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Jaime Arias's avatar

Symbolic Observation Graph-Based Generation of Test Paths

sogMBT generates the observable paths from a Petri net model. It also generates the abstract paths.


  • gcc >= 9.3.0.
  • cmake
  • flex
  • bison


The tool can be compiled as follows:

mkdir build
cmake -S . -B build -G Ninja         # configures the project
cmake --build build --target all -j  # builds the project using all available CPU cores
cmake --install build                # installs the project: ./assets/optlp


Once installed, the binary sogMBT will be in the assets folder. That is:

  1. cd .. # if you are in the build folder
  2. cd assets
  3. ./sogMBT


λ> ./sogMBT --help
sogMBT: Symbolic Observation Graph-Based Generation of Test Paths
Usage: ./sogMBT [OPTIONS]

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  --input-net Path:FILE REQUIRED
                              Petri net file
  --output-folder Path:DIR REQUIRED
                              output folder
  --obs-file Path:FILE        Cover observable transitions from file [default: all transitions]