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  • mayero/coq-num-analysis
  • hamelin/test-ci-coq-num-analysis
  • arias/coq-num-analysis
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......@@ -154,28 +154,28 @@ Qed.
(** Induction step: unisolvence result for d,k>1. *)
Lemma unisolvence_inj_Hface :
forall {d k}, (0 < d)%coq_nat -> (0 < k)%coq_nat -> PI d k.+1 ->
forall i {vtx p}, aff_indep_ms vtx -> Pdk d.+1 k.+1 p ->
(forall (idk : [0..(pbinom d.+1 k.+1).+1)),
forall {d k}, (0 < d)%coq_nat -> (0 < k)%coq_nat -> PI d k ->
forall i {vtx p}, aff_indep_ms vtx -> Pdk d.+1 k p ->
(forall (idk : [0..(pbinom d.+1 k).+1)),
Hface vtx i (node vtx idk) -> p (node vtx idk) = 0) ->
forall x, Hface vtx i x -> p x = 0.
intros d k Hd Hk H i vtx p Hvtx Hp1 Hp2 x Hx.
intros d k Hd Hk.
assert (HSd : (0 < d.+1)%coq_nat) by apply S_pos.
assert (HSk : (0 < k.+1)%coq_nat) by apply S_pos.
destruct k as [| k1]; [easy |].
intros H i vtx p Hvtx Hp1 Hp2 x Hx.
rewrite -(f_invS_canS_r (T_geom_Hface_bijS Hvtx i) x)//.
fold (T_geom_Hface_invS Hvtx i x).
pose (pi := fun y => p (T_geom_Hface vtx i y));
fold (pi (T_geom_Hface_invS Hvtx i x)).
rewrite (H _ vtx_ref_aff_indep pi)//.
apply T_geom_Hface_comp; easy.
rewrite (H _ vtx_ref_aff_indep pi)//; [apply T_geom_Hface_comp; easy |].
extF idk; rewrite gather_eq; unfold Sigma_LagPSdSk, pi; rewrite -node_ref_node.
destruct (ord_eq_dec i ord0) as [-> | Hi].
(* i = ord0 *)
rewrite T_geom_Hface_0_node//; apply Hp2, node_Hface_0; [easy.. |].
rewrite Adk_inv_correct_r inj_CSdk_sum//.
(* i <> ord0 *)
rewrite T_geom_Hface_S_node//; apply Hp2, (node_Hface_S Hvtx _ Hi HSd HSk).
rewrite T_geom_Hface_S_node//; apply Hp2, (node_Hface_S Hvtx _ Hi HSd Hk).
rewrite Adk_inv_correct_r;
[apply insertF_correct_l; easy | rewrite inj_ASdki_sum; apply Adk_sum].
......@@ -190,17 +190,8 @@ assert (HSk0 : (0 < k.+1)%coq_nat) by apply S_pos.
assert (HSk1 : (1 < k.+1)%coq_nat) by now rewrite -Nat.succ_lt_mono.
apply KerS0_gather_equiv; intros p Hp1 Hp2.
(* Step 1: factorization. *)
pose (p' := p \o T_geom_Hface vtx ord0).
assert (Hp' : Pdk d k.+1 p') by now apply T_geom_Hface_comp.
specialize (IH1 _ vtx_ref_aff_indep); rewrite KerS0_gather_equiv in IH1.
specialize (IH1 _ Hp'); rewrite -node_ref_node in IH1.
assert (Hp3 : forall y, Hface vtx ord0 y ->
p y = p' (T_geom_Hface_invS Hvtx ord0 y))
by now intros; unfold p'; rewrite comp_correct f_invS_canS_r.
assert (Hp4 : forall x, Hface vtx ord0 x -> p x = 0).
intros; rewrite Hp3// IH1//.
intros; unfold p'; rewrite comp_correct T_geom_Hface_0_node//.
destruct (factor_zero_on_Hface HSd0 Hvtx _ Hp1 Hp4) as [q [Hq1 Hq2]].
destruct (factor_zero_on_Hface HSd0 Hvtx ord0 Hp1) as [q [Hq1 Hq2]].
apply (unisolvence_inj_Hface Hd0 HSk0); easy.
(* Step 2: cancellation. *)
specialize (IH2 _ (sub_vtx_aff_indep HSk1 Hvtx));
rewrite KerS0_gather_equiv in IH2.
......@@ -414,25 +405,10 @@ Lemma Hface_unisolvence :
Hface vtx i (node vtx idk) -> p (node vtx idk) = 0) <->
(forall x, Hface vtx i x -> p x = 0).
assert (Hd0 : (0 < d)%coq_nat) by now apply Nat.lt_le_incl.
intros i p Hp; split; [| move=> H idk Hidk; apply H; easy].
intros H x Hx; destruct d as [| d1]; [easy |].
assert (Hd1 : (0 < d1)%coq_nat) by now apply Nat.succ_lt_mono.
rewrite -(f_invS_canS_r (T_geom_Hface_bijS Hvtx i) x)//.
fold (T_geom_Hface_invS Hvtx i x).
pose (pi := fun y => p (T_geom_Hface vtx i y));
fold (pi (T_geom_Hface_invS Hvtx i x)).
rewrite (unisolvence_inj_LagPSdSk Hd1 Hk _ vtx_ref_aff_indep pi)//.
apply T_geom_Hface_comp; easy.
extF idk; rewrite gather_eq; unfold Sigma_LagPSdSk, pi; rewrite -node_ref_node.
destruct (ord_eq_dec i ord0) as [-> | Hi].
(* i = ord0 *)
rewrite T_geom_Hface_0_node//; apply H, node_Hface_0; [easy.. |].
rewrite Adk_inv_correct_r inj_CSdk_sum//.
(* i <> ord0 *)
rewrite T_geom_Hface_S_node//; apply H, (node_Hface_S Hvtx _ Hi Hd0 Hk).
rewrite Adk_inv_correct_r;
[apply insertF_correct_l; easy | rewrite inj_ASdki_sum; apply Adk_sum].
destruct d as [| d1]; [easy |].
assert (Hd0 : (0 < d1)%coq_nat) by now apply Nat.succ_lt_mono.
apply: (unisolvence_inj_Hface _ _ (unisolvence_inj_LagPSdSk _ _)); easy.
End Face_unisolvence.