BuDDy is a BDD package originaly created by Jørn Lind-Nielsen [Lind-Nielsen99]. This repository is a continuation of jgcoded/BuDDy (now archived) which adds CMake support for easy modern compilation and integration into your project.
BuDDy was originally developed by Jorn Lind-Nielsen as a part of his PhD thesis. After using BuDDy as a BDD library for long time (while getting some support from Jorn through email), I have been suggested by Jorn to take ownership of the project and move it to SourceForge. I invite all users who are interested to participate in the development to contact me. (I always have desired tasks / features awaiting...) I hope that BuDDy will prosper under my management.
-- Haim Cohen (haimcohen@users.sourceforge.net)
Table of Contents
Getting Started
To use this repository in your project, clone it into your folder of external dependencies. If your project already is a Git repository, then add this as a submodule.
git submodule add https://github.com/SSoelvsten/buddy external/buddy
git submodule update --init
Include the following line in your project’s CMakeLists.txt.
add_subdirectory (external/buddy bdd)
Finally, you link your executable target to BuDDy in the CMakeLists.txt file as follows.
add_executable(<target> <source.cpp>)
target_include_directories(<target> PRIVATE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/buddy/src"))
target_link_libraries(<target> bdd)
- [Lind-Nielsen99] Jørn Lind-Nielsen. “BuDDy: A binary decision diagram package”. Technical report, Department of Information Technology, Technical University of Denmark, 1999.