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<h3>Welcome to the <span class="jscoq-name">jsCoq</span> Interactive Online System!</h3>
<span class="jscoq-name">jsCoq</span> is an interactive,
web-based environment for the Coq Theorem prover, and is a collaborative
development effort. See the <a href="#team">list of contributors</a>
<span class="jscoq-name">jsCoq</span> is open source. If you find any problem
that you wish to report or want to add your own contribution,
you are extremely welcome! We await your feedback at
<a href="">GitHub</a>
and <a href="">Zulip</a>.
<h4>A First Example: <code>rev</code> <code>∘</code> <code>rev = id</code></h4>
The following is a simple proof that <code>rev</code>, the standard list
reversal function as commonly defined in ML and other languages of the
family, is an involution.
Use <span class="has-kbd"><kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>↓</kbd>/<kbd>↑</kbd></span> to step through the proof,
and observe the proof state on the right panel.
<textarea class="snippet">
From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.</textarea>
We are going to need a simpler auxiliary lemma, one that connects
<code>rev</code>, <code>::</code> (the list constructor, also known
as <code>cons</code>), and <code>snoc</code> (the dual of
<code>cons</code>, a function that appends an element at the end of
a list).
This is because the latter two participate in the definition of
the former, <code>rev</code>.
<textarea class="snippet">Lemma rev_snoc_cons A :
forall (x : A) (l : list A), rev (l ++ [x]) = x :: rev l.</textarea>
This proposition is proven by way of the standard induction on
the structure of the list <code>l</code>.
<textarea class="snippet">Proof.
induction l.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite IHl. simpl. reflexivity.
Now we prove the central equality with a similar induction.
<textarea class="snippet">Theorem rev_rev A : forall (l : list A), rev (rev l) = l.
induction l.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite rev_snoc_cons. rewrite IHl.
Finally, we apply functional extensionality to produce the equality
as it was written in the title.
<p class="interim">
There is only one syntactic difference, which is that, in Coq, we
need to pass an explicit value to the implicit (generic) type
parameter <code>A</code> of <code>rev</code>.
<textarea class="snippet">From Coq.Program Require Import Basics.
From Coq Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Open Scope program_scope.
Theorem rev_invol A : rev (A:=A) ∘ rev (A:=A) = id.
apply functional_extensionality.
intro x.
unfold compose, id. rewrite rev_rev.
<hr/> <!-- end of proof -->
<h4>Quick start</h4>
Use the <a href="examples/scratchpad.html">scratchpad <span class="scratchpad-small"></span></a>
for a fresh page to write your proofs on.
<span class="jscoq-name">jsCoq</span> provides basic UI for running
and inspecting proofs, similar to IDEs such as <a href="">CoqIDE</a>,
<a href="">Proof General</a>,
and <a href="">VSCoq</a>.
<table class="doc-actions">
<tr><th>Button</th><th>Key binding</th><th>Action</th></tr>
<td><img src="frontend/classic/images/power-button-512-black.png" height="20px"></td>
<td>Toggles the goal panel.</td>
<td><img src="frontend/classic/images/down.png" height="15px"><img src="frontend/classic/images/up.png" height="15px"></td>
<kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>↓</kbd>/<kbd>↑</kbd> or<br/>
<td>Move through the proof.</td>
<td><img src="frontend/classic/images/to-cursor.png" height="20px"></td>
<kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>Enter</kbd> or<br/> <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Enter</kbd><br/>
(⌘ on Mac)
<td>Run (or go back) to the current point.</td>
<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<img class="symbol-mouse" src="frontend/classic/images/pointer.svg">
<td>Hover executed statements to peek at the proof state after each step.</td>
<h5>Creating your own proof scripts</h5>
The <a href="examples/scratchpad.html">scratchpad</a> offers simple, local
storage functionality. It also allows you to share your development with
other users in a manner that is similar to Pastebin.
<h5>There's more</h5>
See the <a href="">official docs</a>
on GitHub for more details on using, building, embedding, and integrating
<span class="jscoq-name">jsCoq</span> in your developments.
<span class="jscoq-name">jsCoq</span> comes with a variety of addon packages,
including Coq's standard library and the
<a href="">mathematical components</a>
Feel free to experiment, and let us know if you have any suggestions
and/or when you have done something cool with <span class="jscoq-name">jsCoq</span>.
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<div id="team">
<a name="team"></a>
<p><i>The dev team</i></p>
<a href="">Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias</a>
(<a href="">Inria</a>,
<a href="">Université de Paris</a>,
<a href="">IRIF</a>)
<a href="">Shachar Itzhaky</a>
(<a href="">Technion</a>)
Benoît Pin
(<a href="">CRI</a>,
<a href="">MINES ParisTech</a>)
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