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  • mayero/coq-num-analysis
  • hamelin/test-ci-coq-num-analysis
  • arias/coq-num-analysis
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......@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ COPYING file for more details.
- [alt_ones n] is the [n]-family with values [1], [-1], [1]...;
- [alt_ones_shift n] is the [n]-family with values [-1], [1], [-1]...
Let [u : 'K^n].
- [part1F u i0] is the [n+1]-family where the value [1 - sum u] is
- [part1F i0 u] is the [n+1]-family where the value [1 - sum u] is
inserted in [u] at position [i0];
- [part1F_0 u] is [part1F u ord0].
- [part1F0] is an abbreviation for [part1F ord0].
Let [x : K].
- [plusn n x] is the [sum] of [n] items equal to [x];
- [plusn1 n] is [plusn n 1].
- [plusn1] is an abbreviation for [plusn^~ 1].
- [alt_onesT m n] is the [(m,n)]-table with values [1] at location [(i,j)]
when [i+j] is even, and [-1] otherwise.
......@@ -65,9 +65,7 @@ Local Open Scope Group_scope.
Local Open Scope Ring_scope.
Section Ring_FF_Facts1a.
(** Properties with the second identity element of rings (one). *)
Section Ring_FF_Def.
Context {K : Ring}.
......@@ -77,8 +75,31 @@ Definition alt_ones {n} : 'K^n :=
Definition alt_ones_shift {n} : 'K^n :=
fun i => if Nat.Even_Odd_dec i then - (1 : K) else 1.
Definition alt_onesT {m n} : 'K^{m,n} :=
fun i j => if Nat.Even_Odd_dec (i + j) then 1 else - (1 : K).
Definition part1F {n} (i0 : 'I_n.+1) (u : 'K^n) : 'K^n.+1 :=
insertF i0 (1 - sum u) u.
Definition plusn (n : nat) (x : K) : K := sum (constF n x).
End Ring_FF_Def.
Notation part1F0 := (part1F ord0).
Notation plusn1 := (plusn^~ 1).
Section Ring_FF_Facts1.
Context {K : Ring}.
(** Properties with the second identity element of rings (one). *)
(** Properties of [alt_ones]. *)
Lemma alt_ones_correct_even :
forall {n} (i : 'I_n), Nat.Even i -> alt_ones i = 1.
forall {n} (i : 'I_n), Nat.Even i -> alt_ones i = 1 :> K.
intros n i Hi; unfold alt_ones; destruct (Nat.Even_Odd_dec i); simpl; try easy.
exfalso; apply (Nat.Even_Odd_False i); easy.
......@@ -100,14 +121,15 @@ exfalso; apply (Nat.Even_Odd_False i); easy.
Lemma alt_ones_shift_correct_odd :
forall {n} (i : 'I_n), Nat.Odd i -> alt_ones_shift i = 1.
forall {n} (i : 'I_n), Nat.Odd i -> alt_ones_shift i = 1 :> K.
intros n i Hi; unfold alt_ones_shift;
destruct (Nat.Even_Odd_dec i); simpl; try easy.
exfalso; apply (Nat.Even_Odd_False i); easy.
Lemma alt_ones_eq : forall {n}, @alt_ones n = liftF_S (@alt_ones_shift n.+1).
Lemma alt_ones_eq :
forall {n}, @alt_ones K n = liftF_S (@alt_ones_shift K n.+1).
intros n; extF i; unfold liftF_S; destruct (Nat.Even_Odd_dec i).
(* *)
......@@ -119,7 +141,7 @@ rewrite lift_S_correct; apply Nat.Even_succ; easy.
Lemma alt_ones_shift_eq :
forall {n}, @alt_ones_shift n = liftF_S (@alt_ones n.+1).
forall {n}, @alt_ones_shift K n = liftF_S (@alt_ones K n.+1).
intros n; extF i; unfold liftF_S; destruct (Nat.Even_Odd_dec i).
(* *)
......@@ -131,7 +153,7 @@ rewrite lift_S_correct; apply Nat.Even_succ; easy.
Lemma alt_ones_shift2 :
forall {n}, @alt_ones n = liftF_S (liftF_S (@alt_ones n.+2)).
forall {n}, @alt_ones K n = liftF_S (liftF_S (@alt_ones K n.+2)).
Proof. intros; rewrite alt_ones_eq alt_ones_shift_eq; easy. Qed.
Lemma ones_not_zero : forall {n}, nonzero_struct K -> (1 : 'K^n.+1) <> 0.
......@@ -145,7 +167,7 @@ apply one_not_zero; easy.
apply Even_0.
Lemma sum_alt_ones_even : forall {n}, Nat.Even n -> sum (@alt_ones n) = 0.
Lemma sum_alt_ones_even : forall {n}, Nat.Even n -> sum (@alt_ones K n) = 0.
intros n [m Hm]; subst; induction m as [| m Hm]. apply sum_nil.
rewrite -(sum_castF (nat_double_S _)).
......@@ -153,11 +175,11 @@ rewrite 2!sum_ind_l; unfold castF at 1, liftF_S at 1, castF at 1.
rewrite {1}alt_ones_correct_even; try apply Even_0;
rewrite alt_ones_correct_odd; try apply Odd_1.
rewrite plus_assoc plus_opp_r plus_zero_l.
rewrite -(sum_eq (@alt_ones (2 * m)%coq_nat)); try easy.
rewrite -(sum_eq (@alt_ones _ (2 * m)%coq_nat)); try easy.
apply alt_ones_shift2.
Lemma sum_alt_ones_odd : forall {n}, Nat.Odd n -> sum (@alt_ones n) = 1.
Lemma sum_alt_ones_odd : forall {n}, Nat.Odd n -> sum (@alt_ones K n) = 1.
intros n [m Hm]; subst; induction m as [| m Hm].
rewrite sum_1; apply alt_ones_correct_even, Even_0.
......@@ -166,12 +188,12 @@ rewrite 2!sum_ind_l; unfold castF at 1, liftF_S at 1, castF at 1.
rewrite {1}alt_ones_correct_even; try apply Even_0;
rewrite alt_ones_correct_odd; try apply Odd_1.
rewrite plus_assoc plus_opp_r plus_zero_l.
rewrite -(sum_eq (@alt_ones ((2 * m)%coq_nat.+1))).
rewrite -(sum_eq (@alt_ones _ ((2 * m)%coq_nat.+1))).
rewrite -(sum_castF (addn1_sym _)); easy.
apply alt_ones_shift2.
Lemma alt_ones_3_eq : @alt_ones 3 = tripleF 1 (- (1)) 1.
Lemma alt_ones_3_eq : @alt_ones K 3 = tripleF 1 (- (1)) 1.
extF i; destruct (ord3_dec i) as [[-> | ->] | ->].
rewrite -> alt_ones_correct_even, tripleF_0; try apply Even_0; easy.
......@@ -185,42 +207,29 @@ Proof. rewrite -alt_ones_3_eq; apply sum_alt_ones_odd, Odd_3. Qed.
Lemma sum_alt_ones_3_invertible : invertible (sum (tripleF 1 (- (1 : K)) 1)).
Proof. rewrite sum_alt_ones_3; apply invertible_one. Qed.
Definition part1F {n} (u : 'K^n) (i0 : 'I_n.+1) : 'K^n.+1 :=
insertF i0 (1 - sum u) u.
(** Properties of [part1F]. *)
Lemma part1F_correct_0 :
forall {n} (u : 'K^n) i0 i, i = i0 -> part1F u i0 i = 1 - sum u.
forall {n} i0 i (u : 'K^n), i = i0 -> part1F i0 u i = 1 - sum u.
Proof. move=>> ->; unfold part1F; rewrite insertF_correct_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma part1F_correct_S :
forall {n} (u : 'K^n) {i0 i} (Hi : i <> i0),
part1F u i0 i = u (insert_ord Hi).
forall {n} {i0 i} (Hi : i <> i0) (u : 'K^n),
part1F i0 u i = u (insert_ord Hi).
Proof. intros; apply insertF_correct_r. Qed.
Lemma part1F_sum : forall {n} (u : 'K^n) i0, sum (part1F u i0) = 1.
Lemma part1F_sum : forall {n} i0 (u : 'K^n), sum (part1F i0 u) = 1.
Proof. intro; apply sum_insertF_baryc. Qed.
Lemma part1F_Rg :
forall {n} (i0 : 'I_n.+1), Rg (part1F^~ i0) = fun u => sum u = 1.
forall {n} (i0 : 'I_n.+1), Rg (part1F i0) = fun u => sum u = (1 : K).
intros n i0; apply subset_ext_equiv; split.
intros _ [v _]; apply part1F_sum.
intros u Hu; rewrite image_ex; exists (skipF i0 u); split; [easy |].
unfold part1F; rewrite -Hu (sum_skipF _ i0) minus_plus_r insertF_skipF; easy.
unfold part1F; rewrite -Hu (sum_skipF i0) minus_plus_r insertF_skipF; easy.
End Ring_FF_Facts1a.
Notation part1F0 := (part1F^~ ord0).
Section Ring_FF_Facts1b.
(** Properties with the second identity element of rings (one). *)
Context {K : Ring}.
Lemma part1F0_1_eq : forall (a : K), part1F0 (singleF a) = coupleF (1 - a) a.
intros; extF i; destruct (ord2_dec i) as [-> | ->].
......@@ -236,7 +245,72 @@ Lemma part1F0_sum_1_invertible :
forall (a : K), invertible (sum (coupleF (1 - a) a)).
Proof. intros; rewrite part1F0_sum_1; apply invertible_one. Qed.
End Ring_FF_Facts1b.
(** Properties of [plusn]. *)
Lemma plusn_0_l : forall x : K, plusn 0 x = 0.
Proof. intros; apply sum_nil. Qed.
Lemma plusn_0_r : forall n, plusn n (0 : K) = 0.
Proof. intros; apply sum_zero. Qed.
Lemma plusn_1_l : forall x : K, plusn 1 x = x.
Proof. intros; apply sum_1. Qed.
Lemma plusn_2_l : forall x : K, plusn 2 x = x + x.
Proof. intros; apply sum_2. Qed.
Lemma plusn_2_1 : plusn 2 (1 : K) = 2.
Proof. rewrite plusn_2_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn1_2 : plusn1 2%nat = 2 :> K.
Proof. apply plusn_2_1. Qed.
Lemma plusn_3_l : forall x : K, plusn 3 x = x + x + x.
Proof. intros; apply sum_3. Qed.
Lemma plusn_ind : forall n (x : K), plusn n.+1 x = x + plusn n x.
Proof. intros; apply sum_ind_l. Qed.
Lemma plusn_plus_l :
forall n1 n2 (x : K), plusn (n1 + n2) x = plusn n1 x + plusn n2 x.
Proof. intros; unfold plusn; rewrite -concatF_constF sum_concatF; easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn_plus_r :
forall n (x y : K), plusn n (x + y) = plusn n x + plusn n y.
intros n x y; induction n as [| n Hn].
rewrite !plusn_0_l plus_zero_l; easy.
rewrite !plusn_ind Hn -(plus_assoc _ (plusn _ _)) (plus_assoc (plusn _ _))
(plus_comm (plusn _ _) y) -(plus_assoc y) -(plus_assoc x y); easy.
Lemma plusn_assoc_l :
forall n1 n2 (x : K), plusn (n1 * n2)%coq_nat x = plusn n1 (plusn n2 x).
intros n1 n2 x; induction n1 as [| n1 Hn1].
rewrite Nat.mul_0_l !plusn_0_l; easy.
replace (n1.+1 * n2)%coq_nat with ((n1 * n2)%coq_nat + n2)%coq_nat by lia.
rewrite plusn_plus_l Hn1 plusn_ind plus_comm; easy.
Lemma plusn_assoc_r :
forall n1 n2 (x : K), plusn (n1 * n2)%coq_nat x = plusn n2 (plusn n1 x).
Proof. intros; rewrite -plusn_assoc_l; f_equal; auto with arith. Qed.
Lemma plusn_mult : forall n (x y : K), plusn n (x * y) = plusn n x * y.
Proof. intros; unfold plusn; rewrite -mult_sum_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn_eq : forall n (x : K), plusn n x = (plusn1 n) * x.
Proof. intros n x; rewrite -plusn_mult mult_one_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn_zero_equiv :
forall n, plusn1 n = 0 :> K <-> forall x : K, plusn n x = 0.
intros; split; intros Hn; try easy.
intros; rewrite plusn_eq Hn mult_zero_l; easy.
End Ring_FF_Facts1.
Section Ring_FF_Facts2.
......@@ -313,94 +387,6 @@ Proof. easy. Qed.
End Ring_FF_Facts2.
Section Ring_FF_Facts3.
Definition plusn {K : Ring} (n : nat) (x : K) : K := sum (constF n x).
Definition plusn1 (K : Ring) (n : nat) : K := plusn n 1.
Context {K : Ring}.
Lemma plusn1_eq : forall n, plusn1 K n = plusn n 1.
Proof. easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn_0_l : forall x : K, plusn 0 x = 0.
Proof. intros; apply sum_nil. Qed.
Lemma plusn_0_r : forall n, plusn n (0 : K) = 0.
Proof. intros; apply sum_zero. Qed.
Lemma plusn_1_l : forall x : K, plusn 1 x = x.
Proof. intros; apply sum_1. Qed.
Lemma plusn_2_l : forall x : K, plusn 2 x = x + x.
Proof. intros; apply sum_2. Qed.
Lemma plusn_2_1 : plusn 2 (1 : K) = 2.
Proof. rewrite plusn_2_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn1_2 : plusn1 K 2 = 2.
Proof. rewrite plusn1_eq plusn_2_1; easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn_3_l : forall x : K, plusn 3 x = x + x + x.
Proof. intros; apply sum_3. Qed.
Lemma plusn_ind : forall n (x : K), plusn n.+1 x = x + plusn n x.
Proof. intros; apply sum_ind_l. Qed.
Lemma plusn_plus_l :
forall n1 n2 (x : K), plusn (n1 + n2) x = plusn n1 x + plusn n2 x.
Proof. intros; unfold plusn; rewrite -concatF_constF sum_concatF; easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn_plus_r :
forall n (x y : K), plusn n (x + y) = plusn n x + plusn n y.
intros n x y; induction n as [| n Hn].
rewrite !plusn_0_l plus_zero_l; easy.
rewrite !plusn_ind Hn -(plus_assoc _ (plusn _ _)) (plus_assoc (plusn _ _))
(plus_comm (plusn _ _) y) -(plus_assoc y) -(plus_assoc x y); easy.
Lemma plusn_assoc_l :
forall n1 n2 (x : K), plusn (n1 * n2)%coq_nat x = plusn n1 (plusn n2 x).
intros n1 n2 x; induction n1 as [| n1 Hn1].
rewrite Nat.mul_0_l !plusn_0_l; easy.
replace (n1.+1 * n2)%coq_nat with ((n1 * n2)%coq_nat + n2)%coq_nat by lia.
rewrite plusn_plus_l Hn1 plusn_ind plus_comm; easy.
Lemma plusn_assoc_r :
forall n1 n2 (x : K), plusn (n1 * n2)%coq_nat x = plusn n2 (plusn n1 x).
Proof. intros; rewrite -plusn_assoc_l; f_equal; auto with arith. Qed.
Lemma plusn_mult : forall n (x y : K), plusn n (x * y) = plusn n x * y.
Proof. intros; unfold plusn; rewrite -mult_sum_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn_eq : forall n (x : K), plusn n x = (plusn1 K n) * x.
Proof. intros n x; rewrite -plusn_mult mult_one_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma plusn_zero_equiv :
forall n, plusn1 K n = 0 <-> forall x : K, plusn n x = 0.
intros; split; intros Hn; unfold plusn1; try easy.
intros; rewrite plusn_eq Hn mult_zero_l; easy.
End Ring_FF_Facts3.
Section Ring_FT_Facts.
(** Properties with the second identity element of rings (one). *)
Context {K : Ring}.
Definition alt_onesT {m n} : 'K^{m,n} :=
fun i j => if Nat.Even_Odd_dec (i + j) then 1 else - (1 : K).
End Ring_FT_Facts.
Section Ring_FF_R_Facts.
Lemma ones_not_zero_R : forall {n}, (1 : 'R_Ring^n.+1) <> 0.
......@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ Section Ring_charac.
Lemma ring_charac_EX :
forall K : Ring,
{ n | n <> 0%nat /\ plusn1 K n = 0 /\
forall p, p <> 0%nat -> (p < n)%coq_nat -> plusn1 K p <> 0 } +
{ forall n, n <> 0%nat -> plusn1 K n <> 0 }.
{ n | n <> 0%nat /\ plusn1 n = 0 :> K /\
forall p, p <> 0%nat -> (p < n)%coq_nat -> plusn1 p <> 0 :> K } +
{ forall n, n <> 0%nat -> plusn1 n <> 0 :> K }.
intros; pose (P n := n <> 0%nat /\ plusn1 K n = 0).
intros; pose (P n := n <> 0%nat /\ plusn1 n = 0 :> K).
destruct (LPO P (fun=> classic _)) as [[N HN] | H]; [left | right].
(* *)
apply ex_EX; destruct (dec_inh_nat_subset_has_unique_least_element P)
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Definition is_field_not_charac_2 (K : Ring) : Prop :=
Context {K : Ring}.
Lemma ring_charac_0 :
ring_charac K = 0%nat <-> forall n, n <> 0%nat -> plusn1 K n <> 0.
ring_charac K = 0%nat <-> forall n, n <> 0%nat -> plusn1 n <> 0 :> K.
unfold ring_charac;
destruct ring_charac_EX as [[n [Hn0 [Hn1 Hn2]]] | ]; simpl; try easy.
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma ring_charac_S :
forall n, ring_charac K = n.+1 <->
plusn n.+1 (1 : K) = 0 /\
(forall p, p <> 0%nat -> (p < n.+1)%coq_nat -> plusn1 K p <> 0).
(forall p, p <> 0%nat -> (p < n.+1)%coq_nat -> plusn1 p <> 0 :> K).
intros n; unfold ring_charac;
destruct ring_charac_EX as [[m [Hm0 [Hm1 Hm2]]] | H];
......@@ -133,13 +133,12 @@ intros [Hn1 Hn2] k; split.
(* .. *)
move=> /plusn_zero_equiv Hk0.
generalize (Nat.div_mod_eq k n.+1); intros Hk1.
rewrite Hk1 plusn1_eq plusn_plus_l plusn_assoc_r
Hn1 plusn_0_r plus_zero_l in Hk0.
rewrite Hk1 plusn_plus_l plusn_assoc_r Hn1 plusn_0_r plus_zero_l in Hk0.
apply NNPP_equiv; contradict Hk0; apply Hn2; try easy.
apply Nat.mod_upper_bound; easy.
(* .. *)
move=> /Nat.Div0.div_exact Hk; apply plusn_zero_equiv; rewrite Hk; try lia.
unfold plusn1; rewrite plusn_assoc_r Hn1 plusn_0_r; easy.
rewrite plusn_assoc_r Hn1 plusn_0_r; easy.
(* . *)
intros Hn; split.
apply plusn_zero_equiv, Hn, Nat.Div0.mod_same; easy.
......@@ -175,11 +174,11 @@ assert (Hk1 : k mod 2 = 0%nat \/ k mod 2 = 1%nat)
by now apply lt_2, Nat.mod_upper_bound.
destruct Hk1 as [Hk1 | Hk1]; try easy; contradict Hk.
generalize (Nat.div_mod_eq k 2); intros Hk2; rewrite Hk2.
rewrite plusn1_eq plusn_plus_l plusn_assoc_r HK1 plusn_0_r plus_zero_l Hk1 plusn_1_l.
rewrite plusn_plus_l plusn_assoc_r HK1 plusn_0_r plus_zero_l Hk1 plusn_1_l.
apply one_not_zero; easy.
(* . *)
apply Nat.Div0.div_exact in Hk; try easy; rewrite Hk.
rewrite plusn1_eq plusn_assoc_r HK1 plusn_0_r; easy.
rewrite plusn_assoc_r HK1 plusn_0_r; easy.
Lemma ring_not_charac_2 :
......@@ -189,13 +188,12 @@ rewrite -iff_not_r_equiv not_or_not_r_equiv -nonzero_not_zero_struct_equiv.
apply ring_charac_2.
Lemma invertible_plusn :
Lemma invertible_plusn_not_ring_charac :
forall n, nonzero_struct K -> n <> 0%nat ->
invertible (plusn1 K n) -> ring_charac K <> n.
invertible (plusn1 n : K) -> ring_charac K <> n.
intros n HK0 Hn HK1; contradict Hn; destruct n; try easy; contradict HK1.
apply ring_charac_S in Hn; rewrite plusn1_eq (proj1 Hn).
apply noninvertible_zero; easy.
apply ring_charac_S in Hn; rewrite (proj1 Hn); apply noninvertible_zero; easy.
End Ring_charac.
......@@ -206,10 +204,16 @@ Section Ring_R_Facts.
Lemma ring_charac_0_R : ring_charac R_Ring = 0%nat.
apply ring_charac_0; intro; rewrite -contra_equiv.
rewrite plusn1_eq; unfold plusn; rewrite sum_constF_R Rmult_1_r.
unfold plusn; rewrite sum_constF_R Rmult_1_r.
intros Hn; apply INR_eq; rewrite INR_0; easy.
Lemma invertible_plusn1_R : forall n, n <> 0 -> invertible (plusn1 n : R).
intros; unfold plusn; rewrite sum_ones_R;
apply invertible_equiv_R, not_0_INR; easy.
Lemma is_field_not_charac_2_R : is_field_not_charac_2 R_Ring.
Proof. split; [apply is_field_R | rewrite ring_charac_0_R; easy]. Qed.
......@@ -564,12 +564,12 @@ Lemma invertible_sum_equiv :
Proof. intros; rewrite sum_filter_n0F; easy. Qed.
Lemma sum_insertF_baryc :
forall {n} (u : 'K^n) i0, sum (insertF i0 (1 - sum u) u) = 1.
forall {n} i0 (u : 'K^n), sum (insertF i0 (1 - sum u) u) = 1.
Proof. intros; rewrite sum_insertF plus_minus_l; easy. Qed.
Lemma invertible_sum_squeezeF :
forall {n} (u : 'K^n.+1) {i0 i1},
i1 <> i0 -> invertible (sum u) -> invertible (sum (squeezeF i0 i1 u)).
forall {n} {i0 i1} (H : i1 <> i0) (u : 'K^n.+1),
invertible (sum u) -> invertible (sum (squeezeF i0 i1 u)).
Proof. intros; rewrite sum_squeezeF; easy. Qed.
Lemma is_integral_contra :
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ Lemma kron_sum_l :
intros [| n] p j.
move=> /Nat.le_0_r H; subst; destruct j; easy.
move=> /leP H; rewrite (sum_one _ (widen_ord H j));
move=> /leP H; rewrite (sum_one (widen_ord H j));
[apply kron_is_1; easy | apply kron_skipF_diag_r].
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ Lemma kron_sum_r :
intros [| n] p i.
move=> /Nat.le_0_r H; subst; destruct i; easy.
move=> /leP H; rewrite (sum_one _ (widen_ord H i));
move=> /leP H; rewrite (sum_one (widen_ord H i));
[apply kron_is_1 | rewrite (kron_skipF_diag_l (widen_ord _ _))]; easy.
......@@ -322,9 +322,8 @@ Lemma Sigma_LagPd0_eq_from_ref :
Sigma_LagPd0 vtx id0 p =
Sigma_LagPd0 vtx_ref id0 (p \o (T_geom vtx)).
intros; unfold Sigma_LagPd0, node_d0; rewrite comp_correct T_geom_am.
do 2 apply f_equal; extF; apply eq_sym, T_geom_vtx.
rewrite sum_ones_R; apply invertible_equiv_R, R_compl.INR_n0, S_pos.
intros; unfold Sigma_LagPd0, node_d0 at 1;
rewrite comp_correct node_ref_d0_node; easy.
......@@ -337,7 +336,7 @@ Lemma Sigma_LagPSdSk_eq_from_ref :
Sigma_LagPSdSk k vtx_ref i (p \o (T_geom vtx)).
intros; unfold Sigma_LagPSdSk.
rewrite comp_correct -node_ref_node T_geom_node; easy.
rewrite comp_correct -node_ref_node; easy.
Variable d k : nat.
......@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ Local Open Scope Group_scope.
Local Open Scope Ring_scope.
Section Node_Facts.
Section Nodes_Facts1.
Context {d k : nat}.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
Def 1588, Eq (9.80), p. 97. *)
Definition node_d0 (vtx : 'R^{d.+1,d}) : 'R^d := isobarycenter_ms vtx.
Lem 1604, p. 101. *)
Definition node_d0 (vtx : 'R^{d.+1,d}) : 'R^d := T_geom vtx node_ref_d0.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
......@@ -57,6 +57,21 @@ Definition node_d0 (vtx : 'R^{d.+1,d}) : 'R^d := isobarycenter_ms vtx.
Definition node (vtx : 'R^{d.+1,d}) (idk : 'I_(pbinom d k).+1) : 'R^d :=
T_geom vtx (node_ref idk).
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
Def 1588, Eq (9.80), p. 97. *)
Lemma node_d0_eq : forall vtx, node_d0 vtx = isobarycenter_ms vtx.
intro; unfold node_d0; rewrite node_ref_d0_eqF T_geom_am;
[rewrite T_geom_vtxF | apply invertible_plusn1_R]; easy.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
Lem 1599, p. 100. *)
Lemma node_ref_d0_node : node_ref_d0 = node_d0 vtx_ref.
Proof. unfold node_d0; extF; rewrite T_geom_ref; easy. Qed.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
Lem 1599, p. 100. *)
......@@ -95,14 +110,10 @@ intros; unfold Hface, node; rewrite Im_equiv; [| apply T_geom_inj; easy].
apply node_ref_Hface_ref_S; easy.
Lemma T_geom_node :
forall (idk : 'I_(pbinom d k).+1), T_geom vtx (node_ref idk) = node vtx idk.
Proof. easy. Qed.
End Node_Facts.
End Nodes_Facts1.
Section Nodes_Facts3.
Section Nodes_Facts2.
(** We need a dimension which is structurally nonzero.
We take d = d1.+1 with d1 : nat. *)
......@@ -134,7 +145,7 @@ Proof.
intros; unfold T_geom_Hface; rewrite comp_correct inj_Hface_ref_S_node_ref//.
End Nodes_Facts3.
End Nodes_Facts2.
Section Nodes_d1.
......@@ -210,7 +221,7 @@ Qed.
End Sub_vertices_Facts1.
Section Sub_node_Def.
Section Sub_nodes_Def.
Context {d : nat}.
Variable k : nat.
......@@ -224,18 +235,16 @@ Definition sub_node : 'I_(pbinom d k.-1).+1 -> 'R^d := node (sub_vtx k vtx).
Lemma sub_nodeF : sub_node = mapF (T_geom (sub_vtx k vtx)) node_ref.
Proof. easy. Qed.
End Sub_node_Def.
End Sub_nodes_Def.
Section Sub_node_ref_Facts1.
Section Sub_nodes_ref_Facts1.
Context {d k : nat}.
Hypothesis Hk : (1 < k)%coq_nat.
Lemma sub_node_ref : sub_node k (@vtx_ref d) = node (sub_vtx_ref k).
unfold sub_node; f_equal; extF i; unfold sub_vtx; rewrite T_geom_ref; easy.
Proof. rewrite sub_vtx_refF; easy. Qed.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
......@@ -251,10 +260,10 @@ rewrite !node_ref_eqF scal_assoc div_eq mult_comm_R -mult_assoc mult_inv_r;
rewrite mult_one_r; do 2 f_equal; apply Adk_previous_layer; easy.
End Sub_node_ref_Facts1.
End Sub_nodes_ref_Facts1.
Section Sub_node_Facts1.
Section Sub_nodes_Facts1.
Context {d k : nat}.
Hypothesis Hk : (1 < k)%coq_nat.
......@@ -273,13 +282,13 @@ Lemma sub_node_eq :
sub_node k vtx = widenF (pbinomS_monot_pred d k) (node vtx).
rewrite -T_geom_sub_nodeF sub_node_ref_eq// -widenF_mapF.
f_equal; extF; rewrite mapF_correct -node_ref_node T_geom_node; easy.
f_equal; extF; rewrite mapF_correct -node_ref_node; easy.
End Sub_node_Facts1.
End Sub_nodes_Facts1.
Section Sub_node_Facts2.
Section Sub_nodes_Facts2.
Context {d : nat}.
Context {vtx : 'R^{d.+1,d}}.
......@@ -297,4 +306,4 @@ rewrite Adk_last_layer;[| easy | apply S_pos].
rewrite Nat.nle_gt; simpl; apply /ltP; easy.
End Sub_node_Facts2.
End Sub_nodes_Facts2.
......@@ -41,20 +41,31 @@ Local Open Scope Group_scope.
Local Open Scope Ring_scope.
Section Node_ref_Facts1.
Section Nodes_ref_Facts1.
Context {d k : nat}.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
Lem 1601, Eq (9.93), p. 101. *)
Definition node_ref_d0 : 'R^d := fun=> / INR d.+1.
(* = constF d (/ INR d.+1). *)
Lemma node_ref_d0_eqF : node_ref_d0 = isobarycenter_ms vtx_ref.
rewrite isobaryc_ms_eq; [| apply invertible_plusn1_R; easy].
unfold plusn; rewrite sum_ones_R vtx_ref_sum scal_ones//.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
Lem 1601, Eq (9.94), p. 101.#<BR>#
This definition uses total function [inv].
This definition uses total function [inv] (via [div]).
It will be used for k>0 only.
The specific definition for k=0 is [node_d0], for any [vtx]. *)
The specific definition for k=0 is [node_ref_d0]. *)
Definition node_ref (idk : 'I_(pbinom d k).+1) : 'R^d :=
fun i => INR (Adk d k idk i) / INR k.
(* scal (/ INR k) (mapF INR (Adk d k idk)).*)
(* mapF (scal (/ INR k) (mapF INR)) (Adk d k).*)
(* = mapF (scal (/ INR k) (mapF INR)) (Adk d k).*)
Lemma node_ref_eqF :
forall idk, node_ref idk = scal (/ INR k) (mapF INR (Adk d k idk)).
......@@ -107,10 +118,10 @@ Lemma node_ref_Hface_ref_S :
Hface_ref i (node_ref idk) <-> Adk d k idk (lower_S Hi) = O.
Proof. intros; rewrite Hface_ref_S_eq node_ref_ASdki; easy. Qed.
End Node_ref_Facts1.
End Nodes_ref_Facts1.
Section Node_ref_Facts2.
Section Nodes_ref_Facts2.
(** We need a dimension which is structurally nonzero.
We take d = d1.+1 with d1 : nat. *)
......@@ -145,10 +156,10 @@ apply (scal_reg_r _ Hk1); rewrite !scal_assoc mult_inv_r// !scal_one_l//.
rewrite -mapF_insert0F; [easy | apply INR_0].
End Node_ref_Facts2.
End Nodes_ref_Facts2.
Section Node_ref_d1.
Section Nodes_ref_d1.
Context {d : nat}.
......@@ -168,14 +179,13 @@ Qed.
Lemma node_vtx_ref_d1 : node_ref = castF (eq_sym (pbinomS_1_r d)) vtx_ref.
Proof. intros; rewrite eq_sym_equiv -castF_sym_equiv -vtx_node_ref_d1//. Qed.
End Node_ref_d1.
End Nodes_ref_d1.
Section Sub_vertices_ref_Def.
Context {d : nat}.
Variable k : nat.
Variable vtx : 'R^{d.+1,d}.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
......@@ -304,9 +304,7 @@ Let pi_d_inv_inj := f_inv_inj pi_d_bij.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
Lem 1586, p. 96. *)
Lemma T_geom_permutF_bij : bijective (T_geom_permutF vtx pi_d).
apply T_geom_bij, aff_indep_permutF_equiv; [ apply injF_bij |]; easy.
Proof. apply T_geom_bij, aff_indep_permutF; easy. Qed.
Definition T_geom_permutF_inv : 'R^d -> 'R^d := f_inv (T_geom_permutF_bij).
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Lemma powF_P_one :
powF_P L B = pow (B k) a.
intros d B L a k HL; destruct d; [destruct k; easy |].
unfold powF_P; rewrite (prod_R_singl _ k).
unfold powF_P; rewrite (prod_R_singl k).
rewrite HL powF_correct; f_equal; apply itemF_correct_l; easy.
(* Warning: the multiplicative identity element of R_mul is displayed here as 0! *)
rewrite -powF_skipF HL skipF_itemF_diag.
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ now apply Nat.eq_le_incl.
apply nat_add_sub_r.
rewrite <- H.
rewrite -skipF_first.
apply (sum_skipF alpha ord0).
apply (sum_skipF ord0 alpha).
(* *)
unfold Slice_op; extF i; unfold castF; simpl.
case (Nat.eq_0_gt_0_cases i); intros Hi.
......@@ -325,8 +325,8 @@ Proof.
intros n A B i H1 H2.
apply Nat.add_lt_mono_l with (A i).
apply Nat.le_lt_trans with (sum A).
rewrite (sum_skipF A i); unfold plus; simpl; auto with arith.
rewrite H1; rewrite (sum_skipF B i).
rewrite (sum_skipF i A); unfold plus; simpl; auto with arith.
rewrite H1; rewrite (sum_skipF i B).
unfold plus; simpl.
apply Nat.add_lt_mono_r; auto with arith.
......@@ -71,6 +71,12 @@ fun_ext2; unfold liftF_S;
rewrite (vtx_ref_S (lift_S_not_first _)) lower_lift_S; easy.
Lemma vtx_ref_sum : sum vtx_ref = 1.
rewrite sum_ind_l vtx_ref_0// plus_zero_l vtx_ref_SF.
extF; rewrite fct_sum_eq kron_sum_l; easy.
#<A HREF="##RR9557v1">#[[RR9557v1]]#</A>#
Lem 1436, p. 55. *)
......@@ -347,7 +353,7 @@ intros j; rewrite Ker_equiv; apply LagPd1_ref_vtx_skipF.
intros x_ref; move: (vtx_ref_aff_span x_ref) => /aff_span_EX [L [HL ->]].
rewrite Ker_equiv.
move: (LagPd1_ref_barycF_rev HL) => /extF_rev HL1; rewrite (HL1 i) => HLi.
rewrite (baryc_skip_zero _ _ i)//; [apply Aff_span |].
rewrite (baryc_skip_zero i)//; [apply Aff_span |].
rewrite -(plus_zero_l (sum _)) -HLi -sum_skipF.
1,2: apply invertible_eq_one; easy.