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Commit b024f694 authored by Mouhcine's avatar Mouhcine
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Prove is_linear_mapping_sigma_cur_aux lemma

Work on other proofs of T_geom.
parent 25495aa4
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......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Canonical Pol_MS2 :=
Definition Pval : Pol -> F := fun (p : Pol) => val p.
Coercion Pval : Pol >-> F.
(** Livre d_refAlexandre Ern: Def (4.1) P.76*)
(** Livre Alexandre Ern: Def (4.1) P.76*)
Definition is_unisolvant : (F -> 'R^n) -> Prop :=
fun sigma => forall alpha : 'R^n,
exists! p : Pol, sigma p = alpha.
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Section FE_Local_Def2.
(* HM: dof are not defined yet ? *)
(** Livre d_refAlexandre Ern: Def(4.1) P.75*)
(** Livre Alexandre Ern: Def(4.1) P.75*)
Record FE : Type := mk_FE {
d : nat ; (* space dimension eg 1, 2, 3 *)
ndof : nat ; (* nb of degrees of freedom - eg number of nodes for Lagrange. *)
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ rewrite gather_is_linear_mapping_compat in sigma_is_linear0.
(** Livre d_refAlexandre Ern: Def(4.4) P.78*)
(** Livre Alexandre Ern: Def(4.4) P.78*)
Definition interp_op_local : F (d fe) -> F (d fe) :=
fun v => comb_lin (fun i => sigma fe i v) theta.
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ apply theta_correct.
apply comb_lin_kronecker_in_l.
(** Livre d_refAlexandre Ern: Def (3.2) P.47 - Def (4.4) P.78*)
(** Livre Alexandre Ern: Def (3.2) P.47 - Def (4.4) P.78*)
Lemma interp_op_local_proj : forall p : F (d fe),
(P_approx fe) p -> interp_op_local p = p.
......@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ apply interp_op_local_theta.
apply interp_op_local_is_linear_mapping.
(** Livre d_refAlexandre Ern: Def (3.2) P.47 - Def (4.4) P.78*)
(** Livre Alexandre Ern: Def (3.2) P.47 - Def (4.4) P.78*)
(* idempotence *)
Lemma interp_op_local_idem : forall v : F (d fe),
interp_op_local (interp_op_local v) =
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ Local Definition FE_is_unisolvant_ref := FE_is_unisolvant FE_ref.
and on the degree. *)
Variable Lag_P1_ref : '('R^dd -> R)^nnvtx.
(* HM : nndof or nnvtx ? verify all thetas (def or var) and their types *)
(* HM : Verify all thetas (def or var) and their types *)
Local Definition theta_ref : '(F dd)^nndof := theta FE_ref.
Hypothesis H_Lag_P1_ref : forall i j,
......@@ -403,8 +403,6 @@ Hypothesis H_Lag_P1_ref : forall i j,
Definition interp_op_local_ref : F dd -> F dd :=
fun v => interp_op_local FE_ref v.
(** construct the FE_current *)
Variable vtx_cur : '('R^dd)^nnvtx. (*vertices of current geometrical element*)
(* HM: Verify if the type of this definition is correct *)
......@@ -428,9 +426,13 @@ Admitted.
Definition T_geom_inv : 'R^dd -> 'R^dd := fun x =>
epsilon is_domain_inhabited (fun y => T_geom y = x).
Lemma T_geom_inv_correct1 : forall x : 'R^dd,
(*identity P_approx_ref T_geom T_geom_inv.*)
T_geom (T_geom_inv x) = x.
Lemma T_geom_inv_is_bij_id :
is_bij_id K_geom_ref (convex_envelop nnvtx vtx_cur) T_geom T_geom_inv.
Lemma T_geom_inv_correct1 :
forall x : 'R^dd, T_geom (T_geom_inv x) = x.
unfold T_geom_inv, epsilon.
intros x; destruct (classical_indefinite_description _); simpl.
......@@ -446,13 +448,20 @@ intros x; destruct (classical_indefinite_description _); simpl.
admit. (* T_geom injective *)
Lemma T_geom_inv_is_bij_id :
is_bij_id K_geom_ref (convex_envelop nnvtx vtx_cur) T_geom T_geom_inv.
Lemma T_geom_inv_correct2_aux :
identity K_geom_ref T_geom T_geom_inv.
unfold identity, T_geom_inv, epsilon.
intros x Hx; destruct (classical_indefinite_description _); simpl.
eapply is_bij_id_is_inj.
apply T_geom_inv_is_bij_id.
2 : try easy.
2 : apply e.
unfold K_geom_ref, K_geom.
exists x; easy.
(* Dans FD y'a pas le lemme de bij <-> inj /\ surj ? *)
(* TODO: could have been:
Definition vtx_ref : nat -> E := fun i
=> T_geom_inv (vtx_cur i). *)
......@@ -494,7 +503,7 @@ Definition P_approx_cur : F dd -> Prop :=
(* HM : P_approx_cur est un sev de F de dimension finie ? *)
Lemma P_compat_fin_cur : has_dim P_approx_cur nndof.
unfold P_approx_cur, cur_to_ref.
Definition sigma_cur : '(F dd -> R)^(nndof) :=
......@@ -510,18 +519,23 @@ apply sigma_is_linear; easy.
apply sigma_is_linear; easy.
Lemma is_linear_mapping_sigma_cur_aux :
is_linear_mapping (gather nndof sigma_cur).
unfold is_linear_mapping; split; intros y; unfold sigma_cur.
intros z.
apply functional_extensionality; intros i.
apply sigma_is_linear; easy.
intros l; apply functional_extensionality; intros i.
apply sigma_is_linear; easy.
(* TODO: Next lemma needs properties on T_geom (eg C1-diffeomorphism) which should be automatically obtained from properties of the input vtx_cur. Then unisolvance of the current FE is deduced from that of the reference FE. *)
(* HM: J'ai ajouté gather *)
Lemma FE_cur_is_unisolvant :
is_unisolvant dd nndof P_approx_cur (gather nndof sigma_cur).
eapply is_unisolvant_equiv.
(*apply is_linear_mapping_sigma_cur.*)
intros p Hp.
(*apply is_unisolvant_is_free.*)
(*apply FE_is_unisolvant.*)
Definition FE_cur :=
......@@ -538,13 +552,7 @@ Definition K_cur : 'R^d_cur -> Prop := K_geom FE_cur.
Lemma K_cur_correct : image T_geom K_geom_ref = K_cur.
unfold T_geom.
Variable U1 U2 : Type.
Variable PU1 : U1 -> Prop.
Lemma toto : forall x (f : U1 -> U2),
image f PU1 (f x) -> PU1 x.
(* image de type inductive *)
Lemma K_cur_correct_idem : forall x_ref : 'R^dd,
......@@ -554,8 +562,6 @@ intros x_ref.
split; intros H1.
(* => *)
rewrite <- K_cur_correct in H1.
(*apply toto.*)
(* <= *)
rewrite <- K_cur_correct.
......@@ -564,8 +570,6 @@ Admitted.
Definition cur_to_ref_inv : F dd -> F dd := fun x =>
epsilon is_domain_inhabited (fun y => cur_to_ref y = x).
(* HM : these two lemmas should be also collected in one
that says cur_to_ref est bijective then it is inversible*)
Lemma is_bijective1_cur_to_ref : forall v : F dd,
cur_to_ref (cur_to_ref_inv v) = v.
......@@ -585,6 +589,10 @@ Definition theta_cur : '(F d_cur)^ndof_cur := theta FE_cur.
Lemma theta_cur_correct : forall i : 'I_(ndof FE_cur),
theta_ref i = cur_to_ref (theta_cur i).
intros i.
unfold cur_to_ref.
apply functional_extensionality; intros x_ref.
Lemma theta_cur_correct_inv : forall i : 'I_(ndof FE_cur),
......@@ -606,8 +614,7 @@ intros v.
unfold interp_op_local_ref, interp_op_local_cur, interp_op_local.
rewrite linear_mapping_comb_lin_compat; try easy.
apply comb_lin_ext; intros i.
apply theta_cur_correct.
f_equal; apply theta_cur_correct.
End FE_Current_Def.
......@@ -642,10 +649,6 @@ Hypothesis nvtx_lagrange_pos : (0 < nvtx_lagrange)%nat.
(* This was defined as
Variable P_approx_lagrange : @FiniteDim (@fct_ModuleSpace E R_ModuleSpace).*)
(* HM: TODO: Soit
- P_approx_lagrange est un espace de poly ou sev de fct de dim finie et on le met en définition,
- on met P_approx_lagrange en variable et on ajoute les hypothèses dont on a besoin. *)
(* MM : comment on définit les polynômes de P_approx_lag ? *)
(* FC: ceci doit être une definition a partir de k_lagrange *)
Variable P_approx_lagrange : F dl -> Prop. (*:= P_approx fe_lag*)
......@@ -653,7 +656,6 @@ Variable P_approx_lagrange : F dl -> Prop. (*:= P_approx fe_lag*)
Lemma P_compat_fin_lagrange :
has_dim P_approx_lagrange ndof_lagrange.
(*Variable dimE : nat.
......@@ -685,20 +687,9 @@ Lemma FE_lagrange_is_unisolvant :
is_unisolvant dl nnode_lagrange P_approx_lagrange
(gather nnode_lagrange sigma_lagrange).
apply is_unisolvant_equiv.
intros p; split.
admit. (* dim=card*)
intros H1.
admit. (* libre ? *)
(*eapply FE_is_unisolvant.*)
(* HM: I have created
- dl
- dl_pos, ndof_lagrange_pos, nvtx_lagrange_pos as hypotheses !!
- P_approx_lagrange as a subspace of F with finite dimension
Definition FE_lagrange :=
mk_FE dl ndof_lagrange nvtx_lagrange dl_pos ndof_lagrange_pos nvtx_lagrange_pos vtx_lagrange P_approx_lagrange P_compat_fin_lagrange
sigma_lagrange sigma_lagrange_is_linear FE_lagrange_is_unisolvant.
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