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Commit 8de12aed authored by François Clément's avatar François Clément
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Proof of Uac_Ifc_wF_is_Open.

WIP: Open_equiv.
parent 8e9d617f
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......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ COPYING file for more details.
From Coq Require Import ClassicalChoice.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
Require Import Set_system_base Set_system_def.
......@@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ Lemma is_Open_is_Closed_complp_any_equiv :
intros; rewrite is_Open_equiv, is_Closed_equiv.
rewrite <- wFull_wEmpty_complp_any, <- wEmpty_wFull_complp_any,
<- Inter_Union_complp_any, Interf_any_complp_any_equiv; easy.
Union_complp_any_equiv, Interf_any_complp_any_equiv; easy.
Lemma is_Closed_is_Open_complp_any_equiv :
......@@ -491,42 +492,81 @@ Section Basis_Facts3.
Context {U : Type}.
Variable genU : set_system U.
Definition Uac_Ifc : set_system U := Union_any_closure (Inter_finite_closure genU).
Definition Uac_Ifc_wF : set_system U := Union_any_closure (Inter_finite_closure_wF genU).
Lemma Uac_Ifc_Gen : Incl genU Uac_Ifc.
Lemma Uac_Ifc_wF_Gen : Incl genU Uac_Ifc_wF.
intros A HA.
rewrite <- unionp_any_singleton; apply Uac; intros B HB; induction HB.
rewrite <- (inter_finite_cst A 0); apply Ifc; intros; easy.
apply Incl_trans with (Union_any_closure (Inter_finite_closure genU)).
apply Incl_trans with (Inter_finite_closure genU).
apply Inter_finite_closure_Gen.
apply Union_any_closure_Gen.
apply Union_any_closure_monot, incl_add_r.
Lemma Uac_Ifc_wFull :
wFull genU -> Uac_Ifc_wF = Union_any_closure (Inter_finite_closure genU).
intros H; unfold Uac_Ifc_wF; f_equal; apply Ext_equiv; split; intros A HA.
destruct HA as [HA | HA]; try easy;
rewrite HA; apply Inter_finite_closure_Gen; easy.
apply incl_add_r; easy.
Lemma Uac_Ifc_is_Open : is_Open Uac_Ifc.
Lemma Uac_Ifc_wF_is_Open : is_Open Uac_Ifc_wF.
apply Union_any_closure_is_Open.
apply unionp_any_full, Ifc_full.
intros C D [ | A N HA] [ | B M HB]; clear C D.
1,2 : rewrite inter_fullset_l.
3: rewrite inter_fullset_r.
4: rewrite inter_inter_finite_distr.
apply unionp_any_full; right; easy.
intros A B [HA | HA] [HB | HB].
(* *)
induction HA as [A N HA], HB as [B M HB].
rewrite inter_inter_finite_distr.
exists (singletonp_any (inter_finite (append A B N) (S N + M))); split.
intros C HC; induction HC; left; apply Ifc;
intros; apply append_in with M; try lia; easy.
symmetry; apply unionp_any_singleton.
(* *)
induction HA as [A N HA]; rewrite HB.
rewrite inter_fullset_r.
exists (singletonp_any (inter_finite A N)); split.
intros C HC; induction HC; left; easy.
symmetry; apply unionp_any_singleton.
(* *)
rewrite HA; induction HB as [B M HB].
rewrite inter_fullset_l.
exists (singletonp_any (inter_finite B M)); split.
intros C HC; induction HC; left; easy.
symmetry; apply unionp_any_singleton.
(* *)
rewrite HA, HB, inter_fullset_r.
exists (singletonp_any fullset); split.
intros A HA; induction HA; apply Ifc_full.
intros C HC; induction HC; right; easy.
symmetry; apply unionp_any_singleton.
Lemma Open_equiv : wFull genU -> Open genU = Uac_Ifc.
Lemma Open_equiv : Open genU = Uac_Ifc_wF.
intros H.
apply Ext_equiv; split; intros A HA.
(* *)
induction HA as [A HA | | | A N HA1 HA2 | Idx fA HIdx HfA1 HfA2].
apply Uac_Ifc_Gen; easy.
apply Uac_Ifc_wF_Gen; easy.
rewrite <- unionp_any_nullary; apply Uac; easy.
apply Union_any_closure_Gen; right; easy.
(* . *)
destruct (choice (fun (i : {n | n < S N}) QB =>
Incl QB (Inter_finite_closure_wF genU) /\
A (proj1_sig i) = unionp_any QB)) as [QB HQB].
intros [n Hn]; simpl; induction (HA2 n Hn) as [QB HQB].
exists QB; repeat split; easy.
assert (HA3 : inter_finite A N = unionp_any (interf_any QB)).
rewrite HA3; apply Uac.
intros C HC.
Search incl interf_any.
apply Uac_Ifc_Gen; easy.
......@@ -541,7 +581,11 @@ destruct (empty_dec Q) as [HQ2 | HQ2].
rewrite empty_equiv in HQ2; rewrite HQ2, unionp_any_nullary; apply Open_wEmpty.
apply Open_Union_any; try easy.
apply Incl_trans with (Inter_finite_closure genU); try easy.
intros A HA; induction HA; apply Open_Inter_finite.
intros A HA.
; induction HA; apply Open_Inter_finite.
intros; apply Open_Gen; auto.
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