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  • mayero/coq-num-analysis
  • hamelin/test-ci-coq-num-analysis
  • arias/coq-num-analysis
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......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ COPYING file for more details.
- [vectF O A] is the [n]-family of [V] with [i]-th item [vect O (A i)];
- [translF O u] is the [n]-family of [E] with [i]-th item [transl O (u i)];
- [frameF B i0] is the [n]-family [vectF (B i0) (skipF B i0)];
- [inv_frameF O u i0] is the [n]-family [translF O (insertF i0 0 u)].
- [inv_frameF O i0 u] is the [n]-family [translF O (insert0F i0 u)].
* Used logic axioms
......@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ Context {E : AffineSpace V}.
Definition vectF {n} O (A : 'E^n) : 'V^n := mapF (vect O) A.
Definition translF {n} O (u : 'V^n) : 'E^n := mapF (transl O) u.
Definition frameF {n} (A : 'E^n.+1) i0 : 'V^n := vectF (A i0) (skipF i0 A).
Definition inv_frameF {n} O (u : 'V^n) i0 : 'E^n.+1 :=
translF O (insertF i0 0 u).
Definition frameF {n} i0 (A : 'E^n.+1) : 'V^n := vectF (A i0) (skipF i0 A).
Definition inv_frameF {n} i0 O (u : 'V^n) : 'E^n.+1 :=
translF O (insert0F i0 u).
(** Correctness lemmas. *)
......@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ Lemma translF_correct : forall {n} O (u : 'V^n) i, translF O u i = O +++ u i.
Proof. easy. Qed.
Lemma frameF_correct :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n.+1) i0 i (H : i <> i0),
frameF A i0 (insert_ord H) = A i0 --> A i.
forall {n i0 i} (H : i <> i0) (A : 'E^n.+1),
frameF i0 A (insert_ord H) = A i0 --> A i.
Proof. intros; unfold frameF; rewrite vectF_correct skipF_correct; easy. Qed.
Lemma inv_frameF_correct :
forall {n} (O : E) (u : 'V^n) i0 j,
inv_frameF O u i0 (skip_ord i0 j) = O +++ u j.
forall {n} i0 j (O : E) (u : 'V^n),
inv_frameF i0 O u (skip_ord i0 j) = O +++ u j.
intros; unfold inv_frameF; rewrite translF_correct insertF_correct; easy.
......@@ -221,19 +221,19 @@ rewrite !vectF_correct Hi2; easy.
Lemma vectF_insertF :
forall {n} O (A : 'E^n) Ai0 i0,
forall {n} O i0 Ai0 (A : 'E^n),
vectF O (insertF i0 Ai0 A) = insertF i0 (O --> Ai0) (vectF O A).
intros n O A Ai0 i0; extF i; destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0).
intros n O i0 Ai0 A; extF i; destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0).
rewrite vectF_correct !insertF_correct_l; easy.
rewrite vectF_correct !insertF_correct_r; easy.
Lemma vectF_skipF :
forall {n} O (A : 'E^n.+1) i0,
forall {n} O i0 (A : 'E^n.+1),
vectF O (skipF i0 A) = skipF i0 (vectF O A).
intros n O A i0; extF j; destruct (lt_dec j i0).
intros n O i0 A; extF j; destruct (lt_dec j i0).
rewrite vectF_correct !skipF_correct_l; easy.
rewrite vectF_correct !skipF_correct_r; easy.
......@@ -400,19 +400,19 @@ rewrite !translF_correct Hi2; easy.
Lemma translF_insertF :
forall {n} (O : E) (u : 'V^n) u0 i0,
forall {n} (O : E) i0 u0 (u : 'V^n),
translF O (insertF i0 u0 u) = insertF i0 (O +++ u0) (translF O u).
intros n O u u0 i0; extF i; destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0).
intros n O i0 u0 u; extF i; destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0).
rewrite translF_correct !insertF_correct_l; easy.
rewrite translF_correct !insertF_correct_r; easy.
Lemma translF_skipF :
forall {n} (O : E) (u : 'V^n.+1) i0,
forall {n} (O : E) i0 (u : 'V^n.+1),
translF O (skipF i0 u) = skipF i0 (translF O u).
intros n O A i0; extF j; destruct (lt_dec j i0).
intros n O i0 u; extF j; destruct (lt_dec j i0).
rewrite translF_correct !skipF_correct_l; easy.
rewrite translF_correct !skipF_correct_r; easy.
......@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ rewrite translF_correct !concatn_ord_correct; easy.
Lemma frameF_inv_frameF :
forall {n} (O : E) (u : 'V^n) i0, frameF (inv_frameF O u i0) i0 = u.
forall {n} i0 (O : E) (u : 'V^n), frameF i0 (inv_frameF i0 O u) = u.
intros; unfold frameF, inv_frameF; apply eq_sym, translF_vectF_equiv.
rewrite translF_correct (insertF_correct_l _ _ (erefl _)).
......@@ -458,26 +458,26 @@ rewrite -{1}(transl_zero O) translF_insertF skipF_insertF; easy.
Lemma inv_frameF_frameF :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n.+1) i0, inv_frameF (A i0) (frameF A i0) i0 = A.
forall {n} i0 (A : 'E^n.+1), inv_frameF i0 (A i0) (frameF i0 A) = A.
intros; unfold frameF, inv_frameF; apply eq_sym, translF_vectF_equiv.
rewrite -(vect_zero (A i0)) -vectF_insertF insertF_skipF; easy.
Lemma frameF_inj_equiv :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n.+1) i0,
injective (frameF A i0) <-> injective (skipF i0 A).
forall {n} i0 (A : 'E^n.+1),
injective (frameF i0 A) <-> injective (skipF i0 A).
Proof. move=>>; apply vectF_inj_equiv. Qed.
Lemma inv_frameF_inj_equiv :
forall {n} (O : E) (u : 'V^n) i0,
injective (skipF i0 (inv_frameF O u i0)) <-> injective u.
forall {n} i0 (O : E) (u : 'V^n),
injective (skipF i0 (inv_frameF i0 O u)) <-> injective u.
Proof. move=>>; rewrite -frameF_inj_equiv frameF_inv_frameF; easy. Qed.
(* (preimage (transl (A i0)) PE) will be (vectP PE (A i0)) below *)
Lemma frameF_inclF :
forall {PE : E -> Prop} {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} i0,
inclF A PE -> inclF (frameF A i0) (preimage (transl (A i0)) PE).
forall {PE : E -> Prop} {n} i0 {A : 'E^n.+1},
inclF A PE -> inclF (frameF i0 A) (preimage (transl (A i0)) PE).
move=>> HA i; unfold preimage, frameF.
rewrite vectF_correct transl_correct_l.
......@@ -486,70 +486,67 @@ apply skipF_monot_l, invalF_refl.
Lemma frameF_invalF :
forall {n1 n2} (A1 : 'E^n1.+1) (A2 : 'E^n2.+1) i1 i2,
forall {n1 n2} i1 i2 (A1 : 'E^n1.+1) (A2 : 'E^n2.+1),
A1 i1 = A2 i2 ->
invalF (skipF i1 A1) (skipF i2 A2) -> invalF (frameF A1 i1) (frameF A2 i2).
invalF (skipF i1 A1) (skipF i2 A2) -> invalF (frameF i1 A1) (frameF i2 A2).
Proof. move=>> H; unfold frameF; rewrite H; apply vectF_invalF. Qed.
Lemma frameF_invalF_rev :
forall {n1 n2} (A1 : 'E^n1.+1) (A2 : 'E^n2.+1) i1 i2,
forall {n1 n2} i1 i2 (A1 : 'E^n1.+1) (A2 : 'E^n2.+1),
A1 i1 = A2 i2 ->
invalF (frameF A1 i1) (frameF A2 i2) -> invalF (skipF i1 A1) (skipF i2 A2).
invalF (frameF i1 A1) (frameF i2 A2) -> invalF (skipF i1 A1) (skipF i2 A2).
Proof. move=>> H; unfold frameF; rewrite H; apply vectF_invalF. Qed.
Lemma frameF_invalF_equiv :
forall {n1 n2} (A1 : 'E^n1.+1) (A2 : 'E^n2.+1) i1 i2,
forall {n1 n2} i1 i2 (A1 : 'E^n1.+1) (A2 : 'E^n2.+1),
A1 i1 = A2 i2 ->
invalF (frameF A1 i1) (frameF A2 i2) <->
invalF (frameF i1 A1) (frameF i2 A2) <->
invalF (skipF i1 A1) (skipF i2 A2).
Proof. move=>> H; unfold frameF; rewrite H; apply vectF_invalF. Qed.
Lemma frameF_1 : forall (A : 'E^1), frameF A ord0 = 0.
Lemma frameF_1 : forall (A : 'E^1), frameF ord0 A = 0.
Proof. intros; unfold frameF, vectF; apply mapF_nil; easy. Qed.
Lemma frameF_singleF : forall (A : E), frameF (singleF A) ord0 = 0.
Lemma frameF_singleF : forall (A : E), frameF ord0 (singleF A) = 0.
Proof. intros; apply frameF_1. Qed.
Lemma frameF_2_0 :
forall (A : 'E^2), frameF A ord0 ord0 = A ord0 --> A ord_max.
forall (A : 'E^2), frameF ord0 A ord0 = A ord0 --> A ord_max.
intros; rewrite -(frameF_correct _ _ _ ord_max_not_0)
insert_ord_max ord_one; easy.
intros; rewrite -(frameF_correct ord_max_not_0) insert_ord_max ord_one; easy.
Lemma frameF_2_1 :
forall (A : 'E^2), frameF A ord_max ord0 = A ord_max --> A ord0.
intros; rewrite -(frameF_correct _ _ _ ord_0_not_max) insert_ord_0; easy.
forall (A : 'E^2), frameF ord_max A ord0 = A ord_max --> A ord0.
Proof. intros; rewrite -(frameF_correct ord_0_not_max) insert_ord_0; easy. Qed.
Lemma frameF_coupleF_0 :
forall (A B : E), frameF (coupleF A B) ord0 ord0 = A --> B.
forall (A B : E), frameF ord0 (coupleF A B) ord0 = A --> B.
Proof. intros; rewrite frameF_2_0 coupleF_0 coupleF_1; easy. Qed.
Lemma frameF_coupleF_1 :
forall (A B : E), frameF (coupleF A B) ord_max ord0 = B --> A.
forall (A B : E), frameF ord_max (coupleF A B) ord0 = B --> A.
Proof. intros; rewrite frameF_2_1 coupleF_0 coupleF_1; easy. Qed.
Lemma frameF_skipF :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n.+2) {i0 i1} (H10 : i1 <> i0) (H01 : i0 <> i1),
frameF (skipF i0 A) (insert_ord H10) =
skipF (insert_ord H01) (frameF A i1).
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H10 : i1 <> i0) (H01 : i0 <> i1) (A : 'E^n.+2),
frameF (insert_ord H10) (skipF i0 A) =
skipF (insert_ord H01) (frameF i1 A).
intros n A i0 i1 H10 H01; unfold frameF.
intros n i0 i1 H10 H01 A; unfold frameF.
rewrite -vectF_skipF (skipF_correct_alt H10); [| apply skip_insert_ord].
rewrite -skip2F_correct skip2F_equiv_def; easy.
Lemma frameF_skipF_alt :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n.+2) {i0 i1} {H10 : i1 <> i0},
frameF (skipF i0 A) (insert_ord H10) =
skipF (insert_ord (not_eq_sym H10)) (frameF A i1).
forall {n} {i0 i1} {H10 : i1 <> i0} (A : 'E^n.+2),
frameF (insert_ord H10) (skipF i0 A) =
skipF (insert_ord (not_eq_sym H10)) (frameF i1 A).
Proof. intros; apply frameF_skipF. Qed.
Lemma frameF_permutF :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {i0} {p} (Hp : injective p),
frameF (permutF p A) i0 = permutF (skip_f_ord Hp i0) (frameF A (p i0)).
forall {n i0 p} (Hp : injective p) {A : 'E^n.+1},
frameF i0 (permutF p A) = permutF (skip_f_ord Hp i0) (frameF (p i0) A).
Proof. intros; unfold frameF; rewrite skipF_permutF; easy. Qed.
Context {V1 V2 : ModuleSpace K}.
......@@ -577,9 +574,9 @@ Lemma fct_translF_eq :
Proof. intros; extF; rewrite !translF_correct; apply fct_transl_eq. Qed.
Lemma frameF_mapF :
forall {n} {A1 : 'E1^n.+1} {i0} {f : E1 -> E2},
frameF (mapF f A1) i0 =
mapF (vect (f (A1 i0)) \o f \o transl (A1 i0)) (frameF A1 i0).
forall {n i0} {f : E1 -> E2} {A1 : 'E1^n.+1},
frameF i0 (mapF f A1) =
mapF (vect (f (A1 i0)) \o f \o transl (A1 i0)) (frameF i0 A1).
intros; unfold frameF; rewrite mapF_correct -mapF_skipF.
unfold vectF; rewrite -2!mapF_comp {1}comp_assoc -(comp_assoc (vect _)).
......@@ -602,16 +599,16 @@ Lemma translF_ms_eq :
Proof. intros; extF; rewrite translF_correct ms_transl_eq; easy. Qed.
Lemma frameF_ms_eq :
forall {n} (A : 'V^n.+1) i0, frameF A i0 = skipF i0 A - constF n (A i0).
forall {n} i0 (A : 'V^n.+1), frameF i0 A = skipF i0 A - constF n (A i0).
Proof. intros; unfold frameF; rewrite vectF_ms_eq; easy. Qed.
Lemma inv_frameF_ms_eq :
forall {n} (u : 'V^n) (O : V) i0,
inv_frameF O u i0 = constF n.+1 O + insertF i0 0 u.
forall {n} i0 (O : V) (u : 'V^n),
inv_frameF i0 O u = constF n.+1 O + insert0F i0 u.
Proof. intros; unfold inv_frameF; rewrite translF_ms_eq; easy. Qed.
Lemma injF_ms_equiv :
forall {n} (A : 'V^n.+1), injective A <-> forall i0, ~ inF 0 (frameF A i0).
forall {n} (A : 'V^n.+1), injective A <-> forall i0, ~ inF 0 (frameF i0 A).
intros n A; rewrite injF_g_equiv; split; intros H i0;
[rewrite frameF_ms_eq | rewrite -frameF_ms_eq]; easy.
......@@ -357,11 +357,11 @@ Context {V : ModuleSpace K}.
Context {E : AffineSpace V}.
Lemma insertF_fct_lm :
forall {n} x0 i0,
forall {n} i0 x0,
fct_lm (fun A : 'E^n => insertF i0 x0 A) (constF n x0) =
(fun u : 'V^n => insert0F i0 u).
intros n x0 i0; unfold fct_lm; fun_ext u; extF i.
intros n i0 x0; unfold fct_lm; fun_ext u; extF i.
rewrite fct_vect_eq insertF_constF constF_correct.
destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0) as [-> | Hi].
rewrite !insertF_correct_l//; apply vect_zero.
......@@ -369,9 +369,9 @@ rewrite !insertF_correct_r fct_transl_eq constF_correct transl_correct_r; easy.
Lemma insertF_am :
forall {n} x0 i0, aff_map (fun A : 'E^n => insertF i0 x0 A).
forall {n} i0 x0, aff_map (fun A : 'E^n => insertF i0 x0 A).
intros n x0 i0; apply (am_lm (constF _ x0)).
intros n i0 x0; apply (am_lm (constF _ x0)).
rewrite insertF_fct_lm; apply insert0F_lm.
......@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ End ModuleSpace_AffineSpace_Morphism_R_Facts.
Section Euclidean_space_AffineSpace_Morphism_Facts.
Lemma part1F_am :
forall {n} (i0 : 'I_n.+1), aff_map_ms (part1F^~ i0 : 'R^n -> 'R^n.+1).
forall {n} (i0 : 'I_n.+1), aff_map_ms (part1F i0 : 'R^n -> 'R^n.+1).
Proof. intros; apply am_lm_0, part1F_fct_lm. Qed.
End Euclidean_space_AffineSpace_Morphism_Facts.
......@@ -262,18 +262,18 @@ Proof. intros; f_equal; easy. Qed.
Lemma isobaryc_correct :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n),
invertible (plusn1 K n) -> aff_comb 1 A (isobarycenter A).
invertible (plusn1 n : K) -> aff_comb 1 A (isobarycenter A).
Proof. intros; apply baryc_correct; easy. Qed.
Lemma isobaryc_orig :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n) O,
invertible (plusn1 K n) ->
scal (plusn1 K n) (O --> isobarycenter A) = sum (vectF O A).
invertible (plusn1 n : K) ->
scal (plusn1 n) (O --> isobarycenter A) = sum (vectF O A).
Proof. intros; rewrite -lc_ones_l; apply baryc_orig; easy. Qed.
Lemma isobaryc_equiv :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n) G,
invertible (plusn1 K n) ->
invertible (plusn1 n : K) ->
G = isobarycenter A <-> aff_comb 1 A G.
Proof. intros; apply baryc_equiv; easy. Qed.
......@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma transl_lc :
forall {n} i0 (A : E) L (u : 'V^n),
A +++ lin_comb L u = barycenter (part1F L i0) (insertF i0 A (translF A u)).
A +++ lin_comb L u = barycenter (part1F i0 L) (insertF i0 A (translF A u)).
intros n i0 A L u; apply (baryc_orig_equiv A);
rewrite sum_insertF_baryc; [apply invertible_one |].
......@@ -371,62 +371,62 @@ rewrite vect_zero scal_zero_r plus_zero_l vectF_translF; easy.
Lemma baryc_insertF :
forall {n} i0 O (A : 'E^n) L,
barycenter (part1F L i0) (insertF i0 O A) = O +++ lin_comb L (vectF O A).
forall {n} i0 O L (A : 'E^n),
barycenter (part1F i0 L) (insertF i0 O A) = O +++ lin_comb L (vectF O A).
Proof. intros; rewrite (transl_lc i0) translF_vectF; easy. Qed.
Lemma vectF_lc :
forall {n} i0 O (A : 'E^n) L,
lin_comb L (vectF O A) = O --> barycenter (part1F L i0) (insertF i0 O A).
forall {n} i0 O L (A : 'E^n),
lin_comb L (vectF O A) = O --> barycenter (part1F i0 L) (insertF i0 O A).
intros n i0 O A L; apply (transl_l_inj O).
intros n i0 O L A; apply (transl_l_inj O).
rewrite -(baryc_insertF i0) transl_correct_l; easy.
Lemma vectF_lc_skipF :
forall {n} i0 (A : 'E^n.+1) L,
forall {n} i0 L (A : 'E^n.+1),
lin_comb L (vectF (A i0) A) =
lin_comb (skipF i0 L) (vectF (A i0) (skipF i0 A)).
intros n i0 A L; rewrite (lc_skipF i0) vectF_correct vect_zero
intros n i0 L A; rewrite (lc_skipF i0) vectF_correct vect_zero
scal_zero_r plus_zero_l; easy.
Lemma vectF_lc_0 :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n.+1) L,
forall {n} L (A : 'E^n.+1),
lin_comb L (vectF (A ord0) A) =
lin_comb (liftF_S L) (vectF (A ord0) (liftF_S A)).
Proof. intros; rewrite -!skipF_first; apply vectF_lc_skipF. Qed.
Lemma vectF_lc_max :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n.+1) L,
forall {n} L (A : 'E^n.+1),
lin_comb L (vectF (A ord_max) A) =
lin_comb (widenF_S L) (vectF (A ord_max) (widenF_S A)).
Proof. intros; rewrite -!skipF_last; apply vectF_lc_skipF. Qed.
Lemma frameF_lc :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {i0 L}, sum L = 1 ->
lin_comb L (frameF A i0) = A i0 --> barycenter (part1F L i0) A.
forall {n i0 L} {A : 'E^n.+1}, sum L = 1 ->
lin_comb L (frameF i0 A) = A i0 --> barycenter (part1F i0 L) A.
intros n A i0 L HL; unfold frameF; rewrite (vectF_lc i0) insertF_skipF; easy.
intros n i0 L A HL; unfold frameF; rewrite (vectF_lc i0) insertF_skipF; easy.
Lemma baryc_frameF_equiv :
forall {n L} (A : 'E^n.+1) G i0, sum L = 1 ->
G = barycenter L A <-> A i0 --> G = lin_comb (skipF i0 L) (frameF A i0).
forall {n} i0 {L} (A : 'E^n.+1) G, sum L = 1 ->
G = barycenter L A <-> A i0 --> G = lin_comb (skipF i0 L) (frameF i0 A).
intros n L A G i0 HL.
intros n i0 L A G HL.
assert (HL0 : invertible (sum L)) by now apply invertible_eq_one.
rewrite (baryc_orig_equiv (A i0) _ HL0) HL scal_one_l// vectF_lc_skipF//.
Lemma barycenter2_r :
forall {n1 n2} L1 (A1 : 'E^n1) M12 (A2 : 'E^n2),
forall {n1 n2} L1 M12 (A1 : 'E^n1) (A2 : 'E^n2),
invertible (sum L1) -> (forall i1, sum (M12 i1) = 1) ->
(forall i1, A1 i1 = barycenter (M12 i1) A2) ->
barycenter L1 A1 = barycenter (fun i2 => lin_comb L1 (M12^~ i2)) A2.
intros n1 n2 L1 A1 M12 A2 HL1 HM12 HA1; pose (O := point_of_as E).
intros n1 n2 L1 M12 A1 A2 HL1 HM12 HA1; pose (O := point_of_as E).
assert (HLM : sum (fun i2 => lin_comb L1 (M12^~ i2)) = sum L1).
rewrite -lc_sum_r (lc_ext_r 1).
apply lc_ones_r.
......@@ -439,12 +439,12 @@ rewrite -(lc2_l_alt HA1'); apply baryc_orig; easy.
Lemma barycenter2_r_alt :
forall {n1 n2} L1 (A1 : 'E^n1) M12 (A2 : 'E^n2),
forall {n1 n2} L1 M12 (A1 : 'E^n1) (A2 : 'E^n2),
invertible (sum L1) -> (forall i1, sum (M12 i1) = 1) ->
(forall i1, A1 i1 = barycenter (M12 i1) A2) ->
barycenter L1 A1 = barycenter (lin_comb L1 M12) A2.
intros n1 n2 L1 A1 M12 A2 HL1 HM12 H; rewrite (barycenter2_r _ _ M12 A2)//.
intros n1 n2 L1 M12 A1 A2 HL1 HM12 H; rewrite (barycenter2_r _ M12 _ A2)//.
f_equal; extF; apply eq_sym, fct_lc_r_eq.
......@@ -496,11 +496,11 @@ rewrite lc_3 3!vectF_correct 2!tripleF_0 2!tripleF_1 2!tripleF_2; easy.
Lemma baryc_skip_zero :
forall {n} L (A : 'E^n.+1) i0,
forall {n} i0 L (A : 'E^n.+1),
invertible (sum L) -> L i0 = 0 ->
barycenter L A = barycenter (skipF i0 L) (skipF i0 A).
intros n L A i0 HL Hi0; apply baryc_equiv; unfold aff_comb.
intros n i0 L A HL Hi0; apply baryc_equiv; unfold aff_comb.
rewrite -(plus_zero_l (sum _)) -Hi0 -sum_skipF; easy.
rewrite -(plus_zero_l (lin_comb _ _))
-{1}(scal_zero_l (barycenter L A --> A i0))
......@@ -510,25 +510,23 @@ apply baryc_correct; easy.
Lemma baryc_insert_zero :
forall {n} L (A : 'E^n) x0 i0,
forall {n} i0 x0 L (A : 'E^n),
invertible (sum L) ->
barycenter L A = barycenter (insertF i0 0 L) (insertF i0 x0 A).
barycenter L A = barycenter (insert0F i0 L) (insertF i0 x0 A).
intros n L A x0 i0 HL; rewrite (baryc_skip_zero (insertF _ _ _) _ i0).
intros n i0 x0 L A HL; rewrite (baryc_skip_zero i0).
rewrite !skipF_insertF; easy.
rewrite sum_insertF plus_zero_l; easy.
apply insertF_correct_l; easy.
Lemma baryc_squeezeF :
forall {n} {L} {A : 'E^n.+1} {i0 i1},
invertible (sum L) -> i1 <> i0 -> A i1 = A i0 ->
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) {L} {A : 'E^n.+1},
invertible (sum L) -> A i1 = A i0 ->
barycenter L A = barycenter (squeezeF i0 i1 L) (skipF i1 A).
intros n L A i0 i1 HL Hia Hib; apply baryc_equiv.
apply invertible_sum_squeezeF; easy.
apply ac_squeezeF; try easy.
apply baryc_correct; easy.
intros; apply baryc_equiv; [apply invertible_sum_squeezeF; easy |].
apply ac_squeezeF; [..| apply baryc_correct]; easy.
Lemma baryc_injF_ex :
......@@ -553,7 +551,7 @@ destruct (Hn (squeezeF i0 i1 L) (skipF i1 A)) as [m [M [B [H1 [H2 [H3 H4]]]]]];
try now apply invertible_sum_squeezeF.
exists m, M, B; repeat split; try easy.
apply (skipF_monot_r i1); easy.
rewrite (baryc_squeezeF _ Hib); easy.
rewrite (baryc_squeezeF Hib); easy.
Lemma baryc_filter_n0F :
......@@ -578,9 +576,9 @@ destruct (baryc_normalized
rewrite -invertible_sum_equiv//.
apply baryc_filter_n0F; easy.
eexists; exists (scal (/ sum (filter_n0F L)) (filter_n0F L)),
(filter_n0F_gen L A); repeat split; try easy.
2: apply filterPF_invalF.
intros; rewrite fct_scal_r_eq scal_eq_K. apply mult_not_zero_l.
(filter_n0F_gen L A); repeat split;
[easy | | apply filterPF_invalF | easy].
intros; rewrite fct_scal_r_eq scal_eq_K; apply mult_not_zero_l.
apply inv_invertible; rewrite -invertible_sum_equiv//.
apply filter_neqF_correct.
......@@ -911,14 +909,23 @@ rewrite minus_zero_equiv lc_constF_r HL scal_one; easy.
Lemma baryc_frameF_ms_eq :
forall {n L} {A : 'E^n.+1} i0, sum L = 1 ->
forall {n} i0 {L} {A : 'E^n.+1}, sum L = 1 ->
barycenter_ms L A =
A i0 + lin_comb (skipF i0 L) (skipF i0 A - constF n (A i0)).
intros n L A i0 HL; apply eq_sym, (baryc_frameF_equiv A _ i0 HL).
intros n i0 L A HL; apply eq_sym, (baryc_frameF_equiv i0); [easy |].
rewrite frameF_ms_eq; apply: minus_plus_l.
Lemma isobaryc_ms_eq :
forall {n} (A : 'E^n), invertible (plusn1 n : K) ->
isobarycenter_ms A = scal (/ plusn1 n) (sum A).
intros n A Hn; rewrite isobaryc_ms_correct; unfold isobarycenter.
destruct (baryc_normalized 1 A (barycenter 1 A)) as [HL1 ->]; [easy.. |].
rewrite -baryc_ms_correct baryc_ms_eq// lc_scal_l lc_ones_l; easy.
End ModuleSpace_AffineSpace.
......@@ -142,50 +142,50 @@ Lemma has_aff_dim_cas :
Proof. move=>> [B HB]; apply (aff_basis_cas _ HB). Qed.
Lemma aff_basis_lin_basis :
forall {PE n} {A : 'E^n.+1} O i0,
aff_span A O -> basis (vectP PE O) (frameF A i0) -> aff_basis PE A.
forall {PE n} i0 O {A : 'E^n.+1},
aff_span A O -> basis (vectP PE O) (frameF i0 A) -> aff_basis PE A.
move=>> HO; apply modus_ponens_and;
[apply aff_gen_lin_gen; easy | apply aff_indep_lin_indep].
Lemma aff_basis_lin_basis_rev :
forall {PE : E -> Prop} {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {O} i0,
PE O -> aff_basis PE A -> basis (vectP PE O) (frameF A i0).
forall {PE : E -> Prop} {n} i0 {O} {A : 'E^n.+1},
PE O -> aff_basis PE A -> basis (vectP PE O) (frameF i0 A).
move=>> HO; apply modus_ponens_and;
[apply aff_gen_lin_gen_rev; easy | apply aff_indep_lin_indep_rev].
Lemma aff_basis_lin_basis_equiv :
forall {PE n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {O} i0,
forall {PE n} i0 {O} {A : 'E^n.+1},
PE O -> aff_span A O ->
aff_basis PE A <-> basis (vectP PE O) (frameF A i0).
aff_basis PE A <-> basis (vectP PE O) (frameF i0 A).
intros; apply and_iff_compat;
[apply aff_gen_lin_gen_equiv; easy | apply aff_indep_lin_indep_equiv].
Lemma lin_basis_aff_basis :
forall {PV n} {B : 'V^n} (O : E) i0,
forall {PV n} i0 (O : E) {B : 'V^n},
zero_closed PV ->
aff_basis (translP PV O) (inv_frameF O B i0) -> basis PV B.
aff_basis (translP PV O) (inv_frameF i0 O B) -> basis PV B.
move=>> HO; apply modus_ponens_and;
[apply lin_gen_aff_gen; easy | apply lin_indep_aff_indep].
Lemma lin_basis_aff_basis_rev :
forall {PV n} {B : 'V^n} (O : E) i0,
basis PV B -> aff_basis (translP PV O) (inv_frameF O B i0).
forall {PV n} i0 (O : E) {B : 'V^n},
basis PV B -> aff_basis (translP PV O) (inv_frameF i0 O B).
move=>>; apply modus_ponens_and;
[apply lin_gen_aff_gen_rev; easy | apply lin_indep_aff_indep_rev].
Lemma lin_basis_aff_basis_equiv :
forall {PV n} {B : 'V^n} (O : E) i0, zero_closed PV ->
basis PV B <-> aff_basis (translP PV O) (inv_frameF O B i0).
forall {PV n} i0 (O : E) {B : 'V^n}, zero_closed PV ->
basis PV B <-> aff_basis (translP PV O) (inv_frameF i0 O B).
intros; apply and_iff_compat;
[apply lin_gen_aff_gen_equiv; easy | apply lin_indep_aff_indep_equiv].
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma has_aff_dim_has_dim :
forall {PE : E -> Prop} {n} O, has_dim (vectP PE O) n -> has_aff_dim PE n.
move=> PE n O [B /(lin_basis_aff_basis_rev O ord0) HB];
move=> PE n O [B /(lin_basis_aff_basis_rev ord0 O) HB];
rewrite translP_vectP in HB; apply (Aff_dim _ _ _ HB).
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma has_dim_has_aff_dim_rev :
forall {PV n} (O : E), has_dim PV n -> has_aff_dim (translP PV O) n.
move=> PV n O [B /(lin_basis_aff_basis_rev O ord0) HB];
move=> PV n O [B /(lin_basis_aff_basis_rev ord0 O) HB];
apply (Aff_dim _ _ _ HB).
......@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ intros PE n A HPE HA; destruct (has_aff_dim_nonempty HPE) as [O HO].
assert (HO' : aff_span A O) by now rewrite -HA.
move: (has_aff_dim_has_dim_rev HO HPE) => HPE'.
move: (aff_gen_lin_gen_rev ord0 HO HA) => HA'.
apply (aff_basis_lin_basis _ ord0 HO').
apply (aff_basis_lin_basis ord0 _ HO').
apply (lin_gen_basis HPE' HA').
......@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ Lemma aff_indep_aff_gen :
intros PE n A HPE HA1 HA2.
move: (has_aff_dim_has_dim_rev (HA1 ord0) HPE) => HPE'.
apply (aff_gen_lin_gen (A ord0) ord0).
apply (aff_gen_lin_gen ord0 (A ord0)).
apply aff_span_inclF_diag.
apply (lin_indep_lin_gen HPE'); try easy.
apply frameF_inclF; easy.
......@@ -100,49 +100,49 @@ Lemma aff_gen_cas :
Proof. move=>> ->; apply aff_span_cas. Qed.
Lemma aff_gen_lin_gen :
forall {PE n} {A : 'E^n.+1} O i0,
aff_span A O -> lin_gen (vectP PE O) (frameF A i0) -> aff_gen PE A.
forall {PE n} i0 O {A : 'E^n.+1},
aff_span A O -> lin_gen (vectP PE O) (frameF i0 A) -> aff_gen PE A.
intros PE n A O i0 HO HA; apply (vectP_inj O).
intros PE n i0 O A HO HA; apply (vectP_inj O).
rewrite (aff_span_lin_span i0 HO) vectP_translP; easy.
Lemma aff_gen_lin_gen_rev :
forall {PE n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {O} i0,
PE O -> aff_gen PE A -> lin_gen (vectP PE O) (frameF A i0).
forall {PE n} i0 {O} {A : 'E^n.+1},
PE O -> aff_gen PE A -> lin_gen (vectP PE O) (frameF i0 A).
intros PE n A O i0 HO ->; rewrite (aff_span_lin_span i0 HO) vectP_translP//.
intros PE n i0 O A HO ->; rewrite (aff_span_lin_span i0 HO) vectP_translP//.
Lemma aff_gen_lin_gen_equiv :
forall {PE n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {O} i0, PE O -> aff_span A O ->
aff_gen PE A <-> lin_gen (vectP PE O) (frameF A i0).
forall {PE n} i0 {O} {A : 'E^n.+1}, PE O -> aff_span A O ->
aff_gen PE A <-> lin_gen (vectP PE O) (frameF i0 A).
intros; split; [apply aff_gen_lin_gen_rev | apply aff_gen_lin_gen]; easy.
Lemma lin_gen_aff_gen :
forall {PV n} {u : 'V^n} (O : E) i0,
forall {PV n} i0 (O : E) {u : 'V^n},
zero_closed PV ->
aff_gen (translP PV O) (inv_frameF O u i0) -> lin_gen PV u.
aff_gen (translP PV O) (inv_frameF i0 O u) -> lin_gen PV u.
move=> PV n u O i0
move=> PV n i0 O u
/(translP_zero_closed_equiv O) HO /(aff_gen_lin_gen_rev i0 HO).
rewrite vectP_translP frameF_inv_frameF; easy.
Lemma lin_gen_aff_gen_rev :
forall {PV n} {u : 'V^n} (O : E) i0,
lin_gen PV u -> aff_gen (translP PV O) (inv_frameF O u i0).
forall {PV n} i0 (O : E) {u : 'V^n},
lin_gen PV u -> aff_gen (translP PV O) (inv_frameF i0 O u).
intros PV n u O i0 Hu.
apply (aff_gen_lin_gen O i0); try rewrite vectP_translP frameF_inv_frameF//.
intros PV n i0 O u Hu.
apply (aff_gen_lin_gen i0 O); try rewrite vectP_translP frameF_inv_frameF//.
apply aff_span_inv_frameF_orig.
Lemma lin_gen_aff_gen_equiv :
forall {PV n} {u : 'V^n} (O : E) i0, zero_closed PV ->
lin_gen PV u <-> aff_gen (translP PV O) (inv_frameF O u i0).
forall {PV n} i0 (O : E) {u : 'V^n}, zero_closed PV ->
lin_gen PV u <-> aff_gen (translP PV O) (inv_frameF i0 O u).
intros; split; [apply lin_gen_aff_gen_rev | apply lin_gen_aff_gen; easy].
......@@ -183,18 +183,18 @@ Section ModuleSpace_AffineSpace_R_Facts.
Context {E : ModuleSpace R_Ring}.
Lemma aff_gen_lin_gen_ms_equiv :
forall {PE : E -> Prop} {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} O i0, PE O -> aff_span_ms A O ->
forall {PE : E -> Prop} {n} i0 O {A : 'E^n.+1}, PE O -> aff_span_ms A O ->
aff_gen_ms PE A <->
lin_gen (fun u => PE (O + u)) (skipF i0 A - constF n (A i0)).
intros PE n A O i0; rewrite -vectP_ms_eq -frameF_ms_eq;
intros PE n i0 O A; rewrite -vectP_ms_eq -frameF_ms_eq;
apply (aff_gen_lin_gen_equiv i0).
Lemma lin_gen_aff_gen_ms_equiv :
forall {PE : E -> Prop} {n} {u : 'E^n} (O : E) i0, zero_closed PE ->
forall {PE : E -> Prop} {n} i0 (O : E) {u : 'E^n}, zero_closed PE ->
lin_gen PE u <->
aff_gen_ms (fun A => PE (A - O)) (constF n.+1 O + insertF i0 0 u).
aff_gen_ms (fun A => PE (A - O)) (constF n.+1 O + insert0F i0 u).
move=>>; rewrite -translP_ms_eq -inv_frameF_ms_eq; apply lin_gen_aff_gen_equiv.
......@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ Context {V : ModuleSpace K}.
Context {E : AffineSpace V}.
Lemma aff_indep_any :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} i0 i,
lin_indep (frameF A i0) -> lin_indep (frameF A i).
forall {n} i0 i {A : 'E^n.+1},
lin_indep (frameF i0 A) -> lin_indep (frameF i A).
intros n A i0 i HA; destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0) as [Hi | Hi]; try now rewrite Hi.
intros n i0 i A HA; destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0) as [Hi | Hi]; try now rewrite Hi.
destruct n as [| n]; [contradict Hi; rewrite !ord_one; easy |].
intros L; unfold frameF; rewrite (vectF_change_orig (A i0))
lc_plus_r lc_constF_r scal_opp -vect_sym vectF_skipF.
......@@ -77,60 +77,60 @@ rewrite zeroF skipF_correct insertF_correct_l; easy.
Lemma aff_indep_all :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} i, aff_indep A -> lin_indep (frameF A i).
forall {n} i {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_indep A -> lin_indep (frameF i A).
Proof. move=>>; apply aff_indep_any. Qed.
Lemma aff_indep_all_equiv :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_indep A <-> forall i, lin_indep (frameF A i).
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_indep A <-> forall i, lin_indep (frameF i A).
intros; split; [intros; apply aff_indep_all; easy | intros H; apply H].
Lemma aff_indep_lin_indep :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} i0, lin_indep (frameF A i0) -> aff_indep A.
Proof. move=> n A i0 /(aff_indep_any i0 ord0); easy. Qed.
forall {n} i0 {A : 'E^n.+1}, lin_indep (frameF i0 A) -> aff_indep A.
Proof. move=> n i0 A /(aff_indep_any i0 ord0); easy. Qed.
Lemma aff_indep_lin_indep_rev :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} i0, aff_indep A -> lin_indep (frameF A i0).
forall {n} i0 {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_indep A -> lin_indep (frameF i0 A).
Proof. move=>>; apply aff_indep_any. Qed.
Lemma aff_indep_lin_indep_equiv :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} i0, aff_indep A <-> lin_indep (frameF A i0).
forall {n} i0 {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_indep A <-> lin_indep (frameF i0 A).
intros; split; [apply aff_indep_lin_indep_rev | apply aff_indep_lin_indep].
Lemma lin_indep_aff_indep_equiv :
forall {n} {u : 'V^n} (O : E) i0,
lin_indep u <-> aff_indep (inv_frameF O u i0).
forall {n} i0 (O : E) {u : 'V^n},
lin_indep u <-> aff_indep (inv_frameF i0 O u).
intros n u O i0. rewrite (aff_indep_lin_indep_equiv i0) frameF_inv_frameF//.
intros n i0 O u; rewrite (aff_indep_lin_indep_equiv i0) frameF_inv_frameF//.
Lemma lin_indep_aff_indep :
forall {n} {u : 'V^n} (O : E) i0,
aff_indep (inv_frameF O u i0) -> lin_indep u.
forall {n} i0 (O : E) {u : 'V^n},
aff_indep (inv_frameF i0 O u) -> lin_indep u.
Proof. move=>>; apply lin_indep_aff_indep_equiv. Qed.
Lemma lin_indep_aff_indep_rev :
forall {n} {u : 'V^n} (O : E) i0,
lin_indep u -> aff_indep (inv_frameF O u i0).
forall {n} i0 (O : E) {u : 'V^n},
lin_indep u -> aff_indep (inv_frameF i0 O u).
Proof. move=>>; apply lin_indep_aff_indep_equiv. Qed.
Lemma aff_dep_any :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} i0,
(exists i, lin_dep (frameF A i)) -> lin_dep (frameF A i0).
forall {n} i0 {A : 'E^n.+1},
(exists i, lin_dep (frameF i A)) -> lin_dep (frameF i0 A).
intros n A i0; rewrite contra_not_r_equiv not_ex_not_all_equiv.
intros n i0 A; rewrite contra_not_r_equiv not_ex_not_all_equiv.
intros; apply (aff_indep_any i0); easy.
Lemma aff_dep_ex :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1}, (exists i, lin_dep (frameF A i)) -> aff_dep A.
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1}, (exists i, lin_dep (frameF i A)) -> aff_dep A.
Proof. move=>>; apply aff_dep_any. Qed.
Lemma aff_dep_ex_equiv :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_dep A <-> exists i, lin_dep (frameF A i).
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_dep A <-> exists i, lin_dep (frameF i A).
Proof. intros; split; [intros H; exists ord0; easy | apply aff_dep_any]. Qed.
Lemma aff_indep_decomp_uniq :
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Lemma aff_indep_decomp_uniq_rev :
intros n A HA L HL; apply (insertF_inj_r ord0 (1 - sum L) 1).
replace (insertF _ _ L) with (part1F0 L) by easy; rewrite -itemF_insertF.
assert (H1 : sum (part1F L ord0) = 1) by apply part1F_sum.
assert (H1 : sum (part1F ord0 L) = 1) by apply part1F_sum.
assert (H2 : sum (itemF n.+1 ord0 1) = (1 : K)) by now apply sum_itemF.
apply HA; [easy.. |]; apply (vect_l_inj (A ord0)).
rewrite -(scal_one_l 1 (_ --> barycenter (part1F _ _) _))// -{1}H1
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Lemma aff_indep_monot :
injective A1 -> invalF A1 A2 -> aff_indep A2 -> aff_indep A1.
intros n1 n2 A1 A2 HA1 HA HA2; destruct (HA ord0) as [i2 Hi2].
apply (lin_indep_monot (frameF A2 i2)).
apply (lin_indep_monot (frameF i2 A2)).
apply frameF_inj_equiv, skipF_inj; easy.
apply frameF_invalF_equiv; [| apply skipF_invalF]; easy.
apply aff_indep_all; easy.
......@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ Lemma aff_indep_coupleF_equiv :
Proof. intros; rewrite aff_indep_2_equiv coupleF_0 coupleF_1; easy. Qed.
Lemma aff_indep_skipF :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+2} i0, aff_indep A -> aff_indep (skipF i0 A).
forall {n} i0 {A : 'E^n.+2}, aff_indep A -> aff_indep (skipF i0 A).
intros n A i0 HA; destruct (ord_eq_dec i0 ord0) as [Hi0 | Hi0]; [subst |].
intros n i0 A HA; destruct (ord_eq_dec i0 ord0) as [Hi0 | Hi0]; [subst |].
(* *)
apply (aff_indep_any ord_max); rewrite -(insert_ord_max ord_max_not_0).
rewrite frameF_skipF_alt; apply lin_indep_skipF_compat, aff_indep_all; easy.
......@@ -256,25 +256,25 @@ rewrite frameF_skipF; apply lin_indep_skipF_compat; easy.
Lemma aff_indep_permutF :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {p},
forall {n p} {A : 'E^n.+1},
bijective p -> aff_indep A -> aff_indep (permutF p A).
intros n A p Hp HA; apply (aff_indep_any (p ord0)).
intros n p A Hp HA; apply (aff_indep_any (p ord0)).
rewrite (frameF_permutF (bij_inj Hp)); apply lin_indep_permutF.
apply skip_f_ord_bij.
apply aff_indep_all; easy.
Lemma aff_indep_permutF_rev :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} p,
forall {n p} {A : 'E^n.+1},
bijective p -> aff_indep (permutF p A) -> aff_indep A.
intros n A p Hp; rewrite {2}(permutF_f_inv_l Hp A).
intros n p A Hp; rewrite {2}(permutF_f_inv_l Hp A).
apply aff_indep_permutF, f_inv_bij.
Lemma aff_indep_permutF_equiv :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} p,
forall {n p} {A : 'E^n.+1},
bijective p -> aff_indep A <-> aff_indep (permutF p A).
intros; split; [apply aff_indep_permutF | apply aff_indep_permutF_rev]; easy.
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Lemma baryc_bc_baryc :
forall {p} L (B : 'E^p), sum L = 1 -> inclF B (aff_span A) ->
barycenter (barycenter_ms L (mapF (baryc_coord A) B)) A = barycenter L B.
intros p L B HL HB; rewrite baryc_ms_eq// -(barycenter2_r_alt _ B)//.
intros p L B HL HB; rewrite baryc_ms_eq// -(barycenter2_r_alt _ _ B)//.
apply invertible_eq_one; easy.
1,2: intro; rewrite mapF_correct; apply bc_correct; easy.
......@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ intros; apply subset_ext_equiv; split; apply aff_span_monot_inclF; easy.
Lemma aff_span_inv_frameF_orig :
forall {n} (B : 'V^n) (O : E) i0, aff_span (inv_frameF O B i0) O.
forall {n} i0 (O : E) (B : 'V^n), aff_span (inv_frameF i0 O B) O.
intros n B O i0; rewrite -{2}(transl_zero O); apply (aff_span_ub _ _ i0).
intros n i0 O B; rewrite -{2}(transl_zero O); apply (aff_span_ub _ _ i0).
unfold inv_frameF; rewrite translF_insertF insertF_correct_l; easy.
......@@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ intros B HB; apply HB; [apply aff_span_cas | apply aff_span_inclF_diag].
Lemma lin_span_aff_span_aux :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {O} i0, aff_span A O ->
lin_span (frameF A i0) = vectP (aff_span A) O.
forall {n} i0 {O} {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_span A O ->
lin_span (frameF i0 A) = vectP (aff_span A) O.
intros n A O i0 HO; rewrite (vectP_orig_indep (A i0) HO).
intros n i0 O A HO; rewrite (vectP_orig_indep (A i0) HO).
2: { apply cas_cms_equiv_R; try apply aff_span_inclF_diag.
move=>> HL HC; apply aff_span_cas; easy. }
apply eq_sym, subset_ext_equiv; split; unfold vectP, preimage; intros u Hu.
......@@ -305,8 +305,8 @@ apply Aff_span, invertible_eq_one, sum_insertF_baryc.
Lemma lin_span_aff_span :
forall {n} {u : 'V^n} (O : E) i0,
lin_span u = vectP (aff_span (inv_frameF O u i0)) O.
forall {n} i0 (O : E) {u : 'V^n},
lin_span u = vectP (aff_span (inv_frameF i0 O u)) O.
intros; rewrite -(lin_span_aff_span_aux i0).
rewrite frameF_inv_frameF; easy.
......@@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ apply aff_span_inv_frameF_orig.
Lemma aff_span_lin_span :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {O} i0, aff_span A O ->
aff_span A = translP (lin_span (frameF A i0)) O.
forall {n} i0 {O} {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_span A O ->
aff_span A = translP (lin_span (frameF i0 A)) O.
intros n A O i0 HO; apply (vectP_inj O).
rewrite vectP_translP (lin_span_aff_span (A i0) i0) inv_frameF_frameF.
intros n i0 O A HO; apply (vectP_inj O).
rewrite vectP_translP (lin_span_aff_span i0 (A i0)) inv_frameF_frameF.
apply vectP_orig_indep; [easy | apply cas_cms].
apply aff_span_inclF_diag.
apply invertible_equiv_R, two_not_zero_R.
......@@ -339,14 +339,14 @@ Lemma aff_span_ext_ms :
Proof. move=>>; apply aff_span_ext. Qed.
Lemma lin_span_aff_span_ms :
forall {n} {u : 'E^n} O i0, lin_span u =
fun v => aff_span_ms (constF n.+1 O + insertF i0 0 u) (O + v).
forall {n} i0 O {u : 'E^n}, lin_span u =
fun v => aff_span_ms (constF n.+1 O + insert0F i0 u) (O + v).
intros; rewrite -inv_frameF_ms_eq -vectP_ms_eq; apply lin_span_aff_span.
Lemma aff_span_lin_span_ms :
forall {n} {A : 'E^n.+1} {O} i0, aff_span_ms A O ->
forall {n} i0 {O} {A : 'E^n.+1}, aff_span_ms A O ->
aff_span_ms A = fun B => lin_span (skipF i0 A - constF n (A i0)) (B - O).
intros; rewrite -frameF_ms_eq -translP_ms_eq; apply aff_span_lin_span; easy.
......@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Lemma aff_gen_ext2 :
PE1 = PE2 -> A1 = A2 -> aff_gen PE1 A1 -> aff_gen PE2 A2.
Proof. intros; subst; easy. Qed.
Definition aff_indep {n} (A : 'E^n.+1) : Prop := lin_indep (frameF A ord0).
Definition aff_indep {n} (A : 'E^n.+1) : Prop := lin_indep (frameF ord0 A).
Lemma aff_indep_ext :
forall {n} (A1 : 'E^n.+1) {A2}, A1 = A2 -> aff_indep A1 -> aff_indep A2.
......@@ -174,18 +174,18 @@ rewrite concatF_correct_l concat_l_first
Lemma lin_dep_insertF_compat :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n} x0 i0, lin_dep B -> lin_dep (insertF i0 x0 B).
forall {n} i0 x0 {B : 'E^n}, lin_dep B -> lin_dep (insertF i0 x0 B).
intros n B x0 i0; rewrite 2!lin_dep_ex; move=> [L [HL /nextF_rev [i Hi]]].
intros n i0 x0 B; rewrite 2!lin_dep_ex; move=> [L [HL /nextF_rev [i Hi]]].
exists (insertF i0 0 L); split.
rewrite lc_insertF scal_zero_l HL plus_zero_l; easy.
apply nextF; exists (skip_ord i0 i); rewrite insertF_correct; easy.
Lemma lin_dep_skipF_reg :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n.+1} i0, lin_dep (skipF i0 B) -> lin_dep B.
forall {n} i0 {B : 'E^n.+1}, lin_dep (skipF i0 B) -> lin_dep B.
intros n B i0; rewrite -{2}(insertF_skipF i0 B).
intros n i0 B; rewrite -{2}(insertF_skipF i0 B).
apply lin_dep_insertF_compat.
......@@ -308,11 +308,11 @@ intros [H1 H2]; eapply lin_dep_concatF_not_disjF; [apply H1 | easy].
Lemma lin_indep_insertF_reg :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n} x0 i0, lin_indep (insertF i0 x0 B) -> lin_indep B.
forall {n} i0 x0 {B : 'E^n}, lin_indep (insertF i0 x0 B) -> lin_indep B.
Proof. move=>>; rewrite contra_equiv; apply lin_dep_insertF_compat. Qed.
Lemma lin_indep_skipF_compat :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n.+1} i0, lin_indep B -> lin_indep (skipF i0 B).
forall {n} i0 {B : 'E^n.+1}, lin_indep B -> lin_indep (skipF i0 B).
Proof. move=>>; rewrite contra_equiv; apply lin_dep_skipF_reg. Qed.
Lemma lin_indep_not_line :
......@@ -423,16 +423,16 @@ Qed.
#<A HREF="##GostiauxT1">#[[GostiauxT1]]#</A>#
Th 6.61, pp. 189-190. (=>) *)
Lemma lin_dep_insertF :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n} {x0} i0, lin_span B x0 -> lin_dep (insertF i0 x0 B).
forall {n} i0 {x0} {B : 'E^n}, lin_span B x0 -> lin_dep (insertF i0 x0 B).
intros n B x0 i0 [L]; apply lin_dep_ex; exists (insertF i0 (- 1%K) L); split.
intros n i0 x0 B [L]; apply lin_dep_ex; exists (insertF i0 (- 1%K) L); split.
rewrite lc_insertF scal_opp_l scal_one; apply: plus_opp_l.
rewrite -(insertF_zero i0); apply insertF_nextF_compat_l.
apply one_not_zero in HK; contradict HK; apply opp_inj; rewrite opp_zero; easy.
Lemma lin_indep_insertF_rev :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n} {x0} i0,
forall {n} i0 {x0} {B : 'E^n},
lin_indep (insertF i0 x0 B) -> ~ lin_span B x0.
Proof. move=>>; rewrite contra_not_r_equiv; apply lin_dep_insertF. Qed.
......@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ Proof. move=>>; rewrite -contra_equiv; apply lin_indep_coupleF_sym. Qed.
#<A HREF="##GostiauxT1">#[[GostiauxT1]]#</A>#
Th 6.61, pp. 189-190. (<=) *)
Lemma lin_dep_insertF_rev :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n} {x0} i0,
forall {n} i0 {x0} {B : 'E^n},
lin_indep B -> lin_dep (insertF i0 x0 B) -> lin_span B x0.
move=> n B x0 i0 HB /lin_dep_ex [L [HL1 HL2]];
move=> n i0 x0 B HB /lin_dep_ex [L [HL1 HL2]];
rewrite lc_insertF_r in HL1.
destruct (Hierarchy.eq_dec (L i0) 0) as [HL3 | HL3].
(* *)
......@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ Qed.
#<A HREF="##GostiauxT1">#[[GostiauxT1]]#</A>#
Th 6.61, pp. 189-190. (<=>) *)
Lemma lin_dep_insertF_equiv :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n} {x0} i0,
forall {n} i0 {x0} {B : 'E^n},
lin_indep B -> lin_dep (insertF i0 x0 B) <-> lin_span B x0.
intros; split; [apply lin_dep_insertF_rev; easy |
......@@ -296,14 +296,14 @@ intros; split; [apply lin_dep_insertF_rev; easy |
Lemma lin_indep_insertF :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n} {x0} i0,
forall {n} i0 {x0} {B : 'E^n},
lin_indep B -> ~ lin_span B x0 -> lin_indep (insertF i0 x0 B).
move=>> HB; rewrite contra_not_l_equiv; apply lin_dep_insertF_rev; easy.
Lemma lin_indep_insertF_equiv :
forall {n} {B : 'E^n} {x0} i0,
forall {n} i0 {x0} {B : 'E^n},
lin_indep B -> lin_indep (insertF i0 x0 B) <-> ~ lin_span B x0.
Proof. move=>>; rewrite iff_not_r_equiv; apply lin_dep_insertF_equiv. Qed.
......@@ -304,36 +304,36 @@ Lemma concatF_minus :
Proof. intros; rewrite !minus_eq concatF_plus concatF_opp; easy. Qed.
Lemma insertF_opp :
forall {n} (A : 'G^n) a0 i0, insertF i0 (-a0) (- A) = - insertF i0 a0 A.
forall {n} i0 a0 (A : 'G^n), insertF i0 (-a0) (- A) = - insertF i0 a0 A.
intros n A a i0; extF i; rewrite fct_opp_eq;
intros n i0 a A; extF i; rewrite fct_opp_eq;
destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0) as [Hi | Hi];
[rewrite !insertF_correct_l | rewrite !insertF_correct_r]; easy.
Lemma insertF_minus :
forall {n} (A B : 'G^n) a0 b0 i0,
forall {n} i0 a0 b0 (A B : 'G^n),
insertF i0 (a0 - b0) (A - B) = insertF i0 a0 A - insertF i0 b0 B.
Proof. intros; rewrite !minus_eq insertF_plus insertF_opp; easy. Qed.
Lemma skipF_opp : forall {n} (A : 'G^n.+1) i0, skipF i0 (- A) = - skipF i0 A.
Lemma skipF_opp : forall {n} i0 (A : 'G^n.+1), skipF i0 (- A) = - skipF i0 A.
Proof. easy. Qed.
Lemma skipF_minus :
forall {n} (A B : 'G^n.+1) i0, skipF i0 (A - B) = skipF i0 A - skipF i0 B.
forall {n} i0 (A B : 'G^n.+1), skipF i0 (A - B) = skipF i0 A - skipF i0 B.
Proof. easy. Qed.
Lemma replaceF_opp :
forall {n} (A : 'G^n.+1) a0 i0,
forall {n} i0 a0 (A : 'G^n.+1),
replaceF i0 (- a0) (- A) = - replaceF i0 a0 A.
intros n A a0 i0; extF i; rewrite fct_opp_eq;
intros n i0 a0 A; extF i; rewrite fct_opp_eq;
destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0) as [Hi | Hi];
[rewrite !replaceF_correct_l | rewrite !replaceF_correct_r]; easy.
Lemma replaceF_minus :
forall {n} (A B : 'G^n.+1) a0 b0 i0,
forall {n} i0 a0 b0 (A B : 'G^n.+1),
replaceF i0 (a0 - b0) (A - B) = replaceF i0 a0 A - replaceF i0 b0 B.
Proof. intros; rewrite !minus_eq replaceF_plus replaceF_opp; easy. Qed.
......@@ -350,9 +350,9 @@ Proof. easy. Qed.
(** [mapF_minus] is [f_minus_compat_mapF] in [Group_morphism]. *)
Lemma sum_squeezeF :
forall {n} (u : 'G^n.+1) {i0 i1}, i1 <> i0 -> sum (squeezeF i0 i1 u) = sum u.
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) (u : 'G^n.+1), sum (squeezeF i0 i1 u) = sum u.
intros n u i0 i1 Hi.
intros n i0 i1 Hi u.
apply (plus_reg_l (u i0 + replaceF i0 (u i0 + u i1) u i1)).
rewrite -plus_assoc -sum_skipF replaceF_correct_r//.
rewrite sum_replaceF; easy.
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ Lemma scalF_liftF_S :
Proof. easy. Qed.
Lemma scalF_insertF :
forall {n} a a0 (u : 'E^n) x0 i0,
forall {n} i0 a0 x0 a (u : 'E^n),
scalF (insertF i0 a0 a) (insertF i0 x0 u) =
insertF i0 (scal a0 x0) (scalF a u).
......@@ -276,23 +276,23 @@ intros; extF; rewrite scalF_correct; unfold insertF;
Lemma scalF_insert2F :
forall {n} a a0 a1 (u : 'E^n) x0 x1 {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0),
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) a0 a1 x0 x1 a (u : 'E^n),
scalF (insert2F H a0 a1 a) (insert2F H x0 x1 u) =
insert2F H (scal a0 x0) (scal a1 x1) (scalF a u).
Proof. intros; rewrite 3!insert2F_correct 2!scalF_insertF; easy. Qed.
Lemma scalF_skipF :
forall {n} a (u : 'E^n.+1) i0,
forall {n} i0 a (u : 'E^n.+1),
scalF (skipF i0 a) (skipF i0 u) = skipF i0 (scalF a u).
Proof. easy. Qed.
Lemma scalF_skip2F :
forall {n} a (u : 'E^n.+2) {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0),
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) a (u : 'E^n.+2),
scalF (skip2F H a) (skip2F H u) = skip2F H (scalF a u).
Proof. easy. Qed.
Lemma scalF_replaceF :
forall {n} a a0 (u : 'E^n) x0 i0,
forall {n} i0 a0 x0 a (u : 'E^n),
scalF (replaceF i0 a0 a) (replaceF i0 x0 u) =
replaceF i0 (scal a0 x0) (scalF a u).
......@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ intros; rewrite 3!replaceF_equiv_def_skipF scalF_skipF scalF_insertF; easy.
Lemma scalF_replace2F :
forall {n} a a0 a1 (u : 'E^n) x0 x1 i0 i1,
forall {n} i0 i1 a0 a1 x0 x1 a (u : 'E^n),
scalF (replace2F i0 i1 a0 a1 a) (replace2F i0 i1 x0 x1 u) =
replace2F i0 i1 (scal a0 x0) (scal a1 x1) (scalF a u).
Proof. intros; rewrite 2!scalF_replaceF; easy. Qed.
......@@ -459,27 +459,27 @@ intros n1 n2 l A1 A2; extF i; rewrite !fct_scal_eq;
Lemma insertF_scal :
forall {n} l (A : 'E^n) a0 i0,
forall {n} i0 l a0 (A : 'E^n),
insertF i0 (scal l a0) (scal l A) = scal l insertF i0 a0 A.
intros n l A a0 i0; extF i; rewrite !fct_scal_eq;
intros n i0 l a0 A; extF i; rewrite !fct_scal_eq;
destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0);
[rewrite !insertF_correct_l | rewrite !insertF_correct_r]; easy.
Lemma insert0F_scal :
forall {n} l (A : 'E^n) i0, insert0F i0 (scal l A) = scal l insert0F i0 A.
forall {n} i0 l (A : 'E^n), insert0F i0 (scal l A) = scal l insert0F i0 A.
Proof. intros; rewrite -{1}(scal_zero_r l) insertF_scal; easy. Qed.
Lemma skipF_scal :
forall {n} l (A : 'E^n.+1) i0, skipF i0 (scal l A) = scal l skipF i0 A.
forall {n} i0 l (A : 'E^n.+1), skipF i0 (scal l A) = scal l skipF i0 A.
Proof. easy. Qed.
Lemma replaceF_scal :
forall {n} l (A : 'E^n.+1) a0 i0,
forall {n} i0 l a0 (A : 'E^n.+1),
replaceF i0 (scal l a0) (scal l A) = scal l replaceF i0 a0 A.
intros n l A a0 i0; extF i; rewrite !fct_scal_eq;
intros n i0 l a0 A; extF i; rewrite !fct_scal_eq;
destruct (ord_eq_dec i i0);
[rewrite !replaceF_correct_l | rewrite !replaceF_correct_r]; easy.
......@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma dot_product_def : forall {n} (u : 'R^n), u u = 0 -> u = 0.
intros n u; induction n as [| n Hn]; [intros; apply hat0F_eq; easy |].
rewrite (dot_product_skipF _ _ ord0); intros Hu.
rewrite (dot_product_skipF ord0); intros Hu.
apply Rplus_eq_R0 in Hu; try apply scal_pos_R; try apply dot_product_pos.
destruct Hu as [Hu0 Hu].
apply (extF_zero_skipF ord0); [apply scal_def_R | apply Hn]; easy.
......@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ Section Lin_map_Euclidean_space_R_Facts.
Lemma part1F_fct_lm :
forall {n} (i0 : 'I_n.+1),
lin_map (part1F^~ i0 - (fun=> part1F 0 i0) : 'R^n -> 'R^n.+1).
lin_map (part1F i0 - (fun=> part1F i0 0) : 'R^n -> 'R^n.+1).
intros n i0; apply lm_scatter_rev; intros i; split.
(* *)
......@@ -203,6 +203,9 @@ Proof. intros; subst; apply scal_one. Qed.
Lemma scal_one_r : forall (a b : K), b = 1 -> scal a b = a.
Proof. intros; subst; apply mult_one_r. Qed.
Lemma scal_ones : forall {n} a (b : 'K^n), b = 1 -> scal a b = constF n a.
Proof. intros; subst; extF; apply scal_one_r; easy. Qed.
Lemma scal_sum_l :
forall {n} (a : 'K^n) (u : E), scal (sum a) u = sum (fun i => scal (a i) u).
......@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ Proof. intros; rewrite lc_splitF firstF_concatF lastF_concatF; easy. Qed.
Lemma lc_skipF :
forall {n} {L} {B : 'E^n.+1} i0,
lin_comb L B = scal (L i0) (B i0) + lin_comb (skipF i0 L) (skipF i0 B).
Proof. intros n L B i0; unfold lin_comb; rewrite (sum_skipF _ i0); easy. Qed.
Proof. intros n L B i0; unfold lin_comb; rewrite (sum_skipF i0); easy. Qed.
Lemma lc_skipF_ex_l :
forall {n} L0 L1 (B : 'E^n.+1) i0,
......@@ -423,76 +423,75 @@ assert (HL1b : skipFmax L1 = L) by apply skipF_insertF.
rewrite -skipF_last -{1}HL1b -lc_skip_zero_l// -insertF_concatF_max; easy.
Lemma lc_insertF :
forall {n} i0 a0 x0 L (B : 'E^n),
lin_comb (insertF i0 a0 L) (insertF i0 x0 B) = scal a0 x0 + lin_comb L B.
Proof. intros; unfold lin_comb; rewrite scalF_insertF; apply sum_insertF. Qed.
Lemma lc_insertF_l :
forall {n} i0 a0 L (B : 'E^n.+1),
lin_comb (insertF i0 a0 L) B = scal a0 (B i0) + lin_comb L (skipF i0 B).
intros n i0 a0 L B; rewrite -{1}(insertF_skipF i0 B) lc_insertF; easy.
Lemma lc_insertF_r :
forall {n} i0 x0 L (B : 'E^n),
lin_comb L (insertF i0 x0 B) = scal (L i0) x0 + lin_comb (skipF i0 L) B.
intros n i0 x0 L B; rewrite -{1}(insertF_skipF i0 L) lc_insertF; easy.
Lemma lc_insert2F :
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) x0 x1 a0 a1 L (B : 'E^n),
lin_comb (insert2F H a0 a1 L) (insert2F H x0 x1 B) =
scal a0 x0 + scal a1 x1 + lin_comb L B.
Proof. intros; unfold lin_comb; rewrite scalF_insert2F; apply sum_insert2F. Qed.
Lemma lc_skip2F :
forall {n} L (B : 'E^n.+2) {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0),
forall {n i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) L (B : 'E^n.+2),
lin_comb L B =
scal (L i0) (B i0) + scal (L i1) (B i1) +
lin_comb (skip2F H L) (skip2F H B).
intros n L B i0 i1 H; unfold lin_comb; rewrite (sum_skip2F _ H); easy.
intros n i0 i1 H L B; unfold lin_comb; rewrite (sum_skip2F H); easy.
Lemma lc_two :
forall {n L} {B : 'E^n.+2} {i0 i1 : 'I_n.+2} (H : (i1 <> i0)%nat),
forall {n} {i0 i1 : 'I_n.+2} (H : (i1 <> i0)%nat) {L} {B : 'E^n.+2},
skip2F H (scalF L B) = 0 ->
lin_comb L B = scal (L i0) (B i0) + scal (L i1) (B i1).
Proof. move=>>; rewrite -!scalF_correct; apply sum_two. Qed.
Lemma lc_two_l :
forall {n L} {B : 'E^n.+2} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0),
forall {n i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) {L} {B : 'E^n.+2},
skip2F H L = 0 ->
lin_comb L B = scal (L i0) (B i0) + scal (L i1) (B i1).
intros n L B i0 i1 Hi H; apply lc_two with Hi; rewrite -scalF_skip2F.
intros n i0 i1 Hi L B H; apply lc_two with Hi; rewrite -scalF_skip2F.
apply scalF_zero_compat_l; easy.
Lemma lc_two_r :
forall {n L} {B : 'E^n.+2} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0),
forall {n i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) {L} {B : 'E^n.+2},
skip2F H B = 0 ->
lin_comb L B = scal (L i0) (B i0) + scal (L i1) (B i1).
intros n L B i0 i1 Hi H; apply lc_two with Hi; rewrite -scalF_skip2F.
intros n i0 i1 Hi L B H; apply lc_two with Hi; rewrite -scalF_skip2F.
apply scalF_zero_compat_r; easy.
Lemma lc_insertF :
forall {n} L (B : 'E^n) a0 x0 i0,
lin_comb (insertF i0 a0 L) (insertF i0 x0 B) = scal a0 x0 + lin_comb L B.
Proof. intros; unfold lin_comb; rewrite scalF_insertF; apply sum_insertF. Qed.
Lemma lc_insertF_l :
forall {n} L (B : 'E^n.+1) a0 i0,
lin_comb (insertF i0 a0 L) B = scal a0 (B i0) + lin_comb L (skipF i0 B).
intros n L B a0 i0; rewrite -{1}(insertF_skipF i0 B) lc_insertF; easy.
Lemma lc_insertF_r :
forall {n} L (B : 'E^n) x0 i0,
lin_comb L (insertF i0 x0 B) = scal (L i0) x0 + lin_comb (skipF i0 L) B.
intros n L B x0 i0; rewrite -{1}(insertF_skipF i0 L) lc_insertF; easy.
Lemma lc_insert2F :
forall {n} L (B : 'E^n) a0 a1 x0 x1 {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0),
lin_comb (insert2F H a0 a1 L) (insert2F H x0 x1 B) =
scal a0 x0 + scal a1 x1 + lin_comb L B.
Proof. intros; unfold lin_comb; rewrite scalF_insert2F; apply sum_insert2F. Qed.
Lemma lc_replaceF :
forall {n} L (B : 'E^n) a0 x0 i0,
forall {n} i0 a0 x0 L (B : 'E^n),
scal (L i0) (B i0) + lin_comb (replaceF i0 a0 L) (replaceF i0 x0 B) =
scal a0 x0 + lin_comb L B.
intros [| n] L B a0 x0 i0; [destruct i0; easy |].
intros [| n] i0 a0 x0 L B; [destruct i0; easy |].
unfold lin_comb; rewrite scalF_replaceF -scalF_correct; apply sum_replaceF.
Lemma lc_replace2F :
forall {n} L (B : 'E^n.+2) a0 a1 x0 x1 {i0 i1},
i1 <> i0 ->
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) a0 a1 x0 x1 L (B : 'E^n.+2),
scal (L i0) (B i0) + scal (L i1) (B i1) +
lin_comb (replace2F i0 i1 a0 a1 L) (replace2F i0 i1 x0 x1 B) =
scal a0 x0 + scal a1 x1 + lin_comb L B.
......@@ -502,8 +501,7 @@ intros; unfold lin_comb; rewrite scalF_replace2F -!scalF_correct;
Lemma lc_replace2F_eq :
forall {n} L (B : 'E^n.+2) a0 a1 x0 x1 {i0 i1},
i1 = i0 ->
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 = i0) a0 a1 x0 x1 L (B : 'E^n.+2),
scal (L i1) (B i1) +
lin_comb (replace2F i0 i1 a0 a1 L) (replace2F i0 i1 x0 x1 B) =
scal a1 x1 + lin_comb L B.
......@@ -1005,12 +1003,12 @@ Lemma dot_product_ind_l :
Proof. intros; unfold dot_product; rewrite lc_ind_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma dot_product_insertF :
forall {n} (u v : 'K^n) a b i0,
forall {n} i0 a b (u v : 'K^n),
insertF i0 a u insertF i0 b v = a * b + u v.
Proof. intros; unfold dot_product; rewrite lc_insertF; easy. Qed.
Lemma dot_product_skipF :
forall {n} (u v : 'K^n.+1) i0,
forall {n} i0 (u v : 'K^n.+1),
u v = scal (u i0) (v i0) + skipF i0 u skipF i0 v.
Proof. intros; unfold dot_product; apply lc_skipF. Qed.
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Lemma sum_absorbing :
forall x0 {n} (u : 'G^n), absorbing x0 -> inF x0 u -> sum u = x0.
intros x0 [| n] u Hx0 [i0 Hu]; [now destruct i0 |].
rewrite (sum_skipF _ i0) -Hu; easy.
rewrite (sum_skipF i0) -Hu; easy.
End Multiplicative_Monoid_Facts.
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Lemma prod_nat_one_compat : forall {n} (u : 'nat_mul^n), u = 1 -> prod_nat u = 1
Proof. move=>>; apply sum_zero_compat. Qed.
Lemma prod_nat_singl :
forall {n} (u : 'nat_mul^n.+1) i0, skipF i0 u = 1 -> prod_nat u = u i0.
forall {n} i0 (u : 'nat_mul^n.+1), skipF i0 u = 1 -> prod_nat u = u i0.
Proof. move=>>; apply sum_one. Qed.
Lemma prod_nat_castF :
......@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Lemma prod_nat_concatF :
Proof. intros; apply sum_concatF. Qed.
Lemma prod_nat_replaceF :
forall {n} (u : 'nat_mul^n.+1) x0 i0,
forall {n} i0 x0 (u : 'nat_mul^n.+1),
u i0 * prod_nat (replaceF i0 x0 u) = x0 * prod_nat u.
Proof. intros; apply sum_replaceF. Qed.
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Lemma prod_R_one_compat : forall {n} (u : 'R_mul^n), u = 1 -> prod_R u = 1.
Proof. move=>>; apply sum_zero_compat. Qed.
Lemma prod_R_singl :
forall {n} (u : 'R_mul^n.+1) i0, skipF i0 u = 1 -> prod_R u = u i0.
forall {n} i0 (u : 'R_mul^n.+1), skipF i0 u = 1 -> prod_R u = u i0.
Proof. move=>>; apply sum_one. Qed.
Lemma prod_R_castF :
......@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Lemma prod_R_concatF :
Proof. intros; apply sum_concatF. Qed.
Lemma prod_R_replaceF :
forall {n} (u : 'R_mul^n.+1) x0 i0,
forall {n} i0 x0 (u : 'R_mul^n.+1),
u i0 * prod_R (replaceF i0 x0 u) = x0 * prod_R u.
Proof. intros; apply sum_replaceF. Qed.
......@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ Proof. move=>> HA H0; rewrite HA H0; apply insertF_zero. Qed.
Lemma insert2F_zero_compat :
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) x0 x1 (A : 'G^n),
x0 = 0 -> x1 = 0 -> A = 0 ->insert2F H x0 x1 A = 0.
x0 = 0 -> x1 = 0 -> A = 0 -> insert2F H x0 x1 A = 0.
Proof. move=>> HA H0 H1; rewrite HA H0 H1; apply insert2F_zero. Qed.
Lemma skipF_zero_compat :
......@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ Lemma sum_splitF :
forall {n1 n2} (u : 'G^(n1 + n2)), sum u = sum (firstF u) + sum (lastF u).
Proof. intros n1 n2 u; rewrite {1}(concatF_splitF u); apply sum_concatF. Qed.
Lemma sum_skipF : forall {n} (u : 'G^n.+1) i0, sum u = u i0 + sum (skipF i0 u).
Lemma sum_skipF : forall {n} i0 (u : 'G^n.+1), sum u = u i0 + sum (skipF i0 u).
intros n u i0.
intros n i0 u.
rewrite -(sum_castF (ordS_splitS i0)) sum_splitF sum_ind_r.
rewrite -(sum_castF (ord_split i0)) sum_splitF.
rewrite plus_assoc (plus_comm (u i0) _).
......@@ -215,94 +215,93 @@ rewrite lastF_skipF; easy.
Lemma sum_skipF_compat :
forall {n} (u v : 'G^n.+1) i0,
forall {n} i0 (u v : 'G^n.+1),
u i0 = v i0 -> sum (skipF i0 u) = sum (skipF i0 v) -> sum u = sum v.
intros n u v i0 H0 H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF _ i0) H0; apply plus_compat_l; easy.
intros n i0 u v H0 H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF i0) H0; apply plus_compat_l; easy.
Lemma sum_skipF_ex :
forall {n} u0 (u1 : 'G^n) i0,
forall {n} i0 u0 (u1 : 'G^n),
exists u, sum u = u0 + sum u1 /\ u i0 = u0 /\ skipF i0 u = u1.
intros n u0 u1 i0; destruct (skipF_ex i0 u0 u1) as [u [Hu0 Hu1]].
intros n i0 u0 u1; destruct (skipF_ex i0 u0 u1) as [u [Hu0 Hu1]].
exists u; repeat split; try easy; rewrite -Hu0 -Hu1; apply sum_skipF.
Lemma sum_one : forall {n} (u : 'G^n.+1) i0, skipF i0 u = 0 -> sum u = u i0.
Lemma sum_one : forall {n} i0 (u : 'G^n.+1), skipF i0 u = 0 -> sum u = u i0.
intros; erewrite sum_skipF, sum_zero_compat; try apply plus_zero_r; easy.
Lemma sum_skip_zero :
forall {n} {u : 'G^n.+1} i0, u i0 = 0 -> sum u = sum (skipF i0 u).
forall {n} i0 {u : 'G^n.+1}, u i0 = 0 -> sum u = sum (skipF i0 u).
move=>> Hi0; rewrite -(plus_zero_l (sum (skipF _ _))) -Hi0; apply sum_skipF.
Lemma sum_skip2F :
forall {n} (u : 'G^n.+2) {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0),
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) (u : 'G^n.+2),
sum u = u i0 + u i1 + sum (skip2F H u).
intros n u i0 i1 H.
rewrite (sum_skipF _ i0) -plus_assoc; f_equal.
rewrite (sum_skipF _ (insert_ord H)) skip2F_correct; f_equal.
intros n i0 i1 H u.
rewrite (sum_skipF i0) -plus_assoc; f_equal.
rewrite (sum_skipF (insert_ord H)) skip2F_correct; f_equal.
rewrite skipF_correct; easy.
Lemma sum_two :
forall {n} (u : 'G^n.+2) {i0 i1 : 'I_n.+2} (H : (i1 <> i0)%nat),
forall {n} {i0 i1 : 'I_n.+2} (H : i1 <> i0) (u : 'G^n.+2),
skip2F H u = 0 -> sum u = u i0 + u i1.
move=>> H; erewrite sum_skip2F, sum_zero_compat. apply plus_zero_r. apply H.
Lemma sum_insertF :
forall {n} (u : 'G^n) x0 i0, sum (insertF i0 x0 u) = x0 + sum u.
forall {n} i0 x0 (u : 'G^n), sum (insertF i0 x0 u) = x0 + sum u.
intros; erewrite sum_skipF; rewrite -> insertF_correct_l, skipF_insertF; easy.
Lemma sum_insert0F : forall {n} (u : 'G^n) i0, sum (insert0F i0 u) = sum u.
Lemma sum_insert0F : forall {n} i0 (u : 'G^n), sum (insert0F i0 u) = sum u.
Proof. intros; rewrite sum_insertF plus_zero_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma sum_insert2F :
forall {n} (u : 'G^n) x0 x1 {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0),
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) x0 x1 (u : 'G^n),
sum (insert2F H x0 x1 u) = x0 + x1 + sum u.
Proof. intros; rewrite insert2F_correct 2!sum_insertF; apply plus_assoc. Qed.
Lemma sum_replaceF :
forall {n} (u : 'G^n.+1) x0 i0, u i0 + sum (replaceF i0 x0 u) = x0 + sum u.
forall {n} i0 x0 (u : 'G^n.+1), u i0 + sum (replaceF i0 x0 u) = x0 + sum u.
intros n u x0 i0; rewrite replaceF_equiv_def_insertF sum_insertF (sum_skipF u i0).
intros n i0 x0 u; rewrite replaceF_equiv_def_insertF sum_insertF (sum_skipF i0).
rewrite 2!plus_assoc (plus_comm (u i0)); easy.
Lemma sum_replace0F :
forall {n} (u : 'G^n.+1) i0,
forall {n} i0 (u : 'G^n.+1),
u i0 + sum (replace0F i0 u) = u i0 + sum (skipF i0 u).
Proof. intros; rewrite sum_replaceF -sum_skipF plus_zero_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma sum_replace2F :
forall {n} (u : 'G^n.+2) x0 x1 {i0 i1},
i1 <> i0 -> u i0 + u i1 + sum (replace2F i0 i1 x0 x1 u) = x0 + x1 + sum u.
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) x0 x1 (u : 'G^n.+2),
u i0 + u i1 + sum (replace2F i0 i1 x0 x1 u) = x0 + x1 + sum u.
intros n u x0 x1 i0 i1 H; unfold replace2F.
intros n i0 i1 H x0 x1 u; unfold replace2F.
rewrite (plus_comm x0) -plus_assoc -(replaceF_correct_r x0 _ H).
rewrite sum_replaceF plus_comm3_l sum_replaceF plus_assoc; easy.
Lemma sum_replace2F_eq :
forall {n} (u : 'G^n.+2) x0 x1 {i0 i1},
i1 = i0 -> u i1 + sum (replace2F i0 i1 x0 x1 u) = x1 + sum u.
Proof. intros; rewrite -> replace2F_correct_eq, sum_replaceF; easy. Qed.
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 = i0) x0 x1 (u : 'G^n.+2),
u i1 + sum (replace2F i0 i1 x0 x1 u) = x1 + sum u.
Proof. intros; rewrite replace2F_correct_eq// sum_replaceF; easy. Qed.
Lemma sum_permutF :
forall {n} p (u : 'G^n), injective p -> sum (permutF p u) = sum u.
intros n p u Hp; induction n as [| n].
rewrite !sum_nil; easy.
rewrite (sum_skipF (permutF _ _) ord0) (sum_skipF u (p ord0)); f_equal.
intros n p u Hp; induction n as [| n]; [rewrite !sum_nil; easy |].
rewrite (sum_skipF ord0) (sum_skipF (p ord0)); f_equal.
rewrite skipF_permutF IHn; try apply skip_f_ord_inj; easy.
......@@ -334,8 +333,8 @@ Qed.
Lemma sum_itemF : forall {n} (x : G) i0, sum (itemF n i0 x) = x.
intros [| n] x i0; [now destruct i0 |].
unfold itemF; generalize (sum_replaceF (0 : 'G^n.+1) x i0).
intros [| n] x i0; [now destruct i0 |]; unfold itemF.
unfold itemF; generalize (sum_replaceF i0 x (0 : 'G^n.+1)).
rewrite sum_zero plus_zero_l plus_zero_r; easy.
......@@ -387,8 +386,8 @@ Proof.
apply (nat_ind2 (fun m n =>
forall u : 'G^{m,n}, sum (sum u) = sum (sum (flipT u)))).
intros; rewrite 2!sum_nil; easy.
move=>> H u; rewrite 2!(sum_skipF _ ord0) sum_plus sum_row H -sum_skipTc; easy.
move=>> H u; rewrite 2!(sum_skipF _ ord0) sum_plus sum_col -H sum_skipTc; easy.
move=>> H u; rewrite 2!(sum_skipF ord0) sum_plus sum_row H -sum_skipTc; easy.
move=>> H u; rewrite 2!(sum_skipF ord0) sum_plus sum_col -H sum_skipTc; easy.
(** Functions to Abelian monoid. *)
......@@ -430,7 +429,7 @@ Lemma sum_skipF_equiv :
forall {n} {u v : 'G^n.+1} {i0},
sum u = sum v -> sum (skipF i0 u) = sum (skipF i0 v) <-> u i0 = v i0.
intros n u v i0; rewrite !(sum_skipF _ i0) => H; split; intros H0;
intros n u v i0; rewrite !(sum_skipF i0) => H; split; intros H0;
[| apply plus_is_reg_equiv in HG2]; move: H; rewrite H0; apply HG2.
......@@ -483,7 +482,7 @@ Lemma sum_nonneg_ub_R :
forall {n} (u : 'R^n) i, (forall i, 0 <= u i) -> u i <= sum u.
intros [| n] u i Hx; [now destruct i |].
rewrite (sum_skipF _ i) -{1}(plus_zero_r (u i)); apply Rplus_le_compat;
rewrite (sum_skipF i) -{1}(plus_zero_r (u i)); apply Rplus_le_compat;
[apply Rle_refl | apply sum_nonneg_R].
intros; unfold skipF; easy.
......@@ -560,7 +559,7 @@ rewrite replaceF_correct_r; try easy.
rewrite constF_correct; auto with arith.
rewrite <- (Nat.add_0_l (sum _)).
replace 0%nat with (constF n.+1 0%nat i) at 1 by easy.
generalize (sum_replaceF (constF n.+1 0) (u i) i).
generalize (sum_replaceF i (u i) (constF n.+1 0)).
unfold plus; simpl; intros T; rewrite T.
rewrite sum_constF_nat.
rewrite Nat.mul_0_r; auto with zarith.
......@@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ Qed.
Lemma br_sum_conn_equiv :
forall {R : G -> G -> Prop},
monomial_order R ->
forall {n} {u v : 'G^n.+1} {i0},
forall {n} {i0} {u v : 'G^n.+1},
sum u = sum v ->
R (u i0) (v i0) <-> R (sum (skipF i0 v)) (sum (skipF i0 u)).
move=>> HR n u v i0; rewrite !(sum_skipF _ i0); apply br_plus_conn_equiv; easy.
move=>> HR n i0 u v; rewrite !(sum_skipF i0); apply br_plus_conn_equiv; easy.
(** About the [monomial_order] / [monomial_order_ns] compound properties. *)
......@@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ Proof. intros; split; [apply graded_r_rev | apply graded_r]; easy. Qed.
(* The proof depends on the plus regularity hypothesis HG2. *)
Lemma graded_S_r_equiv :
forall R {n} (Rn : 'G^n -> 'G^n -> Prop) (x y : 'G^n.+1) i0,
forall R {n} (Rn : 'G^n -> 'G^n -> Prop) i0 (x y : 'G^n.+1),
x i0 = y i0 -> sum x = sum y ->
graded R Rn (skipF i0 x) (skipF i0 y) <-> Rn (skipF i0 x) (skipF i0 y).
Proof. intros; apply graded_r_equiv, sum_skipF_equiv; easy. Qed.
......@@ -1814,14 +1814,14 @@ assert (HG2' : @plus_is_reg_r G) by now apply (monomial_order_plus_is_reg_r R).
rewrite grsymlex_S; apply or_iff_compat_l; apply H0; intros H1; split.
(* *)
move=> [[/eq_sym_equiv H2 H3] | H2]; [| easy]; apply graded_l.
contradict H2; move: H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF _ ord0) H2; apply HG2'.
contradict H2; move: H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF ord0) H2; apply HG2'.
apply br_sum_conn_equiv; easy.
(* *)
intros H2; destruct (HG1 (x ord0) (y ord0)) as [H3 | H3].
right; repeat split; easy.
left; repeat split; [easy.. |].
apply graded_l_rev, br_sum_conn_equiv in H2; [easy.. |].
contradict H3; move: H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF _ ord0) H3; apply HG2'.
contradict H3; move: H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF ord0) H3; apply HG2'.
(* The proof depends on the plus regularity hypothesis HG2. *)
......@@ -1852,14 +1852,14 @@ assert (HG2' : @plus_is_reg_r G) by now apply (monomial_order_plus_is_reg_r R).
rewrite grevlex_S; apply or_iff_compat_l; apply H0; intros H1; split.
(* *)
move=> [[/eq_sym_equiv H2 H3] | H2]; [| easy]; apply graded_l.
contradict H2; move: H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF _ ord_max) H2; apply HG2'.
contradict H2; move: H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF ord_max) H2; apply HG2'.
apply br_sum_conn_equiv; easy.
(* *)
intros H2; destruct (HG1 (x ord_max) (y ord_max)) as [H3 | H3].
right; repeat split; easy.
left; repeat split; [easy.. |].
apply graded_l_rev, br_sum_conn_equiv in H2; [easy.. |].
contradict H3; move: H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF _ ord_max) H3; apply HG2'.
contradict H3; move: H1; rewrite !(sum_skipF ord_max) H3; apply HG2'.