog arg1 arg 2 arg3 arg4
arg0 : specifies the number of processes must be >1
arg1: specifies whether modelchecking should be performed on the fly. It can be set with one of the following values:
* otf : Construction performing Model checking on the fly while trying to build whole SOG
* otfPOR : Same as otf with Partial Order Reduction
* otfPR : Construction performing Model checking on the fly. The construction of the SOG is performed progressively alongside Model checking
* otherwise : construction without Model checking
arg2: specifies the number of threads/workers to be created
arg3: specifies the net to build its SOG
arg4: specifies the LTL formula file
arg5: (Optional) select an algorithm for the emptiness check provided by spot, see https://spot.lrde.epita.fr/doxygen/group__emptiness__check>
1.[A Parallel Construction of the Symbolic Observation Graph: the Basis for Efficient Model Checking of Concurrent Systems 2017](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315840512_A_Parallel_Construction_of_the_Symbolic_Observation_Graph_the_Basis_for_Efficient_Model_Checking_of_Concurrent_Systems)