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Created with Raphaël 2.2.023Apr129Jan18Sep146528Jul2718121Mar27Feb1012Jan16Dec18Nov22Aug12Nov4Oct2remove swm fmlmastermasterfeat: set number type for numvaluefix(adtree): add defaultValue to root attributefix: add defaultValue to name attributefix: network-pta syntaxMerge branch 'master' of synclabs in the network-ptafix: a model can contain other modelsfix: remove arctype from the network-ptafix: rename of the network of ptaswip: fml for networks of ptafix: automaton fmlrefactor: parametric timed automatonrefactor: timed automaton and parametric timed automatonrefactor: remove abstract PTAadd fml files for parametric pt netsMerge branch 'updateFML' into 'master'feat: add cat exemple fmlfeat(automaton): add default value for initial and final statefeat(pt-net): add readarc inibitorarc representationMerge branch 'normalize_name_author' into 'master'refactor: normalize title-name and authors-authorfeat: add for script folderMerge branch 'restructuring' into 'master'Get files from alligator/formalismsfix: abstract_HASL fmlFix FML for stochastic Petri Netfix fml encodingfeature: add adtree fml and grml filesAdd fml and grml schemasAdd time-automaton and petri-nets folders for organizing the grml filesFix GrML diagramAdd example of fml fileFill READMEAdd README.mdAdd LICENSEAdd metamodelsuploading fml and grml files