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Created with Raphaël 2.2.023Feb22Nov201728Jul19May54230Apr292827262524Using the correct sortsmt-checksmt-checkdocs: updating docsv2.0.0 mainv2.0.0 mainVersion of Maude usedrefactor: structure of the fodlernew plotsadd new plots using only MaudeMaking it possible to run the benchmarks with Maude 3.2feat: add tranformation to the cliv1.0.1v1.0.1refactor: rename variable theory by methodfeature: add script to run the pipeline in CosyVerifImproving Readmev1.0.0v1.0.0Description of Maude's filesfix readmeupdate READMEupdate plotsMerge branch 'main' of into mainupdate logsadd IMPO resutlsadd tableadd title to plotsremove DS_Store filesadd title to plotsadd new resultsadd WFAS, packaging, NuclearPlant resultsadd results jobshopadd NuclearPlant modeladd packaging modeladd locs for WFASadd WFAS modeladd jobshop modelsadd jobshop_2_4 modeladd jobshop modeladd IMPO resultsMerge branch 'main' of IMPO modeladd ATM maude filesupdate logs with ATMadd ATM modelfix simop2 locationsadd simop2 results