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Commit 7edede9c authored by François Clément's avatar François Clément
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Add and prove imp_not_{l,r}_{and,or}_equiv,

Add and prove surj_can_uniq_r, inj_contra_{rev,equiv}.

Add and prove imS_dec,
              injS_id, injS_contra{,_rev,_equiv}, injS_equiv,
              injS_canS_uniq_l, comp_injS_r, surjS_canS_uniq_r,
parent 017a2770
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......@@ -251,6 +251,13 @@ Qed.
Lemma surj_equiv_alt : surjective f <-> incl fullset (Rg f).
Proof. rewrite surj_equiv; apply Rg_full_equiv. Qed.
Lemma surj_can_uniq_r :
forall {g h : T2 -> T1}, surjective f -> cancel f g -> cancel f h -> g = h.
intros g h Hf Hg Hh; apply fun_ext; intros x2.
destruct (Hf x2) as [x1 <-]; rewrite Hh; auto.
End Range_Facts1.
......@@ -333,13 +340,19 @@ Section Injective_Facts.
Context {T1 T2 : Type}.
Context {f : T1 -> T2}.
Hypothesis Hf : injective f.
Lemma inj_contra : forall x1 y1, x1 <> y1 -> f x1 <> f y1.
Proof. move=>>; rewrite -contra_equiv; apply Hf. Qed.
Lemma inj_contra : injective f -> forall x1 y1, x1 <> y1 -> f x1 <> f y1.
Proof. intros Hf x1 y1; rewrite -contra_equiv; apply Hf. Qed.
Lemma inj_contra_rev : (forall x1 y1, x1 <> y1 -> f x1 <> f y1) -> injective f.
Proof. intros Hf x1 y1; rewrite contra_equiv; apply Hf. Qed.
Lemma inj_contra_equiv :
injective f <-> forall x1 y1, x1 <> y1 -> f x1 <> f y1.
Proof. split; [apply inj_contra | apply inj_contra_rev]. Qed.
Lemma inj_equiv : forall x1 y1, f x1 = f y1 <-> x1 = y1.
Proof. intros; split; [apply Hf | apply f_equal]. Qed.
Lemma inj_equiv : injective f -> forall x1 y1, f x1 = f y1 <-> x1 = y1.
Proof. intros Hf x1 y1; split; [apply Hf | apply f_equal]. Qed.
End Injective_Facts.
......@@ -114,6 +114,25 @@ Proof. move=>> H1 H2 x1 Hx1; rewrite H1// H2; easy. Qed.
End Same_funS_Facts.
Section RgS_Facts0.
Context {T1 T2 : Type}.
Variable P1 : T1 -> Prop.
Variable f : T1 -> T2.
Lemma imS_dec :
forall x2, { x1 | P1 x1 /\ f x1 = x2 } + { forall x1, P1 x1 -> f x1 <> x2 }.
intros x2; destruct (in_dec (fun x2 => exists x1, P1 x1 /\ f x1 = x2) x2)
as [H1 | H1]; [left; apply ex_EX; easy | right; intros x1].
rewrite imp_not_r_and_equiv; apply (not_ex_all_not _ _ H1).
End RgS_Facts0.
Section RgS_Facts1.
Context {T1 T2 : Type}.
......@@ -321,6 +340,20 @@ End FunS_Facts5.
Section InjS_Facts1.
Context {T : Type}.
Context {P : T -> Prop}.
Context {f : T -> T}.
Lemma injS_id : same_funS P f (id : T -> T) -> injS P f.
Proof. intros Hf x y Hx Hy; rewrite !Hf; easy. Qed.
End InjS_Facts1.
Section InjS_Facts2.
Context {T1 T2 : Type}.
Context {P1 : T1 -> Prop}.
......@@ -331,22 +364,61 @@ Context {g : T1 -> T2}.
Lemma injS_ext : same_funS P1 f g -> injS P1 f -> injS P1 g.
Proof. intros Hg Hf x1 y1 Hx1 Hy1; rewrite -!Hg; auto. Qed.
End InjS_Facts1.
End InjS_Facts2.
Section InjS_Facts2.
Section InjS_Facts3.
Context {T1 T2 : Type}.
Context {P1 : T1 -> Prop}.
Context {f : T1 -> T2}.
Lemma injS_contra :
injS P1 f -> forall x1 y1, P1 x1 -> P1 y1 -> x1 <> y1 -> f x1 <> f y1.
Proof. intros Hf x1 y1 Hx1 Hy1; rewrite -contra_equiv; auto. Qed.
Lemma injS_contra_rev :
(forall x1 y1, P1 x1 -> P1 y1 -> x1 <> y1 -> f x1 <> f y1) -> injS P1 f.
Proof. intros Hf x1 y1 Hx1 Hy1; rewrite contra_equiv; auto. Qed.
Lemma injS_contra_equiv :
injS P1 f <-> forall x1 y1, P1 x1 -> P1 y1 -> x1 <> y1 -> f x1 <> f y1.
Proof. split; [apply injS_contra | apply injS_contra_rev]. Qed.
Lemma injS_equiv :
injS P1 f -> forall x1 y1, P1 x1 -> P1 y1 -> f x1 = f y1 <-> x1 = y1.
Proof. intros; split; [auto | intro; subst; easy]. Qed.
Lemma inj_S_equiv : injective f <-> injS fullset f.
Proof. split; intros Hf; move=>>; [auto | apply Hf; easy]. Qed.
End InjS_Facts2.
End InjS_Facts3.
Section InjS_Facts3.
Section InjS_Facts4.
Context {T1 T2 : Type}.
Context {P1 : T1 -> Prop}.
Context {P2 : T2 -> Prop}.
Context {f : T1 -> T2}.
Context {g h : T2 -> T1}.
Lemma injS_canS_uniq_l :
injS P1 f -> funS P2 P1 g -> funS P2 P1 h ->
canS P2 g f -> canS P2 h f -> same_funS P2 g h.
intros H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 x2 Hx2; apply H1; [..| rewrite H5; auto];
[apply H2 | apply H3]; easy.
End InjS_Facts4.
Section InjS_Facts5.
Context {T1 T2 T3 : Type}.
......@@ -362,10 +434,10 @@ Proof.
intros Hf0 Hf Hg x1 y1 Hx1 Hy1 H1; apply Hf, Hg; try apply Hf0; easy.
End InjS_Facts3.
End InjS_Facts5.
Section InjS_Facts4.
Section InjS_Facts6.
Context {T1 T2 T3 : Type}.
......@@ -379,7 +451,27 @@ Proof.
intros H x1 y1 Hx1 Hy1 H1; apply H; try rewrite comp_correct H1; easy.
End InjS_Facts4.
End InjS_Facts6.
Section InjS_Facts7.
Context {T1 T2 T3 : Type}.
Context {P1 : T1 -> Prop}.
Variable P2 : T2 -> Prop.
Context {g h : T1 -> T2}.
Context {f : T2 -> T3}.
Lemma comp_injS_r :
funS P1 P2 g -> funS P1 P2 h -> injS P2 f ->
same_funS P1 (f \o g) (f \o h) -> same_funS P1 g h.
move=> Hg Hh Hf H x1 Hx1; apply Hf, H; [apply Hg | apply Hh |]; easy.
End InjS_Facts7.
Section SurjS_Facts1.
......@@ -468,6 +560,25 @@ End SurjS_Facts4.
Section SurjS_Facts5.
Context {T1 T2 : Type}.
Context {P1 : T1 -> Prop}.
Context {P2 : T2 -> Prop}.
Context {f : T1 -> T2}.
Context {g h : T2 -> T1}.
Lemma surjS_canS_uniq_r :
surjS P1 P2 f -> canS P1 f g -> canS P1 f h -> same_funS P2 g h.
intros H1 H2 H3 x2 Hx2; destruct (H1 _ Hx2) as [x1 [Hx1 <-]]; rewrite H3; auto.
End SurjS_Facts5.
Section SurjS_Facts6.
Context {T1 T2 T3 : Type}.
Context {P1 : T1 -> Prop}.
......@@ -553,10 +664,22 @@ Context {T1 T2 : Type}.
Context {P1 : T1 -> Prop}.
Context {f : T1 -> T2}.
Variable g : T2 -> T1.
Lemma canS_injS : canS P1 f g -> injS P1 f.
Proof. move=> H x1 y1 Hx1 Hy1 /(f_equal g); rewrite !H; easy. Qed.
Lemma canS_injS : forall (g : T2 -> T1), canS P1 f g -> injS P1 f.
Proof. move=> g H x1 y1 Hx1 Hy1 /(f_equal g); rewrite !H; easy. Qed.
Lemma injS_has_left_inv : inhabited T1 -> injS P1 f <-> exists g, canS P1 f g.
intros [a1]; split; [intros Hf | intros [g Hg]; apply (canS_injS g), Hg].
exists (fun x2 => match imS_dec P1 f x2 with
| inleft H1 => proj1_sig H1
| inright _ => a1
intros y1 Hy1; destruct (imS_dec P1 f (f y1)) as [[x1 [Hx1 H1]] | H1].
simpl; apply Hf; easy.
contradict H1; rewrite not_all_ex_not_equiv;
exists y1; rewrite not_imp_not_r_and_equiv; easy.
End CanS_Facts3.
......@@ -855,17 +978,11 @@ Context {g h : T2 -> T1}.
Lemma bijS_canS_uniq_l :
bijS P1 P2 f -> funS P2 P1 g -> funS P2 P1 h ->
canS P2 g f -> canS P2 h f -> same_funS P2 g h.
intros H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 x2 Hx2; apply (bijS_injS _ H1); [..| rewrite H5; auto];
[apply H2 | apply H3]; easy.
Proof. move=> /bijS_injS; apply injS_canS_uniq_l. Qed.
Lemma bijS_canS_uniq_r :
bijS P1 P2 f -> canS P1 f g -> canS P1 f h -> same_funS P2 g h.
move=> [f1 [_ [/funS_rev H1 [_ H2]]]] H3 H4 x2 Hx2; specialize (H1 _ Hx2).
rewrite -(H2 _ Hx2) H3// H4; easy.
Proof. move=> /bijS_surjS; apply surjS_canS_uniq_r. Qed.
End BijS_Facts9.
......@@ -78,18 +78,42 @@ Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_or_equiv : ~ (P \/ Q) <-> ~ P /\ ~ Q.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma imp_and_equiv : (P -> Q) <-> ~ (P /\ ~ Q).
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma imp_not_l_and_equiv : (~ P -> Q) <-> ~ (~ P /\ ~ Q).
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma imp_not_r_and_equiv : (P -> ~ Q) <-> ~ (P /\ Q).
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma imp_or_equiv : (P -> Q) <-> ~ P \/ Q.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma imp_and_equiv : (P -> Q) <-> ~ (P /\ ~ Q).
Lemma imp_not_l_or_equiv : (~ P -> Q) <-> P \/ Q.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma imp_not_r_or_equiv : (P -> ~ Q) <-> ~ P \/ ~ Q.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_imp_and_equiv : ~ (P -> Q) <-> P /\ ~ Q.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_imp_not_l_and_equiv : ~ (~ P -> Q) <-> ~ P /\ ~ Q.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_imp_not_r_and_equiv : ~ (P -> ~ Q) <-> P /\ Q.
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_imp_or_equiv : ~ (P -> Q) <-> ~ (~ P \/ Q).
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_imp_not_l_or_equiv : ~ (~ P -> Q) <-> ~ (P \/ Q).
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma not_imp_not_r_or_equiv : ~ (P -> ~ Q) <-> ~ (~ P \/ ~ Q).
Proof. tauto. Qed.
Lemma contra_equiv : (P -> Q) <-> (~ Q -> ~ P).
Proof. tauto. Qed.
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