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Commit c65cf8e3 authored by François Clément's avatar François Clément
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Add generalized results ae_modus_ponens_gen and ae_imply_gen.

New version of ae_op_compat is now proved using the previous result.
parent 96c19419
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......@@ -894,6 +894,40 @@ apply negligible_ext with (A1 := fun _ => False); try intuition.
apply negligible_emptyset.
(* Lemma 884 p. 183 (v3) *)
Lemma ae_modus_ponens_gen :
forall (P Q : nat -> (nat -> F) -> Prop),
(forall f, ae (fun x => (forall j, P j (fun i => f i x)) ->
(forall k, Q k (fun i => f i x)))) ->
forall f, (forall j, ae (fun x => P j (fun i => f i x))) ->
(forall k, ae (fun x => Q k (fun i => f i x))).
intros P Q H f HP k.
pose (PP := fun f => forall j, P j f).
pose (QQ := fun f => forall k, Q k f).
pose (Ax := fun (XX : (nat -> F) -> Prop) f (x : E) => XX (fun i => f i x)).
pose (B := fun x => (Ax PP f x -> Ax QQ f x) /\ Ax PP f x).
apply negligible_le with (fun x => ~ (Ax PP f x -> Ax QQ f x) \/ ~ Ax PP f x).
intros x HQ; apply not_and_or; intuition.
apply negligible_union; unfold Ax, PP, QQ.
unfold ae in H; try easy.
apply negligible_ext with (fun x => exists j, ~ P j (fun i => f i x)).
intros; split; [apply ex_not_not_all | apply not_all_ex_not].
apply negligible_union_countable; easy.
(* Lemma 885 p. 183 (v3) *)
Lemma ae_imply_gen :
forall (P Q : nat -> (nat -> F) -> Prop),
(forall (f : nat -> E -> F) x,
(forall j, P j (fun i => f i x)) -> (forall k, Q k (fun i => f i x))) ->
forall f, (forall j, ae (fun x => P j (fun i => f i x))) ->
(forall k, ae (fun x => Q k (fun i => f i x))).
intros P Q H; apply ae_modus_ponens_gen; intros f.
apply ae_everywhere; auto.
(* Lemma 646 p. 124 *)
Lemma ae_modus_ponens :
forall (A1 A2 : E -> Prop), ae (fun x => A1 x -> A2 x) -> ae A1 -> ae A2.
......@@ -1045,6 +1079,36 @@ Context {F : Type}.
Context {gen : (E -> Prop) -> Prop}.
Variable mu : measure gen.
Lemma ae_op_compat_new :
forall (R1 R2 : F -> F -> Prop) (op : (nat -> F) -> F),
(forall (f g : nat -> E -> F) x,
(forall n, R1 (f n x) (g n x)) ->
R2 (op (fun i => f i x)) (op (fun i => g i x))) ->
(forall (f g : nat -> E -> F),
(forall n, ae mu (fun x => R1 (f n x) (g n x))) ->
ae mu (fun x => R2 (op (fun i => f i x)) (op (fun i => g i x)))).
intros R1 R2 op H f g H1.
pose (Q := fun k fg => match k with
| 0%nat => R2 (op (fun i => fst (fg i))) (op (fun i => snd (fg i)))
| S _ => True
apply ae_ext with (fun x => Q 0%nat (fun i => (f i x, g i x))); try easy.
assert (HQ : forall k, ae mu (fun x => Q k (fun i => (f i x, g i x)))); try easy.
pose (P := fun j fg => match j with
| 0%nat => forall i : nat, R1 (fst (fg i)) (snd (fg i))
| S _ => True
apply ae_imply_gen with P.
(* *)
intros fg x HP k; destruct k; try easy; simpl.
apply H with (f := fun i x => fst (fg i x)) (g := fun i x => snd (fg i x)).
apply (HP 0%nat).
(* *)
intros j; destruct j; simpl; try apply ae_True.
apply ae_inter_countable; easy.
(* Lemma 659 pp. 126-127 (with I = nat) *)
Lemma ae_op_compat :
forall (P Q : F -> F -> Prop) (op : (nat -> F) -> F) (y0 : F),
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