## jsCoq related papers
A paper describing the ideas behind jsCoq has been published in the
proceeding of the [UITP 2016 workshop]( The
paper is available from the open access
proceedings. The recommended citation is:
author = {Gallego Arias, Emilio Jes\'us and Pin, Beno\^it and Jouvelot, Pierre},
year = {2017},
title = {{jsCoq}: Towards Hybrid Theorem Proving Interfaces},
editor = {Autexier, Serge and Quaresma, Pedro},
booktitle = {{\rmfamily Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on} User Interfaces for Theorem Provers,
{\rmfamily Coimbra, Portugal, 2nd July 2016}},
series = {Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science},
volume = {239},
publisher = {Open Publishing Association},
pages = {15-27},
doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.239.2},
issn = {2075-2180}
- [Bringing theorem proving to the sonic masses](
- Some further ideas behind jsCoq are also discussed in
[SerAPI: Machine-Friendly, Data-Centric Serialization for COQ. Technical Report](