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Commit b0e6e85a authored by chihebabid's avatar chihebabid
Browse files

Fixed code for NDFS algorithm

parent 554c9765
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1 merge request!6Feature/ufscc emptiness check
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......@@ -44,7 +44,12 @@ void CNDFS::spawnThreads() {
void CNDFS::threadHandler(void *context) {
((CNDFS *) context)->dfsBlue(((CNDFS *) context)->mInitStatePtr);
((CNDFS *) context)->threadRun();
void CNDFS::threadRun() {
uint16_t idThread = mIdThread++;
vector<myState_t*> Rp;
//get initial state of the product automata
......@@ -60,23 +65,19 @@ void CNDFS::getInitialState(){
//this function is to build a state with list of successor initially null
myState_t* CNDFS::buildState(LDDState* left, spot::state* right, bool acc, bool constructed, bool cyan){
bool _cyan{false};
myState_t * buildStatePtr = static_cast<myState_t *>(malloc(sizeof(myState_t)));
_cyan = cyan;
myState_t * buildStatePtr = new myState_t;
buildStatePtr->left = left;
buildStatePtr->right = dynamic_cast<const spot::twa_graph_state *>(right);
buildStatePtr->isAcceptance = acc;
buildStatePtr->isConstructed = constructed;
buildStatePtr->cyan= _cyan;
return buildStatePtr;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & Str,myState_t* state) {
Str << "({ Sog state= " << state->left << ", BA state= " << state->right << ", acceptance= " << state->isAcceptance << ", constructed= " << state->isConstructed << ", cyan= " << state->cyan << ", red= " << state->red << ", blue= " << state->blue << " }" << endl;
Str << "({ Sog state= " << state->left << ", BA state= " << state->right << ", acceptance= " << state->isAcceptance << ", constructed= " << state->isConstructed << ", red= " << state->red << ", blue= " << state->blue << " }" << endl;
int i = 0;
for (auto ii : state->new_successors)
for (const auto & ii : state->new_successors)
cout << "succ num " << i << ii.first << " with transition " << ii.second<< endl;
......@@ -84,50 +85,34 @@ std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & Str,myState_t* state) {
return Str;
//all visited accepting nodes (non seed, non red) should be red
atomic_bool CNDFS::awaitCondition(myState_t* state,deque<myState_t*> localDeque)
vector<bool> localList ;
for (auto qu: localDeque)
if ((qu->isAcceptance) && (qu!=state))
localList.push_back(qu->red); // add all the red values
// return(qu->red == true);
//test if all elements are true
if (all_of(localList.begin(),localList.end(),[] (bool cond) {return cond ==true; }))
return true;
return false;
//block all threads while awaitCondition is false
//void CNDFS::WaitForTestCompleted(_state* state) {
// while ( awaitCondition(state) == false) ;
void CNDFS::dfsRed(myState_t* state,deque<myState_t*> localDeque)
void CNDFS::dfsRed(myState_t *state, vector<myState_t*>& Rp,uint8_t idThread)
cout << "dfsRed" << endl;
for (auto p:state->new_successors) {
if (p.first->cyan)
for (const auto& succ:state->new_successors) {
if (succ.first->cyan[idThread])
cout << "cycle detected" << endl;
// unvisited and not red state
if ((find(localDeque.begin(), localDeque.end(), state) != localDeque.end()) && ! p.first->red )
dfsRed(p.first, localDeque);
if ((find(Rp.begin(), Rp.end(), state) != Rp.end()) && ! succ.first->red )
dfsRed(succ.first, Rp,idThread);
//compute new successors of a product state
void CNDFS::computeSuccessors(myState_t *state)
LDDState* sog_current_state = state->left;
auto sog_current_state = state->left;
const spot::twa_graph_state* ba_current_state = state->right;
while (!sog_current_state);
while (!sog_current_state->isCompletedSucc());
......@@ -135,7 +120,7 @@ void CNDFS::computeSuccessors(myState_t *state)
//fetch the state's atomic proposition
for (const auto & vv: sog_current_state->getMarkedPlaces(mMcl->getPlaceProposition()))
string name = string(mMcl->getPlace(vv));
auto name = string(mMcl->getPlace(vv));
auto f = spot::formula::ap(name);
......@@ -143,7 +128,7 @@ void CNDFS::computeSuccessors(myState_t *state)
//iterate over the successors of a current aggregate
for (const auto &elt : sog_current_state->Successors)
int transition = elt.second; // je récupère le numéro du transition
auto transition = elt.second; // je récupère le numéro du transition
auto name = string(mMcl->getTransition(transition)); // récuprer le nom de la transition
auto f = spot::formula::ap(name);// récuperer la proposition atomique qui correspond à la transition
transitionNames.push(f); // push state'S AP to edge'S AP
......@@ -157,7 +142,7 @@ void CNDFS::computeSuccessors(myState_t *state)
while (!tempTransitionNames.empty())
//iterate over the successors of a BA state
spot::twa_succ_iterator *ii = mAa->succ_iter(ba_current_state);
auto ii = mAa->succ_iter(ba_current_state);
if (ii->first())
do {
if (p->var_map.find(tempTransitionNames.front()) !=p->var_map.end())
......@@ -202,29 +187,16 @@ void CNDFS::computeSuccessors(myState_t *state)
int i = 1;
//Perform the dfsBlue
void CNDFS::dfsBlue(myState_t *state) {
deque<myState_t*> localDeque;
uint16_t idThread = mIdThread++;
cout<< "appel recursif " << i << endl;
state->cyan = true;
// sharedPool.push(myCouple (state->left,state->right));
// new_successor.push(coupleSuccessor(state,2));
cout << " \n current state " << state << endl;
// cout << "nbr of successors of the current state "<< state->new_successors.size() << " with thread "<< idThread<< endl;
for (auto p:state->new_successors)
void CNDFS::dfsBlue(myState_t *state, vector<myState_t*>& Rp,uint8_t idThread) {
for (const auto & succ:state->new_successors)
// cout << "state " << p.first << endl;
while ((!p.first->cyan) && (!p.first->blue))
if (!succ.first->blue && !succ.first->cyan[idThread])
state->blue = true;
......@@ -237,24 +209,28 @@ void CNDFS::dfsBlue(myState_t *state) {
} else
dfsRed(state, localDeque); //looking for an accepting cycle
dfsRed(state, Rp,idThread); //looking for an accepting cycle
// the thread processed the current state waits for all visited accepting nodes (non seed, non red) to turn red
// the late red coloring forces the other acceptance states to be processed in post-order by the other threads
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mMutex);
while (!awaitCondition(state, localDeque)) cv.wait(lk);
// cv.wait(lk,[this] {return !awaitCondition(state, localDeque)});
// notify once we have unlocked - this is important to avoid a pessimization.
for (auto qu: localDeque) // prune other dfsRed
bool cond;
do {
cond = true;
for (auto iter = Rp.begin(); iter != Rp.end() && cond; ++iter) {
if ((*iter)->isAcceptance && (*iter != state)) {
if (!(*iter)->red) cond = false;
} while (!cond);
for (const auto& qu: Rp) // prune other dfsRed
qu->red = true;
cout << "no cycle detected" << endl;
state->cyan = false;
state->cyan[idThread] = false;
spot::bdd_dict_ptr *CNDFS::m_dict_ptr;
......@@ -15,21 +15,21 @@
using namespace std ;
typedef pair<struct myState_t*, int> coupleSuccessor;
static constexpr uint8_t MAX_THREADS=64;
struct myState_t {
LDDState *left;
const spot::twa_graph_state* right;
vector<pair<struct myState_t*, int>> new_successors;
bool isAcceptance {false};
bool isConstructed {false};
bool cyan {false};
array<bool,MAX_THREADS> cyan {false};
atomic<bool> blue {false};
atomic<bool> red {false};
class CNDFS {
static constexpr uint8_t MAX_THREADS=64;
ModelCheckBaseMT * mMcl;
spot::twa_graph_ptr mAa;
uint16_t mNbTh;
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ private:
static spot::bdd_dict_ptr* m_dict_ptr;
void getInitialState();
static void threadHandler(void *context);
void threadRun();
// SafeDequeue<myCouple> sharedPool;
SafeDequeue<spot::formula> transitionNames;
......@@ -50,10 +51,10 @@ public:
CNDFS(ModelCheckBaseMT *mcl,const spot::twa_graph_ptr &af,const uint16_t& nbTh);
virtual ~CNDFS();
void computeSuccessors(myState_t *state);
void dfsBlue(myState_t *state);
void dfsRed(myState_t* state, deque<myState_t*> mydeque);
void dfsBlue(myState_t *state, vector<myState_t*>& Rp,uint8_t idThread);
void dfsRed(myState_t* state, vector<myState_t*>& Rp,uint8_t idThread);
void WaitForTestCompleted(myState_t* state);
atomic_bool awaitCondition(myState_t* state,deque<myState_t*> mydeque);
myState_t* buildState(LDDState* left, spot::state* right, bool acc, bool constructed,bool cyan);
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